Chapter 346 Escort
This was originally just a small project for Xiaoyao and Yoyo to earn some pocket money, and by the way, they brought the little follower brother over to be a little helper.But gradually, the children's circus plans became more and more formal, and the scale became larger and larger.

Although it is not every day that they have time to lead Pooh and King Kong to train, but as soon as they come home from school, the children are fully committed to their plans.In fact, this is not necessarily to earn pocket money, because the children also have a lot of fun in the process.

Therefore, Lele also joined in, and joined the construction of the circus with his younger brother who was just able to walk.Soon, the biggest Benben also joined.Although Xiao Benben is a good student, he is only a child under ten years old. In fact, he is quite playful; with Benben joining, he now has more feasible suggestions.

King Kong and Pooh have a common project, which is boxing; King Kong's solo performances are stick and basketball, and Pooh can push carts and somersaults.The little bear doesn't want to go back to the mountains anymore, he runs around chasing the ball all day long, occasionally stepping on the ball and so on.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, following Xiao Lele, have already learned how to publicize; those who passed by and ran out of money and so on just opened their mouths, and they are still preparing to contact the song, although Lele itself is a bit incomplete and can't remember Can't live with the lyrics.

Both Dabai and Dahui joined in. It is a bit difficult for whooping cranes and swans to dance lightly. Now I am not proficient, but there is no pressure to perform in line.

"Dad, I beat the gong. My younger sister wants to perform. My younger brother collects the money. My older brother said that he maintains order with the speech organization." Sitting on the sofa, watching the fat son kick his calf and talking about the personnel organization of the circus , Qi Ping was very happy; although this was the children's nonsense, but the nonsense was very level, "Dad, can I go to the resort? There are not many people in our family, and they all know Pooh and King Kong!"

"No problem at all, but you only have one hour of performance time on weekends." Pinching the little face of the fat son, Qi Ping is very satisfied with the children's plan. Of course, Qi Ping or Kate will fill in the gaps to help the children Let's refine the plan, "Your performance will be very successful, I have seen your rehearsal, it is wonderful!"

The children are indeed very powerful, some of their ideas may be a bit naive, but their partners who can't stand them are super awesome.King Kong and the others have a good understanding with the children; compared to those ordinary circuses, although the children are pretending to be animal trainers, the effect is full.Even if there were fights, but the effect of the rehearsal show was somewhat shocking, and the most important thing was that it was full of childlike fun.

Qi Ping and his family are very proud. The children's plan at the beginning seemed to be just nonsense, but now it is gradually becoming more and more formal and level.The circuses created by the children are actually more created by a few kids working together; the adults do have a role, but they are only auxiliary.

The performances of the circus are getting better and better, and the performances that the children are now mastering are very good and the level is getting higher and higher.Although this kind of performance is not necessarily the performance of such a large and professional circus, Qi Ping can pat his chest and say that the performance of the amateur circus formed by the children will make people's eyes shine.

"Xiaoyao, can you tell mom something?" The baby girl struggled to run away from her arms, intending to bring her brother's ugly dog ​​Bumble back, so Kate started to catch Xiaoyao, "Mom just saw Your rehearsal, why do you want to perform a bear riding performance. I also saw that you want to take Jenny to the performance."

"Jenny is worried about the little bear, it has to watch the little bear. We will protect the little bear, and we won't let anyone bully it!" Xiaoyao raised his head and shouted, the little guy knew very well, that is Jenny allows the children to play games with the baby bear, but it must be within its sight range, "Mom, Pooh likes to play games with me the most. Dad has black charcoal, we can have Pooh's!"

Well, the kids are actually pretty jealous of Dad; the kids are too young to ride on their own.Or Pooh is better, with a broad back and fluffy flesh.The most important thing is that Pooh likes to run around with children on his back, but Pooh and Rudolph don't like to carry children because they can't sit still.

The little ones were happily talking about their plans, and started some of their performances very ostentatiously; the performances were very mature, and there was no need to worry about any troubles.It only needs to be taken care of by an adult when it comes to the real performance, because Qi Ping is quite familiar with and understands the characters of King Kong and the others, so they will not make trouble.

Qi Ping and Kate were very happy, and by the way, they were also discussing how to better escort the children's circus performances; the most important thing is that the operation of the resort is actually very stable, so if you want to have a special performance, you need to find a suitable plan.

This is no joke. The people who can live in the resort are rich people, and many of them are older people.What these people like when they live in the resort is the environment and air here, they like high-quality life, and they like a leisurely and comfortable life.And the circus formed by these beasts may not be what they like.

Qi Ping is the boss, of course he can organize a circus stage, which is nothing at all.It's just that the children are so focused on the affairs of the circus these days, Qi Ping doesn't like to see the children's enthusiasm and dedication encounter too many setbacks and blows.It may be a little difficult, but it must not dampen the enthusiasm of the children.

I have to say that Qi Ping's good intentions to train the children are true, but the children need more protection; they are still young, and these little guys finally thought of doing some serious things, so naturally they need to work harder Protected escort.

A better stage is needed, and some of the best audience groups are needed; even at this time, Qi Ping still needs to stand up and do more.He needs to be the children's circus consultant, and needs to give the children more reliable opinions; by the way, he needs to keep an eye on some performance plans of the circus and arrange more reasonable performance plans for the children.

These things need to be taken very seriously by Qi Ping. The children are still too young, and sometimes they take it for granted.This is normal, who told them that they are still children now; so at this time, Qi Ping, the father, should show his sense of existence, and he needs to be the strong backing of the children.

"Children, you should rest earlier. Tomorrow we should go to the live stage performance, and you should use your best state to welcome your performance moment. Believe me, you should let the audience see the most exciting Performing, you need to respect and value your audience, so that you can get more recognition."

Seeing the children starting to make trouble again, Qi Ping felt a very headache; these little guys are really too energetic, especially these days they have been playing like crazy, they are now a little more serious except for the time of eating. Time is the type that can't sit still at all.This really doesn't work, the children have to be a little more honest.

King Kong was already drowsy, but he couldn't take his wife and children back to his old nest for the time being; the baby bear was being hugged by the children, and the children happily watched the baby bear holding the small ball and biting it.The cute little bear is as crazy as the children. The little bear is a curious and playful character. These days, he has completely played.

"But Dad, we hope to see that the little bear can step on the ball. It has almost learned it, and we need it to work harder. The little bear likes to be lazy just like Dad, and it likes to be lazy after it is full." Yoyodu With a small mouth and a round head, there is nothing the baby bear can do about this mischievous ghost Yoyo, "The baby bear is the most disobedient now, and it hasn't even learned!"

Take a look, the children are really concentrating on their studies now, and they are still thinking more about their games.It's one thing that the game itself is fun, and kids are now full of interest in this new game.

So the result is that the children are full of curiosity now, and they are full of energy, but they don't know that they feel tired.As long as they can play games, it is the happiest thing for the children; as for going to bed earlier and preparing for the next performance in the best state, the children have no such concept at all now.

Although the children are indeed a little energetic and want to continue playing games; but the children are still obedient, especially when they hear the performance they care about, they are more serious.After hearing the serious analysis of parents and mothers, I also heard a lot of "professional" suggestions. Even if the children are still unsatisfied, the sea water needs to prepare for a good sleep.

The children happily went to bed, and Qi Ping felt very satisfied; the little ones were naughty, but they were not disobedient children, and the children could still listen to correct suggestions.

"It seems that we need to prepare thoroughly now, and I am starting to look forward to these interesting performances tomorrow. Believe me, although the children's circus performances are not mature enough, I can guarantee that their fun circus will definitely be able to Get it!"

Watching the children fall asleep, Qi Ping returned to the bedroom; seeing Kate still flipping through the circus performance video, Qi Ping was very happy.He is so confident with the kids!
(End of this chapter)

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