America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 344 The Troubled Andean Condor

Chapter 344 The Troubled Andean Condor (Please Subscribe!)
With a large number of strong troops, Qi Ping really doesn't need to worry about anything; he just wants to find this time's target, and now he just wants to find his opponent.

"Damn, something big happened this time!"

This is a truly huge monster, even if it is just standing on the trunk, its body length is more than one meter; if it spreads its wings, it will not be a problem to have a wingspan of two or three meters.

Black feathers all over the body, that is, a white collar at the base of the bare neck, bright red on the bare head, neck and crop, and large white spots on the wings; this guy has a large wattle on the forehead, a curved bird The beak looks incredibly sharp.

Although Qi Ping is not an expert in ornithology, he can definitely recognize this big guy; this is not the Andean condor, also known as the Condo vulture!These guys are the biggest birds in the world!

Didn't it mean that these guys only live in mountains at an altitude of 5000 meters? Didn't they say that they like areas with a wide view and no forests?The most important thing is that there seem to be Andean condors in the United States, but should they live more in the Andes mountains and the Pacific coast of South America!
"Fortunately, they seem to only eat carrion, otherwise you two will be miserable. I heard that they seem to have no natural enemies. As long as they grow up, they will have no natural enemies."

Qi Ping still had lingering fears, the Andean vulture stood safely on the tree trunk, turning a blind eye to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who were scolding under the tree.Qi Ping is very happy, but fortunately this vulture doesn't like to provoke trouble or take the initiative to attack, otherwise it would be difficult for Qi Ping to seek revenge.He knew that these Andean condors were very good at long-distance flying, and if they fled back to South America after committing a crime, there would be no pressure at all.

I started to get entangled. To be honest, this Andean condor must have a certain threat, no doubt; who made it the biggest raptor, and who made it the raptor world has no natural enemies at all.Such a guy has never been easy to provoke, these guys are simply superior!

"Forget it. It would be inappropriate to kill it. After all, it is a rare animal. I heard that the number is pitifully small now." Qi Ping is a little bit sympathetic. He usually likes hunting, but he doesn't Beat these rare animals, "Forget it, take it slowly, and try to find a suitable model that can get along with each other in balance."

Although Qi Ping really wanted to avenge his little brother, but he was facing the Andean Condor, which was really difficult for people to do.The most important thing is that it didn't cause fatal injuries to Liang Shanbo and the others, so Qi Ping could have a reason to be lenient.

"You know how to live, and you know that my forest farm environment is good. It's really comfortable to come here to ask for a living. I can control people, but I can't control you beasts. Especially you can fly, I don't know if you fly in .It used to be Big Hui and Little Hui, but now they come out with something like you!"

Qi Ping reckoned that the Andean condor must have peed in fright, although there were no enemies climbing trees or flying up; but seeing strong bears, chimpanzees, and barking dogs was enough to make it feel completely threatened.If it wasn't for the fact that there was no threat for the time being, and that it was unwilling to move when it was full, it would have flapped its wings and fled long ago.

It is really a big trouble. Some time ago, some wild animals came in on a large scale, which also prompted Qi Ping to cooperate with the National Forest Park to form a wildlife sanctuary.Looking further ahead, it is that whooping cranes like Big Hui and Xiao Hui have found a treasured land of geomantic omen, and are now making their homes in the forest farm.

But this is no big problem, whooping cranes are rare, and they are not the slightest threat.Although wild animals are more troublesome, they must now be 'standardized' managed.And here, with a little control, in fact, those beasts may not be able to 'smuggle' in quietly.

It's just that these winged ones make people feel extremely headache; it's because they are not easy to control at all, you can't fill the entire airspace.These winged ones, they always come and go freely.

Although Qi Ping likes the chirping of insects and the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, what he likes are ornamental birds such as whooping cranes and swans.Andean condors eat carrion most of the time, and the price drops when you think about it; moreover, such a raptor is actually more threatening.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have lived in the forest farm since they were young. They know how to get along with people and they don’t have much to hate; except that they often like to talk back to people and utter some dirty words from time to time, then there is no need to worry about them being annoying. unacceptable places.For example, their feeding habits, fruits, petals; and those who eat carrion, this is unacceptable.

Qi Ping is indeed a headache, but there is not much to do for a while; the Andean condor is a protected animal, and these guys have not caused too many bad effects.So now Qi Ping seems to be "swallowing his anger", he has no intention of making this Andean condor pay a heavy price for the time being.

It's just that how to deal with this guy is really a big problem, which makes people have no idea.

"Andean condor? This guy is not that popular, it's too big and has a certain aggressiveness. You also know that they are the national bird of many South American countries, and many Andean people refer to the Andean condor as the "Andean condor." "Soul of Civilization" to be respected, a symbol of majesty. But for us, they may not be so popular."

Kate also had a headache, and even began to scold some American agencies; each Fisheries and Wildlife Department started research on Andean condors a long time ago, and released them to nature after they were raised.This has indeed increased the number of Andean condors, but those people did not release them and raise them properly. Otherwise, why did this Andean condor run from South America to California!
"I really feel a headache, we don't know how to get along with it at all, especially Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai seem to have great conflicts with it. It's just that we shouldn't use shotguns or bows to deal with it. The best way I can think of now is to inform the animal department and let them take this trouble away, which will also save trouble."

Well, this is the best way Qi Ping can think of; this troublesome Andean condor is really difficult to deal with, and it is definitely not appropriate to kill it.But staying in the forest farm is a trouble, a trouble that is difficult to solve.

Kate also has an opinion. If the animal department is notified, those people may not be willing to take care of this matter; this Andean condor was released, so it has its own choice.And the released Andean condors, in principle, avoid getting along with people.

Headache, quite a headache; Chipping and Kate looked at each other, they really did not think that the family would feel a headache because of such a foreign bird.Who allowed this flying bird to be strictly protected by the law, and this flying bird is quite large and quite scary.

So it's trouble, pretty big. big trouble!
When Qi Ping was still having a headache for the bird, people who gloated at other people's misfortune appeared; When it came to such a troublesome time, these people just jumped up and down, made trouble and teased wantonly, with an ugly face.

"You're finished, you were scared by a bird! I'm so happy, you, Boss Qi, have today too! God opened your eyes, let you go smoothly for so many years, have a successful career and earn so much money, let alone, And the family is happy. I can see that all the good things can't be yours alone, so God sent a bird to teach you!"

Looking at Luo Yi's ugly face, Qi Ping is now so angry; this hateful bastard, he just wants to see Qi Ping deflated.But now hearing that there is an Andean condor has brought great confusion to Qi Ping, and there is still no way to deal with this bird.This made Luo Yi inexplicably happy, he thought it was too ridiculous.

Sneaking, or in other words, it has long been out of the category of snickering; Steve is smiling very obscenely and aboveboard now, as long as he thinks of a self-made super rich man whose life rhythm is disrupted by a bird, this will make him laugh. It makes people feel very happy.This is so pleasant, because even if the rich man has a smooth career, it is a pity that he is still an ordinary person, and he will have troubles.

It's very speechless to see my friends like foxes and dogs like this. If they are good friends, they should help each other, okay?But these guys are lucky, seeing that Qi Ping is in trouble, the first thing they think of is all kinds of ridicule.As for what to say and how to do it, they will only come up with all kinds of ideas that are just ridiculous.

Qi Ping felt that his life had been disrupted, severely disrupted; and the one who disrupted Qi Ping's life was actually a fucking bird.You can't beat it, and you can't understand it when you scold it; think about it, it's really aggrieved. After all, you are also a rich man, but you have no temper after being punished by a bird.

This is really a man is not as good as a bird!
We must find a way to solve this matter. It is not only Qi Ping whose life has been disrupted; in fact, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are the most affected. Parrots fighting.Now, the bully of the forest farm still has to look at the faces of other birds, how is this possible, how can he accept it? !

I must find a way to solve this matter, and I must not let a bird affect my life, nor let it affect the life of my little brother.

(End of this chapter)

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