America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 337 It's hard to catch a thief!

Chapter 337 It's hard to catch a thief!

Qi Ping has always believed in the principle that harmony makes money, and he is still very willing to get rich together with others.He also thinks that it is a good thing that people don't offend me and I don't offend others. He doesn't like to take the initiative to cause trouble; but once someone violates his interests, Qi Ping will immediately change from a bad-tempered old man to a very angry fighter. '.

Now Qi Ping is about to start 'causing trouble' because his interests have been violated.Qi Ping even felt that if he continued to swallow his anger when his family's property was being peeped at, then he would definitely encounter more "wishful people" thinking of crooked ideas.At this time, you should be more high-profile, let alone soft-hearted.

Don't look at Blake who came to the door crying and begging for forgiveness now, and now he started to pretend to be a neighbor, and even went to find Qi Ping's old man to make friends.It is said that it has been an old neighbor for many years, and he must be helped at this time; he has already admitted his mistake and has learned his lesson.

So now, he hopes that Qi Ping will be merciful, and he doesn't want to be prosecuted; because he knows very well that once prosecuted, it will be a felony.If not immediately thrown into prison, the fate is actually not much better.Although he was only an accomplice, this matter would never be easy. This time, he was not thinking about how much benefits he had received, but was thinking about whether he could escape from prison.

"I won't intercede for him. He should pay for his greed. In fact, we all know this. He should know what kind of mistake he made, and he should know what kind of lesson he should get. It's not just Neighborhood conflicts, he can't let his neighbors suffer losses because of his greed!"

"I support Mark, he should pay for his greed. Actually, I don't want to have more dealings with him. We all know that he is a person with low moral character. Even I think, he should not be released on bail. rights, he should be sent to federal prison immediately!"

Well, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law seemed even more annoyed than Qi Ping at this time. They all thought that the scumbag Blake should pay the price.

In the small town of Ramona, there are indeed some disgraceful things; it's just that in such a small town, everyone is acquainted to a large extent.And suddenly knew that his neighbor was actually a thief, helping 'outsiders' to harm the residents of the town.People like this are undoubtedly disgusted; even if the United States is more open, everyone's perception of some scumbags is actually the same.

"Hey, man. I know I shouldn't be talking to you at this time, but I think you should know that I can get my driver's license in no time. I remember exactly what you said to me , For example, my car, you will give me a very nice sports car."

Joshua is very helpless, the little nephew just likes him, there is really no other way; Xiao Lele is lying on his stomach and playing the game of biting his nose, although he likes this clingy little nephew who likes to act like a baby , but there are many half-children like Joshua who still don't have much patience.Who makes children too pestering, if you don't have a certain amount of patience, you can't deal with these little guys.

"What kind of car do you want? I can tell you that Ferrari 430/458 is impossible, Porsche 911 and Panamera are impossible. You should be clear that your first car is absolutely impossible to be those super sports cars. I've actually been thinking about something lately, a sports car that fits my profile."

"Well, I know if I want to get a Lamborghini, an Aston Martin or a Pagani, I can't have one of those high-profile supercars. But I believe that if it is a Porsche boxster, it must be no problem. We Best buddy, you'll give me a nice sports car."

Patted the fat nephew's little butt, and sent Xiao Lele to bring Romeo and Juliet; it must be no problem, the fat nephew is still young, and he is happily looking for his little friends with his short legs up.As for whether uncle wants to chat with Romeo or simply dismiss him, Xiao Lele must not be able to figure it out.

Seeing the happy face of the fat son, Kate felt very helpless; this boy was obviously not Joshua's opponent, and Joshua, a bastard, was only capable of deceiving innocent children now.

Qi Ping agreed to Joshua, although the car he wanted was actually not bad, and it was even a very good sports car.But Qi Ping felt that there was no problem. Such a car is indeed high-profile for high school students, but it cannot be said that it is unacceptable.Who would allow American children to get a driver's license at the age of 16, and many of them have relatively rich families, and the price of buying these good cars is actually acceptable.

It’s really not a big deal for the rich second generation to drive a good car; not only in the United States, but also in China.It's just that Joshua's car looks more advanced, but if it is in China, it is at the level of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.Many second generations can drive around without even having a driver's license.

Only a few people hold more wealth, and they also enjoy more good things.

Qi Ping has always been very kind to his relatives, and he is very generous; if it wasn't because his brother-in-law was only 16 years old, Qi Ping would definitely give him a real sports car.Even for his brother-in-law who is good at baseball, Qi Ping already has a very good arrangement.

If Joshua is not admitted to a good university, spend some money to send him to a university to receive a better education; if Joshua does not fulfill his dream of becoming a professional player, Qi Ping will arrange a more lucrative job for Joshua .Anyway, Qi Ping will not let his relatives and friends live in poverty; even if they are not really rich, they can reach a well-off level anyway.

"Boss, we have found more clues, and now more clues are pointing to Stowen Racecourse and Field Racecourse. They already know that this matter may be exposed, and they are also getting nervous. According to me We know that they are now looking for channels, on the one hand, they may hope to reconcile, and on the other hand, they may try to cover up."

Kentris is working hard on this matter now. The grass seeds have been stolen from the ranch. It is really his and the security department's negligence in this matter.Although Qi Ping didn't say much, he still felt that he had been slapped naked in the face; this matter was unbearable, and he even sought out the relationship with his former colleagues just to 'solve the case'.

Counting on those policemen, their efficiency is too low is one thing, and those guys often need to consider all aspects of the relationship.This matter is not easy, and it is easier to do it in private; the most important thing is to get the evidence in hand, the shorter the time, the more they can catch their flaws.

Stowen Racecourse and Field Racecourse, this is a first-class racecourse; this is a large horse farm in Kentucky, maybe they are not the best horse farms, but they are definitely one of the strongest horse farms.The horse racing industry in Laomei is very developed, and Kentucky is the number one in horse racing!Here, also known as the State of Green Grass, horse racing has been given considerable attention here.

The Kentucky Derby, the first stop of the horse racing Triple Crown, is here; and Kentucky is known as the horse capital of the world. The number of pure stallions bred and sales value ranks first in the United States, bringing nearly one billion US dollars in revenue to the state every year. !
"I don't accept a settlement and I want you to know that they have to pay for the mistakes they made. I know they are one of the best ranches and they have the best breeds; but we all know they don't Reasons to steal my pasture. They need to give me an explanation, an explanation that satisfies me."

At this time, not only Qi Ping despised those thieves, Qi Ping's family hated these hateful thieves even more.Now that the clues have been found, they must be made to pay a painful price; even those guys may have some energy, but since they made a mistake, they should have the consciousness to pay a painful price!
In fact, everyone knows these things. Once those people are caught by Qiping, they basically need to be sanctioned.The simplest way to say it is that they actually broke the law.Moreover, a 'plaintiff' like Qi Ping has financial resources and energy, and such a person cannot be provoked at all.

"It is definitely impossible to reconcile, and we all understand what is going on. Although the police station has filed a case, it has now entered the investigation process of the federal police. As long as we can accept their bowing, the court will The chances of reconciliation are actually quite high."

"Why do I want to reconcile? I don't understand why so many people have revealed to me that they want to reconcile. To find out whether it is good or not, I now have the initiative and clues. Such a good one. I definitely can't miss this opportunity. This is a bloody warning to those with ulterior motives, and I won't miss it anyway."

If it weren't for the fact that he knew Luo Yi and Steve very well, Qi Ping would have suspected something.Why did my good buddy become someone else's lobbyist? Now that I think about it, it's really depressing. My side is constantly pushing those thieves into corners.But at this time, the resistance is getting bigger and bigger, and it's still someone I know well!
This matter is really depressing, quite depressing; my buddies are about to pay the thieves a painful price, but now it's a good thing that they have met more and more influential lobbyists.If it's just an insignificant person, it's fine, the key is the most determined buddy, this matter is definitely depressing and puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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