America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 347 Family Activity Day

Chapter 347 Family Activity Day

The children were very happy and got up early; the little ones even dressed up, because today is their extracurricular activity, and they are going to start performing today.The children are full of energy early in the morning, and each of them has become a chatterbox; the children have long been looking forward to their performance, and they have long been eager to try.

"Dad, where's Rudolph? I didn't see Rudolph, so it won't run away again. I told you, you can't let it run away, it has a program!"

He went downstairs with his younger son in his arms, when he saw the older son running in from the gate; the little one was very excited and a little flustered.Rudolph escaped, because it has a performance today; the most important thing is that the children know the characters of Rudolph and Heitan, maybe they escaped early in the morning, and they did not do such things less.

"Grandpa took Rudolph and Heitan for a walk. They need to go for a walk in the morning to warm up. They prefer to clean up. Be patient. Grandpa is going to help them dress up. They didn't run away."

Fortunately, his mother appeared in time to help Qi Ping out of the siege, otherwise Qi Ping really didn't know the whereabouts of Rudolph and them.Heitan and Rudolph are really unreliable sometimes.If they are absent at such a critical moment, it must be less than perfect.

The little guys were jumping and jumping, they were all very happy; especially the kid Benben came over with his little follower stupidly and happily. This kid didn't eat breakfast at home, just to go with his younger siblings circus show.

"The children in our family are really good. Even if we want to eat meat so early in the morning, we are not afraid of being greasy. Fortunately, our family has a little money and can afford to raise these little guys." The mother looked at the children dotingly and smiled. When she woke up, she was happiest when she saw the four little grandchildren and granddaughters on the dining table, "I read some news that people who are vegetarians may have a fresher breath, but look at our children, they are all so fresh cute."

"Mom, you just think your children are the best. If it weren't for our family doctor's constant experience, I would object to the children eating so much greasy food every day." Kate smiled and patted Lele's little hand, this kid doesn't like vegetarian dishes and only likes to eat meat, "Look at our Lele, he is much fatter than his brothers and sisters when he was young!"

"He's not bad. A fat kid is cute. He's chubby and wears such smaller clothes. He's so cute. The kids in our family always eat by themselves, they don't need others to feed them, and they have a good appetite. No way. Kate, you are just too greedy." The sister-in-law started to speak for the children, she liked the children very much, and now she is about to have a second child, "Benben will follow you later, I will not join in the fun .”

It was not clean early in the morning, Yanyan from Luo Yi's family ran over with his younger brother yelling, this kid was super loud; this time the family was completely noisy, it was really because the children made The ability to move and still is too powerful.Even Clark from Steve's family, who was somewhat introverted and perverse before, has become a super noise king now.

Think about it before, it was picturesque and leisurely here; but now, basically, it may be a little quieter at night.Otherwise, it would be impossible for these children not to make a fuss.

It's a family event, it's a family day; to be honest, Qi Ping really likes this kind of event.It must be the best thing for the whole family to go out to play and participate in games together.For a family-centered person like Qi Ping, the most important thing is to be with the family and accompany the children to grow up.

In fact, Americans have a particularly strong sense of family; some families with relatively good economic conditions and some people with relatively high education levels put family first.As for work, the country, etc., they all need to be placed after the family, and the family is the root.

In the United States, I often see some news, saying that athletes are absent from competitions to accompany their wives to give birth; this is very different from some domestic ones such as "she Xiaojia for everyone", which are completely different. consciousness.

"Godfather, let's ride a horse. I don't want to ride a cart. I don't like Dad's horse. Heitan is the most powerful and beautiful, and it likes me too. Dad's big fat pig is not cute at all, it is so stupid and stupid!"

Wearing children's suspenders, Yanyan ran over, wanting to ride a horse with Qi Ping; this made Luo Yi very angry, his mount was not a big fat pig, but a flying pig.It's a pity that the children don't think that way, and no amount of education will work; Fliggy is actually very good and very spiritual, but the children just like Heitan, although Heitan's attitude towards children has always been lukewarm.

There is no way, what you can't get is always the best; Heitan is too arrogant, and Fliggy is very friendly to children.The result of this is that children always like to get closer to Heitan, and they always want to have a closer relationship with Heitan.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi are riding horses, and Qi Ping's father and Luo Yi's father are responsible for driving the golf cart.Kate's mission is important because she is now the coachman; Rudolph is pulling the carriage, and Yoyo with his younger brother is on it.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, and I was not late. I was leading the way. Children, you should know that when you earn money, you should learn to share it with your uncle. I have given you a lot of help. Especially Yoyo, this I participated in the construction of a pumpkin carriage." Joshua had just arrived by car, and he was booed unanimously; This shameless uncle was thinking of 'blackmailing' the children when he came here.

This is a huge performance team. Although the main actors are children and animals, this small circus has a strong support team and assistant team.

The happiest thing for the children is that they are about to start performing now, especially when they approach the villas of the resort, the children can't wait.They are very familiar with the environment of the forest farm. As I said before, the circus performance will be held here in the villa group, which is the place with the most people.

"Liangshanbo! Liangshanbo!" Xiaoyao became excited, and as Xiaoyao shouted loudly for Liangshanbo standing in the golf cart, the children began to shout excitedly one by one.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. Our brothers pass by the treasure land, and we have exhausted all our money. Those who have money will buy money, and those who have no money will buy personal..."

Those who understand Chinese, such as Qi Ping and Qi Ping's parents, all laughed hard. Liang Shanbo's street performers have a pretty good mouth color, which is completely an old-fashioned way of street performers.This guy is completely old-fashioned. If he hadn't known that Liang Shanbo had no experience as a street performer, Qi Ping would really have suspected that this guy had a background in selling dog skin plasters.

In fact, Qi Ping's father-in-law didn't understand these things at first, they just saw Liang Shanbo shouting indiscriminately, and they couldn't figure out what Liang Shanbo meant.But Zhu Yingtai soon started talking, this time it was an English-style busking slogan that Kate helped translate.

There was a burst of laughter, this is just a little hooligan, a little street rascal, okay; this is not a street performing art team or the like, this is all about trying to get tourists to throw money down.

"This is definitely not what I taught, absolutely not. The children watched too much TV and saw some street performers. You should know that the gong that Xiaoyao wants is one of the main equipment for street performers. This is my I found someone to buy it in San Francisco, and it was only available at the Lion Dance Team. It’s really hard to find this thing now, but luckily I didn’t disappoint the children.”

It was hard for the children to be quiet for a while to recharge their energy, and Qi Ping smiled and began to explain; in fact, Qi Ping was still very proud, he thought the children were so cute.Such a circus is actually just a children's game, and there is no need to be too serious and serious. The most important thing is that the children are happy.

"I think Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are often unreliable, and they learn from you when they say swear words. We all know that they often utter swear words like MF, and they like to bicker with anyone. I think Romeo and Juliet followed The children learn to speak together, and they will learn to get along with the children in a friendly way, instead of quarreling and scolding people."

The mother-in-law was teasing Qi Ping while praising the children; everyone in the family knew about Liang Shanbo's strength.Don't look at these two guys who are very playful, but if you talk about cursing and so on, if you provoke them, these two guys can really block other people's doors and scold for an hour or two without getting tired, although They scolded and scolded only a few words, but they were very patient and never tired.

In fact, the guests at the resort, although they all know that the owner of the fairyland forest farm is great, they also know that the fairyland forest farm actually has ferocious beasts.But there are very few guests who have actually seen Pooh and King Kong, because Pooh and the others don't like to run to the resort very much.

On the contrary, Rudolph and Heitan often appeared, because they ran around the forest farm, and everyone was more or less familiar.A horse that often mixes with deer is of course impressive, not to mention that the best partner of this horse has always been a cleanly dressed deer with silver bells on it, which is naturally very impressive People are amazed.

But now, the cute pets of Fairyland Forest Farm have gone out together, it seems that something big is going on!

(End of this chapter)

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