America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 328 Baby Bear

Chapter 328 Baby Bear
Xiaoyao and Youyou didn't go to school again, they just went to kindergarten not long ago, and they started to ask for leave again.Although it is only a kindergarten now, it is really unreasonable to be absent from school for two or three days.

But there is no way, because the hibernating Jenny woke up; in fact, there is no big problem, Jenny is also a wild bear who survived and grew up in the wild.But when they saw the little meat ball in Jenny's arms, the whole family was extremely excited.

When the little parrots Romeo and Juliet came out of their shells, it really made the family very happy; now these two half-sized little parrots are happily jumping around the house every day, and they will cooperate with the children to use them together. The voice shouted songs that others could not understand.

But now, I saw a small light gray meat ball wriggling restlessly in Jenny's arms, and could even crawl a few times.Everyone knew what was going on, and everyone was getting excited.

Generally speaking, a pregnant female bear will burrow into the hole to hibernate after storing enough fat, and then give birth to cubs during hibernation.Black bears usually have two to three litters, and twins are very common.When the cubs are born, they only weigh about half a catty. They are hairless all over and cannot see clearly when they are born.

This is Pooh's flesh and blood, this is Pooh's child, and of course it will be different.

The only child, no twins, no three brothers; that's fine, Pooh and Jenny are both parents for the first time, so they don't have much experience.Even with Qiping's family taking care of him, there is no guarantee that everything will go well.These, in fact, more still need Jenny to learn to take good care of the bear.

The group of male bears has never been responsible for raising their children, and even in order to force those single mothers who raise their children to go into estrus as soon as possible, the male bears will kill the children of the female bears.In order to protect their cubs, female bears are always very careful. Lactating female bears will lead their cubs to avoid adult male bears as much as possible.

In nature, even with the utmost protection of female bears, many cubs will die young; and more than half of the reasons are caused by those male bears.

Of course, Jenny doesn't need to worry about this, because Pooh is a good-tempered guy, and he is also very powerful; this is Pooh's territory, which is contracted by Pooh and his iron buddies. If any beast wants to come, it will be punished. The type to be beaten hard and thrown.

The little bear was born, which was discovered by Pooh; this guy still loves his wife very much; maybe he has seen a lot of expressions of affection, which is influenced by his ears and eyes.Qi Ping and Kate, Qi Ping's parents, plus Luo Yi's family, and Qi Ping's father-in-law's family.It even includes Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, and several of them.

So now Pooh has some changes in concept, he is not the type who only cares about having children but not raising them; all this guy sees is having a baby, which is the focus of the whole family's attention, and he actually likes having a baby at home. of new members.Out of love and protection for his wife, Pooh basically goes to the foot of the mountain every day to see if the cave where Jenny hibernates has been destroyed.

But now, seeing that his wife had a child; the shitty Pooh hurried home, and the panicked roars along the way really scared many people.

You must know that this simple and honest guy has been fat and strong for a long time. He spends all day in circles at the door of the house. Even if he goes up the mountain occasionally, he goes out majestically and returns home full of ambition.In the forest farm, you can't see it panicking at all, especially when it looks anxious and roars all the way.

Of course, Qi Ping was taken aback. Things that could make Pooh almost urinate in fright, just thinking about it makes people feel terrified.At that moment, Qi Ping actually had a lot of bad thoughts in his heart, but at least he got along with him for several years, and he was able to know some of Pooh's emotions. Anyway, it was just flustered, not sad.

I went out with Pooh, although I didn't know what to do; but since Pooh called him as soon as he got home, he must have followed him out.He went to explore the road first, and then let his family know about it.

As a result, the children clamored not to go to the kindergarten; the little ones pouted their buttocks and carefully watched the cave where Jenny slept. They all knew this cave. In fact, there were a lot of grass, sponges or toys in the cave. It's all prepared by the children.

Some time ago, I heard that Jenny was going to sleep to give birth to a baby. The children wanted to take care of Jenny in different ways. They had long forgotten that they had bombarded Jenny for not being 'considerate' enough.And now, Jenny gave birth to a cute baby bear, of course the children are extremely excited.Little ones, now I only have cute little bears in my eyes.

Even Xiao Lele, who was just able to walk a little more steadily and speak fluently, was covering her little mouth at this moment, for fear of scaring Jenny and the baby bear.Jenny is still sleeping, and Baby Bear has not opened his eyes yet.

So now, although the children's faces are flushed with excitement, they all act lightly for fear of scaring the little bear.By the way, let the restless parents be quiet, so as not to scare the baby bear and Jenny who just gave birth.

"I'm getting less and less status now. The children are all going to see the baby bear, and I'm actually assigned the task of watching King Kong and Pooh."

Bored, Qiping sat on the ground, beside him were King Kong and Pooh, and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who were very 'speechless'.Fortunately, there is Kate who can accompany Qi Ping to chat in a low voice and have a sense of reality, otherwise the position will be even worse.

"You should feel happy. Pooh should be the most wronged at this time. His wife gave birth to a baby, but he doesn't even have the right to go over and take a look. Believe me, he must be very wronged."

Glancing at Pooh who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, Kate labeled him 'wronged'.Since Kate thinks that Pooh is "wronged", Qi Ping will definitely not object, otherwise he will definitely be criticized in the end.

A smart man knows which things can be argued for, and which things are better kept low-key; Qi Ping is a very smart and low-key type, because he knows that he really can't afford to mess with Kate.The most important thing is that Kate has three small backers behind her. She doesn't want to be criticized by the children all day long, so it's better to be honest and low-key.

"Dad, can I move here to live? I want a small wooden house, a dwarf's house. Then I can take care of Jenny and the baby bear. They can't go home now. Let me protect them!"

"Dad, I want to protect Jenny and the little bear together with my brother. I can bring a lot of delicious food. Jenny likes me and my brother the most. She doesn't like Dad."

Qi Ping is left with all kinds of deep helplessness now, and he doesn't know what to say now; in fact, this is not just a reason for the children to come and play.Jenny really doesn't like Qiping very much. Although it doesn't attack people, its attitude is very cold; but for the children who are always with Pooh, Jenny's attitude is relatively warm.

To be honest, Qi Ping also knows such things; Jenny really grew up in the wild, and it is actually quite good that she can basically accept Qi Ping's family now.As for the children, they can still play games with Jenny every now and then.In fact, among the children in the family, the friendship with Jenny is definitely the best.

Little Lele was bouncing around, and the little guy stretched out his little hand to show that he also needed to come together; he was too young, and now he couldn't speak when he got excited.In other words, the kid himself doesn't know much. Now when he gets excited, a sentence is mixed with Chinese, English and Martian, the three languages ​​he basically masters. Anyway, most people can only guess while listening.

"You can't move out now, you still need to live at home. You are still too young to take good care of Jenny and the baby bear. We will discuss with Jenny after a while, and we will see if we can bring Jenny and the little bear together." Bring the baby back home. You have to eat well and play games now, and only when you grow up quickly can you take better care of and protect the baby bear."

Hugging her cute little son, she pouted and asked for a kiss to the little son lying in her arms; Xiao Lele performed very well, and the little guy responded decisively with her cute little mouth.Looking at the eldest son who looked disgusted, Qi Ping felt bursts of depression. You must know that Xiaoyao also liked to play kissing games when he was a child, but he hated it when he grew up.

Once again, Qi Ping felt that his family status might decline, that is Xiao Yao; now he often hugs his younger brother or sister and kisses his mother and grandma.But when he saw his father pouting, the boy decisively turned his head and pretended not to see it. He could even hold Pooh and King Kong on their big heads and kiss them. Anyway, he didn't have a father's share.

With the lessons learned from Xiaoyao, Qi Ping must learn from his experience now; he used to be happy with his fat son, but now he has annoyed Xiaoyao.After all, Xiaoyao is just a kid, he doesn't like to kiss his father because he has a wild temper, he only likes his father to kiss him.

Therefore, the current Xiao Lele still needs to be educated according to his personality; the most important thing is not to always get close to the children, they have a lot of ideas.

It is still the most important task and responsibility to take good care of the children.

(End of this chapter)

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