America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 329 Don't Be Impulsive

Chapter 329 Don't be impulsive (please subscribe!!!)

There are indeed a lot of things at home now, and now Qi Ping really has a lot of things that need to be dealt with.Although he is busy, he must admit that Qi Ping is busy and happy now.

First of all, this guy needs video conferences twice a day. As the 'chief designer', the wildlife sanctuary really needs all kinds of guidance.

So Qi Ping is still very experienced, and he really does not intend to intervene in the specific work; but as a technical guide, some things still need Qi Ping to give advice.In the final analysis, he just needs more cooperation from others. Who makes the technology he has mastered now really the most important thing.

Generally speaking, this matter will not make Qi Ping feel very relaxed; he only needs to do his job well now, and more people need to ask his opinion.However, Qi Ping is also very clear that he can take some initiative, but he can't go too far. Since it is cooperation, mutual respect is still needed, and we can't play it off.

Business matters are not limited to these wildlife sanctuaries. In fact, the matters here are the least valued by Qi Ping.For him, these are actually more concerned about his own tree farm.

Vegetables, fruits, and resorts are the most profitable places in Qiping's current business; in fact, the current development speed of the pasture is quite fast, but the temporary output of the pasture is at most to ensure the balance of income and expenditure, because Qiping is very important to the pasture. The requirements are too high, and there is a real need for more and larger scales here.

"I have received an untold number of reservations for top restaurants, and our products have been completely divided up before they can be produced. I mean it's best not to mess with some new plans. It's really not worthwhile. Favor These things, anyway, can’t conflict with our money.”

"I support Luo Yi's opinion. Although I have gained a share in the domestic market alone, some second-generation people also want to buy some shares or buy goods at a low price. But in general It doesn't matter if I say it, it doesn't matter if I share some of the benefits, but we can't let them interfere in our business. They have their energy, we just do our business."

Well, both brother and Luo Yi are reminding Qi Ping that now he is enjoying his life here in the United States, and his career is also smooth and detached.Then, there is no need to be lured by some people to 'open up' a larger market.

The domestic market is indeed huge, with unlimited potential; for some rich people who love face and show off, they don't care about the price in consumption, they just need a superior position and a sense of superiority.

So now some well-dressed, capable and classy big businessmen are running over. Maybe these people can be called "red-top businessmen"; Not a problem at all.In fact, it also includes that once their shop opens, they don't need to worry about any troubles in the public eye, and ordinary people can't afford to mess with them.

"I just think we can actually dig deeper. The quality of our products is so good. Now it's too wasteful to just sell 'raw materials'. We now want vegetables and vegetables, fruits and fruits, and beef and mutton. Even There is no shortage of these top-quality fish in my Muse Lake, at most it is missing some seafood. It is true that we have made money now, but we can make more."

"You're just too greedy, you still want to earn all the money by yourself!" Just now after hearing Qi Ping's words, the elder brother first turned on the mocking mode, "You really don't have a shortage of products here. The top restaurant seems to be just for fun. Your ingredients are really attractive. But, you need to do too much to build a restaurant; the chef is only a matter of publicity, and there is also a market for the store. , management and the like, and various organization certifications and the like, it's annoying you!"

"The key is that this kid's ambition is really too big. He seems to be planning to set up a high-end restaurant to test the waters. But I think he wants to learn a little business model, and he will take it slowly in the future. Build his own high-end restaurant brand. He feels that the top ingredients are in his hands, and now that the market has recognized him, he wants to build a restaurant that must be relatively simple."

Qi Ping's thought seemed to be seen through by everyone in an instant, and it was really a bit embarrassing.In fact, he does have such ideas, and it is obvious that he has made some money now; it's just that Qi Ping feels that he should make more money.It is true that you can make some money just by selling the products you touch, but if you dig a little deeper, you can definitely make more money.

So when some energetic second-generation people came over and wanted to reach a cooperation with Qiping; in fact, it didn't mean that they would push Qiping's brother out of the market, they just hoped that Qiping could open up the supply, Let's work together to create some new high-end restaurant brands and enter the high-end restaurant market together.

Qiping, naturally these high-quality vegetables and fruits are produced, and these have been recognized by the market. These are the top products and are very famous.Even the level of some high-end restaurants, to a large extent, is to see if there are vegetables and fruits from Wonderland Forest Farm. These are actually more influential, not that you have a Michelin star mark or the like.

Without top-quality ingredients, where can there be higher-quality delicacies.The chef's skill is of course very important, but when there are many chefs, they still need to check the quality of the ingredients in their hands to place an order.It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and good ingredients are the foundation.

"I think it's really hard to say. For me, it doesn't matter whether I give the product to those second-generation restaurants or some other restaurants. Anyway, I still earn the money I should make. Just think about it. At that time, all our products will be handed over to them, and the result will be that our current cooperation partners will definitely be deadlocked. It is impossible for those restaurants to close down, but the cooperation with us will definitely come to an end.”

"Those people say that they are putting pressure on them, and they can bear the loss of the contract. But if you think about it, we will tie them together at that time, and only they will sell our products. At that time, we will They have no initiative; they can’t get in the foreign market, but they have the final say on the domestic market.”

Qi Ping was taken aback by what the elder brother said. Qi Ping had thought about these things a little bit, but he definitely didn't think so much.At that time, he just saw more beautiful pies; for example, they joined forces to rule the domestic real high-end restaurant market.At that time, although it will not dominate the rivers and lakes, it will only be able to gradually grow bigger.

Qi Ping's idea is not only the domestic market, he does know that the domestic market is quite large and has great potential.It's just that he thinks that he started first in the domestic market, to a large extent, to accumulate experience first.

Some things are just facts. For example, China is now more and more in line with international standards, but many things are really hard to say.Some things really do not belong to the market or capital, but perhaps to the 'ability and relationship'.It’s okay to suppress some things if you want to, it doesn’t matter if it’s not so formal.

Therefore, Qi Ping was very moved by the proposals of these second-generation and red-top businessmen. They took care of all the official affairs, and Qi Ping was responsible for producing good products.When the profit is distributed, Qi Ping will still be able to get [-]%; after setting aside the cost of vegetables, he can still occupy [-]% of the profit in the restaurant, which is really exciting.

"Think about it, these high-end restaurants are not only operating in the domestic market, but many of them are international brands. Indeed, in China, those red-capped businessmen and second-generation officials walked sideways, and they were awesome. When they came to the country, how many people gave them face. Those people, in fact, were very powerful in the country, and they are not all scumbags when they come out."

"My brother is right. If you go to the domestic market now, you will offend too many partners. If you talk about regular high-end restaurants, no one will say anything. But you have to do it Some methods that don’t look very glorious are big problems. It’s better for us to proceed step by step, and we must not make detours.”

Qi Ping now belongs to the top two big ones, and he has just had one or two contacts with those red-capped businessmen, and he hasn't even talked about some in-depth cooperation.Everyone is just chatting about the weather and the recent economic situation. There are no specific cooperation matters yet.It's a pity that Luo Yi and his elder brother ran over immediately and advised Qi Ping not to be impulsive.

Beginning to calm down slowly, Qi Ping felt that there was some truth to it.

Those second-generation, red-capped businessmen are very prestigious in the country, and even the boss of the sky and the second child of the earth belong to the type of the third.But when they go abroad, these guys are all legal and dutiful citizens.In fact, they are typical of the nest, and no one will give them face when they go abroad.

If Qi Ping cooperates with those people, he can make some money in the domestic market, or even a lot; but these foreign markets will be in trouble at that time.Those people are doing well in the country, but it's hard to say what practical benefits Qi Ping can get.

So now, I really need to think about it, anyway, I can't be impulsive!Don't be impulsive at all, and you can't completely give up the unimaginably huge market for a certain piece of delicious-looking pie. These are typical examples of picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon!

(End of this chapter)

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