America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 338 The Benefits of Reconciliation

Chapter 338 The Benefits of Reconciliation (Seeking Subscription)

It is difficult to catch a thief, quite difficult; things that should make people feel positive and full of sense of justice are actually developing in an unbelievable direction.

To catch a thief, shouldn't it be to find clues and then take the stolen goods and get them to pay the price? !
"So we are here to persuade you now, we are here to tell you how to maximize your interests." Luo Yi was very depressed. He felt that Qi Ping was a straight-hearted guy who didn't understand the exchange of interests at all; he was too upright, right? Good thing, especially for some people who do business, "what good is it if you catch a thief?"

"Catch the thieves and let them face the trial of the law, let them lose their reputation. By the way, I can also kill chickens and monkeys." These things are things that Qi Ping takes for granted, "You all know that many people are against my property now. All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, I should catch one or two people with some weight now to serve as a warning."

"You caught those thieves out, and let them introduce a few scapegoats who might go to prison. But for you, I don't think it's good for you. It seems that the dug grass may not be able to grow again. I didn't get any benefits." Steve, who hadn't said much all the time, spoke, which made people stunned.

"Stuven Racecourse and Field Racecourse may have a bad reputation because of this matter. Their reputation may not be ruined, but they will definitely have some bad influence. But, you have not benefited!"

Luo Yi also spoke, and the meaning was similar to what Steve said; it was surprising, but the focus of the topic was on Qi Ping's interests.It is obvious that what his iron buddies care about now is not necessarily to make some people accept punishment, but what they care about is how to bring more benefits to Qi Ping at this time.

This also made Qi Ping start to calm down, and now he is starting to think about whether to think about something again.It seems that this matter really can't just talk about the sense of justice, morality, and upholding the law. The first thing that should be thought of now is to protect one's own interests, and even maximize one's own interests in this incident.

"We all know something. Those top horse farms are not based on the best pasture. In fact, they often need to import excellent pasture from some places. What they have is excellent horse training technology and breeding technology; The most important thing is that they have the best horse breeds, even some top breeds and excellent foals, they will not sell them to others. This time, your chance is here!"

Just after Steve finished speaking, Luo Yi was the interface; it seemed that they had communicated a long time ago, and their ideas were similar.Their meanings are very simple, since those people have the intention of reconciliation, then Qi Ping can borrow the slope to get off the donkey.There's no need to fight to the death, as it won't do much good for everyone.

Qi Ping finally understood why Luo Yi and Steve came here to be lobbyists; they didn't take other people's favors or something, they were completely thinking about Qi Ping.The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. When Qi Ping is sometimes impulsive, Luo Yi and Steve will try their best to help him calm down.

"Everyone knows the current construction of your racecourse. Your one-year-old horses and two-year-old horses are very good. But you are also running a racecourse now. You should also know that the king of two-year-old horses may not necessarily be able to grow at three-year-old horses. You can also win in horse races. Injury to Zhongyong is too common on the racetrack. Your horse breed itself has problems with its qualifications, so its potential is relatively limited."

Hearing Steve's words, Qi Ping was a little silent; of course he knew very well that a two-year-old horse with good grades is nothing at all.Because of horse racing, the most exciting and most concerned are the races for horses over three years old, which are official races, and the others are just the 'Youth Group'.Not every genius can grow up in the end. In reality, we need to look at more aptitude and potential.

"The horse breeds you bought, as well as the horses you ran to breed, are at best relatively good, barely considered top-notch. But the top horse breeds have never had anything to do with you. Even if your horse farm can breed them, but You know better than me how long it will take. Genetic improvement and the like are never achieved overnight."

"You can settle with Stuven or Field and you don't sue them. I'm sure they'd love to, because they don't want to have any more acrimony with a growing billionaire, and they don't want their own The racecourse gets involved in such a scandal, which will damage the value of their racecourse. Reconciliation, this is your chance to rise quickly!"

Well, if you don't understand Qi Ping anymore, you are a complete fool. The good buddies have already made the topic completely clear; it can be reconciled, but some people have to show true sincerity.Reconciliation, especially by those who do not have the initiative, should show a genuine peace of mind.

Perhaps those racecourses are definitely unwilling to give top stallion horses to Qiping as compensation, but Qiping can definitely ask them for conditions.For example, let some horses from your own racecourse be bred with the real top breeds, for example, let them open their mouths to sell the top breeds at a discount.

These are all possible, especially now that Qiping has caught those people's pigtails; maybe those people used to prevaricate buyers with the excuse that they are not for sale and not allowed to sell, but now they have no right to bargain at all .Either open your mouth, or meet in court, and let's see if the laws of the United States can keep some criminal bastards.

"My eyes are bright now. If I can get some real top horses from them, although I may not be able to rise immediately or master the best horse breeds immediately. However, I have more opportunities to quickly Rising, can I have the opportunity to create a real racecourse?!"

Seeing that his good buddy looks like a teachable child, Qi Ping is really lazy to care about these bastards now.This matter, they really reminded Qiping, so that Qiping can open up a new vision, and it is very likely to make a new breakthrough in his career.

This matter really needs to be carefully considered. In fact, such conditions may not be acceptable to those people.Because they all know very well that once Qiping masters the best horse breed, they are likely to be squeezed out of the real high-end market in the future. Push on the 'throne' with one hand.

These people came here restlessly to steal pasture, not because they wanted to master better horse breeds, but because they saw the endless potential of Qiping's horse farm and felt great pressure.These people didn't want to attack the enemy. What they thought of was to strengthen their own strength, because they knew that Qi Ping had no way to suppress him. He just needed some time, and Qi Ping's rise was inevitable.

"If this matter works well, I will spend at least three years less time, and I am likely to see some results immediately. Slowly cultivating horse breeds takes time and money, but it doesn't matter if you spend a little money now, because later earn more."

Finally got the hang of it, Qi Ping finally got the hang of it; now he has finally learned to exchange benefits and maximize benefits, there is no need to be so rigid and dogmatic.If the operation is more flexible, if you can think of more things, then you can easily achieve success, and even more easily be able to move around in these so-called high society and high-end markets with ease.

Qi Ping should not only learn to be a rich man, because he is rich in himself.But what Qi Ping should learn is to become an outstanding businessman, he must learn some necessary business operations.To be honest, it is true that Qi Ping has a lot of money now, and his property is also huge.

But Qi Ping has a successful career, and the business operations he handles are really limited, and he doesn't even have much business talent.To be able to achieve success is largely due to finding a very good partner; the most important thing is that the quality of its own products is quite excellent. Compared with those so-called high-end products on the market, flush products have absolute crushing The pressure advantage, so it does not necessarily need any commercial means.

But the things I encounter now are no longer the field I am good at, so at this time, it should not be just sitting at home waiting to collect money like before, and it should not be just the most basic, or not stupid, business operation.

Who makes Qi Ping not have too many advantages now? He is not good at everything, let alone doing everything according to his ideas.A little money is not fake, and a little ability is not fake, but this does not mean that Qi Ping is an authority and leader in all fields. Sometimes he still needs to learn the necessary regression, which is actually for better progress.

Now it seems that there is really no need to consider any sense of justice, laws and regulations, etc. It still needs to be more flexible.It seems to be the most correct thing to bring some people to justice, but unfortunately such a thing is not in the interests of Qi Ping, it seems that this is just a little scary, and it is impossible to earn even a dime. Losing money is not worth it!

If the court reconciles and then everyone sits together and has a good talk, then maybe this can break the situation; everyone makes money from harmony, although there was some misunderstanding before, it can be understood as not knowing each other without fighting.The most important thing is that everyone is a businessman. As long as they can make money and not cause trouble, there is really no reason to refuse such a thing. Who makes everyone need to make money to support their families!

(End of this chapter)

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