America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 339 Business Image

Chapter 339 Business Image
As a businessman, you really need to learn to assess the situation and be good at seizing opportunities.Qi Ping, who aspires to become a big businessman and entrepreneur, really needs a little higher for his requirements.

Among other things, the exchange of interests and cooperation are definitely indispensable; apart from not allowing others to intervene in some of the core interests of the family, Qi Ping is now considering strong cooperation.

In the past, he just thought about eating alone, slowly working hard and developing, and all the profits he got belonged to him.Moreover, he has the final say on how to develop his own industry.In the final analysis, Qi Ping's previous development ideas were a bit petty; but now, he needs to broaden his horizons.

But now it seems to forget it, this kind of development is indeed "steady" and "steady", but the speed is indeed a bit slower.It would be more practical to join forces, each with its own strengths; then the speed and scale of development would definitely be different.Maybe the money you get doesn't seem to be the most lucrative, but when you think about time, energy, etc., it's a completely different matter.

Besides, there are professional people doing professional things, which saves a lot of work compared to "starting from scratch" and slowly starting from scratch, and can greatly guarantee the success rate, and will avoid a lot of detours.

Thinking about it now, it's pretty good. Although the development of the racecourse is good, it still takes a lot of time according to Qi Ping's previous plan; and now that he has found a suitable reason, he can start to consider cooperation.Anyway, Qi Ping now holds the absolute initiative, and the cooperation will indeed be dominated by him; it's okay to share a little cake, because he can earn more money and have a better team.

After finishing the cooperation work, he drove the car and prepared to go home; he planned to buy a fairly good Porsche sports car for his brother-in-law, but now Qi Ping is also thinking about some other things, such as a car that suits his worth.

To say that there must be a lot of flush means of transportation. The high-end and high-grade private jets are the Gulfstream G650; the Cadillac Escalade is very suitable for home use, and the modified car such as the Ford F650 takes King Kong Pooh out. .As for the most caring person, it must be that naughty wild boy Heitan.

However, Qi Ping is at the level of a big boss anyway, and his car is not that kind of business model.

"Holy crap……"

Qi Ping was still thinking about what kind of car to buy, but he was stunned as soon as he arrived at the door.

Pooh and his daughter-in-law are loving each other like no one else, and the young couple are loving each other; as for their baby bear, they are now happily running around on the lawn with the children.

Wild black bears like Jenny are more wary, especially mothers with cubs are more protective of their cubs.Although Qiping's family is indeed accepted by it, it does not mean that it has unreserved trust.Little bear, this must be under its nose all the time, and Qi Ping's family is not allowed to take away little bear.

Don't look at the current baby bear who can run around happily, but this little guy has never been to the house.This kid is a little too young, so he doesn't have any right to choose at all, he just runs around with his mother.

"Dad, the little bear is here as a guest, we are going to play games with him!"

Four or five children were happily running around on the lawn, besides the three naughty boys from Qi Ping's family, there were also two boys from Luo Yi's family; these little guys liked the little bear very much, and even now they only liked the little bear.

Chubby and full of cuteness, this little bear is actually very cute; children have always liked small, cute animals.As for Pooh and King Kong, they are giants in the children's mind. Although they are very reliable, they are not as cute as the little bear.

"Then you have to take good care of the baby bear. It's the first time it comes to our house as a guest. We should be more enthusiastic and friendly. It is our guest. Only when the guests feel our friendliness will they be more willing to come to us more." It’s not just about taking care of the baby bear, Jenny is also visiting our house for the first time.”

Seeing the baby bear the size of a kitten running against Lele, Qi Ping smiled happily; he touched the heads of Xiaoyao and Yoyo, these two little guys were much more reliable than the ignorant Lele.The little ones may not be very thoughtful about entertaining guests, but they are really good at it now.

"We helped Jenny take a bath just now, and my brother and I used the water pipe to help Jenny take a bath. We also prepared a lot of delicious food. Jenny is full, and now she is going to play games with Pooh."

"Baby Bear didn't come to our house as a guest, this is also his home. Pooh is his father, and this is Pooh's home! Baby Bear has grown up, so he is going home now. Dad, we also talked to him when we were young. Is mom living outside, can we go home only when we grow up?"

Qi Ping was dumbfounded by the children's naive questions. In fact, most of the children's questions made people don't know how to answer them at all.But it doesn't matter, children will grow up slowly, and they will know these problems.

Let these stalkers continue to play games at the door, these little guys just play games all day long so they won't get bored.It is better to let them continue to play the game, which can actually save a little worry.

"I want to buy a car, a business car that looks good. Our car is either too homely or too sporty. I don't think this is appropriate. We need to consider changes when we attend receptions and business events. "

"I've known this for a long time. I said that you should choose some cars and dresses that suit your identity." Kate felt very happy. She felt that her constant preaching for so long finally had an effect. "We all know about cars, but there are scooter, sports, off-road, family or business. Like dresses, some are ordinary and some are elegant."

Watching his wife happily continue to sell her ideas, Qi Ping can only listen and watch here now; it must be quite unwise to talk about fashion and dressing with Kate.It's better to be honest, what Kate said is correct, her aesthetic is more convincing, she is 'professional', much better than the amateur flush!

"I don't like Rolls-Royce, I prefer Bentley or Maybach..."

"OK, I see. I will recreate a new image for you. You need an image that is more in line with successful people. You need to participate in high-end receptions and press conferences, and you need to attend some business negotiations. So your suit, Shirts, ties, and your leather shoes, belts, and watches all need to be prepared more appropriately. A car does not represent the image of a successful business elite, and you need to prepare too much.”

Seeing his wife talking endlessly, Qi Ping was completely dumbfounded; he just wanted to buy a nice business car, but this turned out to be from the inside out.You must know that Qiping suits have never been very fond of. As for Qiping watches, I have two pieces, but the number of times I wear them is pitiful.

But now, it seems that Kate has regained her spirits; her husband has never liked those business images, and he has always been very lazy.So Kate is still a little disappointed sometimes. She always hopes that her husband will appear in the most beautiful image, but unfortunately she doesn't have many opportunities to create a business elite.

"Don't be too exaggerated, let me tell you, I don't like those too old-fashioned suits..."

Well, once again, Kate covered her mouth before she finished speaking; Kate is now a little determined to go her own way, and since Qiping opened her mouth and leaked the handle, Kate will definitely follow the stick, and she will do it this time Make a big fuss about the gap.Even if Qi Ping doesn't like it immediately, she still needs to be more prepared.

Kate is very clear that such an opportunity is rare; so everything that needs to be prepared needs to be prepared, and as for those that do not need to be prepared, some "storage" can also be "stored" in advance.Speaking of it, it was because Qi Ping didn't like these things on weekdays. Now that he took the initiative to speak up, Qi Ping couldn't make a decision on what to do.

The prodigal daughter-in-law refers to the type of Kate. She is now full of fighting spirit and has already started to help her husband to sweep the goods in advance.Cars and the like are easier to talk about. She thinks the Bentley Mulsanne is very good; it is a flagship luxury car in itself, and it is also considered to be the best Bentley ever built that Bentley is proud of.

It is required to be fully hand-built and top-of-the-line, so that it is not the price of those more ordinary naked cars.What she wants is to be different, what she wants is dignity; if it wasn't for Qi Ping not liking Rolls-Royce, Kate would have gone to Rolls-Royce Phantom.Kate has always been quite generous when spending money for her family!

Hand-customized cars are definitely not available so quickly, and you still have to wait; but other outfits, in fact, don’t really need to wait too long.

In fact, after Kate discussed with her mother, sister-in-law and Luo Yi's daughter-in-law, they had actually made a decision.Since Qi Ping wants to appear as a prudent business elite, there is no problem at all; this is also in line with his identity, he is a rich man worth hundreds of millions, and he can't always wear casual clothes. A little more formal, a little more high-end.

Thinking about it, I was really quite heartbroken. I just said a little bit, but it was discovered that it was completely beyond my control.The only thing he can do now is actually just watch and listen, because his opinion is not important at all, he just needs to listen and obey.

(End of this chapter)

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