America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 345 Children's Circus

Chapter 345 Children's Circus

Qi Ping is still studying how to deal with that nasty Andean condor. He needs a more secure and safer method; the most important thing is that there is no threat or trouble, which is his goal. Pursue.

In fact, such a thing still needs to spend some time and money; don't look at Qi Ping's high net worth now, but the Andean condor is a protected animal.Such a guy, speaking of it, is sometimes more protected than humans. If you want to deal with these things well, you really need to be careful, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Qi Ping is more aware of some things. Now he is a bit of a big fan, and many people and organizations are staring at Qi Ping.If Qi Ping took the initiative to make mistakes and handed over some handles to these people, then it is certain that there will be some small troubles.

"Daddy, can I have a gong?"

Qi Ping had just returned home when Xiaoyao ran over; behind him were two little followers, Yoyo and Lele.It was hard to understand what the children were saying, which also made Qi Ping dumbfounded.Xiaoyao and Yoyo are better, but Lele is too young; he speaks English badly, and Chinese is also bad.

This is a typical gluttony, but there is no way; at home, I can speak Chinese, but when I go out, I still need English.Xiaoyao and Yoyo, that is, after going to kindergarten, they slowly made some good progress, and their English level has risen with the tide.It's just a small problem at this stage, but the children will benefit a lot when they grow up.

"Why do you want a gong? It's so rare that we can't get it in Ramona now. I think maybe we need to go to a bigger Chinatown, maybe go back to our hometown to find it. And I I believe that even in my hometown, it is quite difficult to find Tonggong."

Seeing the children yelling and describing nervously and excitedly, Qi Ping couldn't laugh or cry; the children were determined to win the gong, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo had already taken out their pocket money. illustrates the problem.

"But we need a gong, we want to work!"

There is really no way to communicate more with the children, this is completely not on the same frequency, okay; these little guys sometimes come up with whimsical ideas that he simply cannot accept.

Kate was snickering, and mom was also snickering; it was obvious that they both knew what the children were thinking, but when they faced Qi Ping, it was one thing for them to keep their mouths shut, and the children were all shouting ' Confidential' anymore.

However, with the confidentiality measures of these little guys, that is, to the extent of shouting verbally, it is actually very easy for Qi Ping to figure out some of the children's thoughts.It is really what they are going to do, it is too high-profile, there is no way for people to pretend not to know such things.

"Don't miss it when you pass by."

"Those who have money will hold a money market, and those who have no money will hold a personal market!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai began to growl, which is the success of their intensive training; the children have now recorded with the help of their mother what they are going to teach Liang Shanbo what they need to learn.This is a typical Chinese-English bilingual. The voice is recorded from the movie, and there is a mother to help translate, so it is definitely not a problem.

"There's more, Liang Shanbo!"

Lele, who was sitting on the ground, hugged Romeo happily. Romeo and Juliet are too stupid now, they don’t learn many words; the most important thing is that the children are responsible for teaching them to speak. What you say is at the level of inconsistency, and it is not organized at all.

"Our brothers passed by the treasure land, and exhausted all our money..."

Qi Ping felt the veins popping up on his forehead, and the children really dared to speak; the most important thing was that it was easy for people to think of something.Isn't this the type of street performer, such as crushing boulders on the chest, smashing bricks on the forehead, etc.; this should be selling dog skin plasters, this is going to sell Dali Pills, and it is going to sell Jinchuang medicine that can cure diseases and keep fit !

If the children are making trouble, Qi Ping can only watch now; the most important thing is that although the children are making trouble, they are not too outrageous.Moreover, both Qi Ping and Kate are willing to protect the children's innocence; it doesn't matter how noisy the children are, as long as they are not excessive, then these small things are what Qi Ping wants to see.

"Xiaoyao has no pocket money anymore, so he thought of earning some pocket money. You also know that although he and Yoyo have undertaken a lot of housework, they can also earn some pocket money. But we know better that their pocket money Money was never enough, so now they know how hard it is to make money. Our kids are the cutest, and they are full of business talent. I don’t think they need our help to start their own companies.”

Kate is amused, a little proud; the kids are really good, if they're messing around.

In fact, the family has a lot of money. Qi Ping and Kate have always given the children the best conditions and material comforts; but they also have some principles, such as not letting the children have no financial sense at all. The children still need to know The difficulty of making money, they need to learn to be frugal and learn to have a reasonable consumption concept.Otherwise, something big will happen.

For example, Xiaoyao and Yoyo, they take on a lot of housework, which is their main way to increase their pocket money.

Xiaoyao has now taken on the task of mowing the lawn, although every time he goes to tidy up the lawn, his grandpa or grandma will stand by and help him start the lawn mower and take care of it.Even every time the lawn is mowed, the adults need to mow it again; because every time Xiaoyao does it, the lawn will only look worse.

In fact, Yoyo also has her own housework. After every meal, she needs to clean up the dinner table with grandma and mother. The little girl is very good.As for car washing and the like, the children wash the car every week; mom and dad have cars, and grandpa also has cars, and the children are responsible for washing the cars.

In fact, only the youngest, Lele, doesn't have any housework. It's not because he is partial, but because he is too young.Although the little guy can also take care of Romeo and them, but Romeo and them are family members; taking them to play games and feeding them is actually not a job, but taking care of the family, which certainly cannot ask for pocket money.

"King Kong, you have to put on clothes. I have a picture of you, and you'll look prettiest in a skirt!"

Seeing Yoyo hugging King Kong's neck and acting like a spoiled child, Qi Ping could only smile wryly.The children are really good at making troubles; the most important thing is that the children are becoming more and more able to play now. After they thought of going to "street entertainment", they planned to mobilize the whole family.

When he was a child, King Kong had a childlike heart, so he liked to beat around with a golden cudgel. It also regarded Monkey King as an absolute idol, and wore a tiger skin skirt to pretend to be a monkey.But when he grows up, he only likes the golden hoop except when fighting, and he doesn't like those at other times.As for the stick technique, it's one thing to look decent, but it's just a show.

"Sister, Pooh is too big!" Lele hugged his ball in distress. He has a lot of ball toys; small footballs, children's basketballs, baseballs, tennis balls, and even a lot of balloons; but now, he The number of ball toys dropped sharply, "Sister, I don't even have a ball."

Well, the younger brother came to complain, seeing the younger brother holding his mouth in aggrieved way, and scratching his head in distress; hugging the younger brother in King Kong's arms, the two siblings looked at Pooh dozing off on the ground very have no choice.

The children are planning to build a circus, and King Kong is going to perform stick skills, so Pooh will definitely be pulled in.Pooh and King Kong are children's most trusted partners, they are smart and take good care of children.Saw some circus performances on TV and the kids were blown away.

They saw some performances where bears can pedal tricycles, bicycles, scooters, trolleys, motorcycles, etc., and they were moved.The children who know the power of King Kong and Pooh best think that those circus bears are not cute at all, and King Kong and Pooh can do better.

"Let's go find Baby Bear. Baby Bear won't crush his brother's balls. King Kong and Pooh can punch, and they have to change their show." Sitting on the ground, Xiaoyao, who looks like a big brother, thought about it distressedly. After a long time, I finally thought of some way, "I can go to Rudolph, it can pull a carriage."

Looking at the various plans of the children, in fact, the children sometimes take it for granted, maybe the children are a little too naive.But in general it's good, although children do always have some unrealistic fantasies, but when they know that it doesn't work, they will correct it.

Neither Chipping nor Kate said anything, they just watched from the sidelines; the children really need more practical exercise, even if there are some small setbacks in the process, it can actually bring more exercise, can Let children grow up faster.These things are very necessary, this is growth.

The children are constantly groping forward, and their circus project is becoming more and more successful.They found a lot of good projects, and found more projects suitable for the development of this small and informal circus.These are real, because children need more cognitive processes.

"Dad, take us to find Dabai! I thought of Dabai today. Dabai is a swan and is very popular among children!"

Qi Ping suddenly felt that he shouldn't pamper the children. These little guys actually wanted to 'operate' their circus in the kindergarten;
(End of this chapter)

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