America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 330 The wrist is not big enough

Chapter 330 The wrist is not big enough (please subscribe!!)

"Mr. Zhou, I'm really sorry. The output of my forestry farm is too limited, basically one radish and one pit. You may have heard of some of my products, and many top restaurants are It needs to be booked in advance. It is no exaggeration to say that every catty of my products is booked, and I really don’t want to change my mind suddenly.”

"Mr. Qi, we are not asking to take away the agency rights of Fairyland Forest Farm's products. We just hope to establish a chain of high-end restaurants in major cities in China. You don't need to worry about stores, personnel, and management. Brother here Done. You just need to sneak out some goods on hand for us, and by the way, check some domestic restaurant supply channels."

"This is definitely not going to work. The contract is there. The products on my side are all ordered by others. What products do they need and how many scales do they need, and then I will produce them again. If the supply of many restaurants is cut off at once, how much will be paid for breaking the contract? Money is one thing, and the product on my side is in my hands."

"That's not the case. The Fairyland Forest Farm's brand is so loud that the orders for your products have been queued for several years. As long as you have products, there will be a lot of people grabbing them with checks, and they don't care. As for the specific type of product, as long as it is a product of the Fairyland Forest Farm, it will do.”

Mr. Zhou, who still looks very refined and personable, appeared in front of Qi Ping again with two or three young people in custom-made high-end suits.In fact, it is secondary to how sanctimonious these people are or whether they are really consistent.

Those who do business, especially those who have a large business, will more or less have some disgraceful methods.In fact, Qi Ping also has such methods, perhaps to suppress and slander his peers, or to disrupt the market.

Anyway, he now has a good enough product and enough capital, so he will not allow others to grab his job.

Yes, Qi Ping is already domineering now that he has successfully occupied a large market, and even he has become the leader of this market.Therefore, while maintaining the leading edge of his own products, he still pays attention to competitors; that is to say, he feels that some products may threaten the market of his own products, so he must prevent problems before they happen.

"Mr. Qi, we really cooperate sincerely. You are also from China. You know that our country is getting richer and richer. There is unimaginable wealth here. Think about it, foreign countries The major brands of China are rushing to enter the country. This is because they are optimistic about the domestic market potential. In fact, they have also made a lot of money. We can’t always let foreigners earn all the money. We have the ability to do it ourselves. Great market."

"I'm actually a crooked nut now. If I made money in China, it still seems to be spent abroad. As for me, I made money in the United States and spent it in the United States. I didn't intend to make money in China and be chic in the United States."

Qi Ping retorted neither soft nor hard, he knew very well that these people were actually beating him; the fact that the domestic market has huge potential and major brands are rushing in is actually a reminder to Qi Ping.

If they want to develop domestically, these top red-top businessmen have great energy.If you want to make more money at home, you should learn to cooperate.Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble at that time, and it may not be possible to make money.Others have already taken a share of the domestic market, and you, Wonderland Forest Farm, can only cry while looking at this huge cake.

"I mean to do things according to the contract. I can provide you with some products, but you have to follow the contract. The contract should be signed, the intermediary fee that should be paid, etc. You will give me all these. I will also give For your convenience, just provide you with some products that are suitable for our country. We all work together to make money together, there is no need to eat alone."

Qi Ping's words made Zhou Zong's face very ugly, which completely meant that he was doing business.This is exactly what a businessman looks like, there is no discount at all, and there is no private agreement.

To be honest, there is really no need to negotiate in person for this kind of business, it is too cheap, quite cheap.Mr. Zhou is a top red-capped businessman with energy beyond your imagination. He originally wanted to occupy a large part of the domestic top market.But now it's all right, and it's actually become the nature of just wanting to open a 'franchise store'.

Mr. Zhou has experienced strong winds and waves, so although his complexion is not good-looking, he can basically bear it.But those who are younger are a little gloomy and angry. They have always been smooth sailing, and there is not much difficulty in 'negotiating business'.The most important thing is that there are too few people who don't give face.

"I'm not doing business in China, so don't say that my store can't keep going. If you have the power to label my products as unqualified or exceeding the standard, that's up to you , anyway, my products do not lack such a domestic market. By the way, there are really too many top restaurants that I cooperate with; you are very good in China, but it is hard to say when you go abroad.”

Seeing a young man wanting to get angry, Qi Ping laughed first; having money in China is not necessarily the most important thing, power is actually the most powerful thing.In fact, with a certain amount of wealth, you still need to 'focus on the overall situation', but you will be less guided by insignificant people or relevant departments.Official standard means that the official is the biggest; the family of the official is in business, that is a red-capped businessman wearing an official hat!
Qi Ping's words were quite rude, but when these people heard it, their faces turned red with anger, and they didn't even throw out any harsh words.Because these people know very well that they are all great figures in China, and they say what they say; but when they go abroad, they are all honest businessmen, and they will contract with you and the spirit of the contract, rather than any relationship or face. Or favor.

"Mr. Qi, you can think about it carefully. We came here with enough sincerity. We will definitely be able to achieve a win-win situation if we cooperate together. We have products and strengths, so there is no reason not to be successful, and there is no reason not to make money. Get the most money. Your product is the only one in the market, coupled with our business, it will definitely succeed! We really don’t have much foundation now, but the future market belongs to us.”

"I'm actually just thinking about doing the market with such an acre of three-point land. I don't plan to reach out into an industry I'm not familiar with. To be honest, I believe in your energy, and I also believe that you have the ability to build a high-quality The high-end restaurant brand. However, my goal is not only in China, but also in the global market. Therefore, no matter how prestigious you are in China, or whether you have official or unofficial support, we will know when you go abroad. That counts for nothing."

Qi Ping leisurely left, feeling quite relaxed and comfortable; thinking about it now, he was quite prescient.If we were to develop in China at the beginning, maybe we can make a lot of money now; but there must be some bad things in the process, and there must be some people who want to come to all kinds of hands.

Insider transactions are not news in China.Even these things are very famous abroad, which makes people laugh bitterly.

At the beginning, Alibaba wanted to list in the United States, but Mark Cuban, a minority shareholder of Alibaba and Mavericks owner, said in an interview that Alibaba should not be listed in the United States.

Alibaba is indeed the largest IPO company, but if someone calls one day, he is very powerful.If you don't give him the inside story then, just wait and see.At home, those people can't say 'this is a violation of the US Insider Trading Act' or something like that.

In fact, more people are still willing to form some relationships. This is a guarantee, and they will share part of their interests, and then get better development guarantees.

Some policies of the United States, and even some policies of other countries may not be applicable in China, and the binding force is definitely not so strong.This is 'characterism', and in many cases it is the type that has no way to say anything more.

Qi Ping handed over his bottom line, and normal and formal cooperation must be no problem. At that time, everyone belonged to a real strong alliance, rather than some shady means.If you want to cooperate, you have to show sincerity. The most important thing is that those messy methods are not enough; buddies have a high vision, it doesn't look like some guys who only know how to behave in a crooked way.

Qi Ping did not give face, which really made Mr. Zhou and the others feel very angry and ashamed, but they had nothing to do.In terms of rights, they really don't count when they go abroad; threats and beatings are of no use at all.The most important thing is that when it comes to overseas influence or property, Qi Ping is obviously more influential.

Originally thought that we could throw a little bait to attract Qiping, and then everyone would make a fortune together and quickly establish a top restaurant brand in China.But now it seems that there is no play at all, it is completely useless, it is not to stand on the shoulders of "giants" to build a high-end restaurant brand, but that people simply look down on you, some clowns who can only jump around the country.

Although it is very hurtful to self-esteem and the self-confidence of these big shots who have always belonged to the wind and rain, there is no other way now.Speaking of people like them, their influence is too limited; even the means of these people may not be of much use in the country, so if others don't give face, they can only admit the fact that their wrists are not big enough.

(End of this chapter)

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