America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 348 Circus Show

Chapter 348 Circus Show
The adults are busy preparing to build a simple stage, although this is just a performance on the empty grass in front of the villas; however, a little preparation is needed to build the stage, and a little equipment is needed.

The children are really too young, don't look at Xiaoyao who is already carrying a copper gong and banging indiscriminately, but this is definitely not a way to attract more tourists' attention.Moreover, these little guys don't have any experience in organizing stage performances yet, and they don't yet know some tricks of street performances.

"Children, we are going to start preparing for makeup. Hurry up to Mommy and let Mommy help you with makeup." Kate and Nina are very happy. There are costumes and other styles, "Hurry up and bring your partners. We need to behave more professionally, so that is the best performance."

"You and Luo Yi hurry up and build the stage. What we need is professionalism! Don't let me see you being lazy. The children are doing serious business now. If you guys don't serve snacks, I will discount yours. Legs!" Father Qi and Father Luo, who were busy preparing for their grandchildren's stage, went mad, and had nothing to say to their lazy son, "Hurry up, these guests will come out soon, Don't let the tourists go out to play before your stage is set up."

Well, I dragged out the wooden boards my dad brought over in a pickup truck in a desperate manner, and hurried to build a simple stage.Qi Ping and Luo Yi can also see now that the children are going to perform in the future, and they will actually be the coolies.And it is certain that the credit for the success of the performance must belong to the children; if it fails, then the two people who will be scolded must be the lazy two people, and the most suitable candidates for taking the blame have already been determined.

Everyone started to get busy, the children were doing makeup with the mothers, and the grandmas were doing logistics support; as for the grandpas, they started to invite the guests of the resort.Joshua is actually the most miserable boy. He is a handyman who can go wherever he needs.

"It's a rehearsal show for the kids, and we believe it will be fun. Believe me, the kids will love these special shows. As you may know, there are stars in the tree farm, Pooh and Rudolph, who have filmed a lot of commercials or endorsements .And now, they cooperate with the children to perform a lot of circus performances and interesting performances."

The father-in-law enthusiastically introduced that every villa in the resort was knocked on the door and notified door-to-door. For the success of the children's performance, the grandpas went all out.

"By the way, our main actor also has a cute baby bear, which is not yet half a year old. I can guarantee that we will provide the children with group photo treatment. I believe the children will like these performances very much, this is One of their fondest memories at Wonderland Woods."

Well, these people who come to the resort are rich people, and they all come to enjoy a leisurely and comfortable life; many of them are with their families, and the children may be the big group in the open space in front of the villas. The animals are very interested.There were two big black bears, and a little black bear running around; there were gorillas, big deer, and a whole bunch of swans, whooping cranes, and all that stuff.

Children, to a large extent, like small animals; even some women have no resistance to cute animals.As for saying something about being afraid of beasts, there is no need at all; those beasts are well-known, and they are very friendly.

Some guests came one after another, and they were very interested in the four colorful parrots standing on the roof of the golf cart; especially these four parrots, they seemed to be giving bilingual speeches.Chinese is incomprehensible to the guests, but they are familiar with English; although the voices of these parrots are a bit harsh, their words are very interesting.

"No, you can't go to Jenny. Jenny will be shy, she doesn't like people playing games with her, and you can't hug the baby bear too much, or Jenny will get angry!" The big brother Benben started to communicate, he still needs Learn to maintain the order of the scene a little bit, Xiaoyao and the others are too young to do this task well, "You can play games with Pooh and King Kong, they like others to play games with them the most. Heitan can't do it, Heitan only likes Second dad."

Xiaoyao and Yoyo have forgotten to perform, they have entered the state of being crazy now; the little guy is now starting to perform simply, they have long forgotten the previous program sequence or program content, and now they are just playing crazy or Show off.

This really makes people feel very helpless, and this is also a manifestation of the necessity of Qi Ping and the others coming this time.If no one is here to help take care of it, these children don't know what to do with the circus performance this time.

The number of people is not particularly large, and the number of audiences is about twenty or thirty. In addition, the preparations have been fully prepared, so of course the preparations have to start, and now it is time for the official performance.

For example, Xiaoyao was beating the gong and yelling, bringing his "little radio" to Liangshan to park a few of them; shouting slogans such as "the search is exhausted, the rich will give money to the market" and the like.

This is actually a very interesting thing, children themselves are very cute, plus the cute and funny parrots shouting slogans here, it will be quite interesting.Naturally, some applause and booing are indispensable.

"We're about to start the show. Brother, hurry up and catch the big gray. It can't run to play games with the little bear." Yoyo is very good, and the little girl started to organize a performance; I still have some organizational skills when I get up, "I'm going to hold the baby bear now, I'm the most obedient."

Well, the little girl is starting to prepare hard, Xiaoyao and the others are also preparing for the performance now.It's fun, and it's on the right track for acting.

The first opening was naturally the parade performance of whooper swans and whooper cranes. Watching these guys line up and shake their heads one by one to open the show, this naturally caused a burst of laughter.Especially King Kong and Pooh followed each other on the stage honestly, which is even more interesting.

"First show, fight, fight!"

Qi Ping's face turned green in an instant, quite green; it's not about the situation at all, it's obviously a boxing performance, how could it become such a sensational word as "fighting".Besides, this report is really outrageous; at least you should make some key points in your report, let's talk about the actors.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai must be taught well, their announcement is really outrageous; the result is that the children followed suit, and they actually didn't understand the situation, and they started to make trouble.Even the kids have forgotten their jobs, they don't know who the 'actor' is anymore, just yelling and messing around.

"King Kong and Pooh are going to fight, you guys hurry up and get ready. Benben, you are the referee, you are going to perform on stage." Somewhat amusedly, he pushed his nephew. The kid didn't understand the situation and forgot his show, "Remember For our rehearsal, you have to be a qualified referee, and you also need to guide the performances of King Kong and Pooh."

Simply remind the fat nephew that this kid is going to bring King Kong and Pooh to a fun boxing show, so he can't be allowed to dance around under the stage.The most important thing is that Benben didn't come to the stage. King Kong and Pooh were lying on the ground in a daze, and they couldn't understand the situation even more.Now the stage is still empty, and the audience is still baffled.

Benben remembered his performance, and he ran to drag King Kong and Pooh to go on stage; these two behemoths seemed to understand.Pushed by the swarming children, the fat butt stood up and stood up slowly.

"Salute." Benben stood in the middle of the stage decently, and then separated King Kong and Pooh on both sides of the stage, "You have to bump fists, why did you all forget?!"

King Kong stood up obediently, and it actually has no problem standing up and walking; as for Pooh, sitting on the ground, it has no problem standing up, but walking is not particularly stable because it is a bit fat.

Watching the chimpanzee and the black bear pretend to fist bump each other, and watching the extremely amateur referee shout ACTION; this really makes people feel quite mixed, isn't this a boxing match, how did it become Filming is on!But these are really not important, this is just a fun circus performance, it doesn't need to be so formal.

But it was really fun to see Donkey Kong and Winnie the Pooh put on an act of intimidation to intimidate their opponents, watch them stare at each other and release air pressure, etc.The foreplay was quite interesting, and it also caused some small laughter; the next boxing match was the most interesting, for example, you punched back and forth, for example, you fell on the ground with your head in your arms and waited for a few seconds...

I have to admit, it was really fun; the audience watching the performance started to applaud, thinking that this time the circus performance was actually quite funny.

"The rich hold a money market, hold a money market!"

This time there is no need for Qi Ping to remind them, Xiaoyao and the others who are waiting to earn pocket money are happy; everyone is applauding, then they can ask for a reward.

Seeing the children like Xiaoyao holding the gong, the audience really didn't understand this at first; but soon they seemed to understand that they should be asking for a tip.

"No, it should be put in the gong!" Xiaoyao and Yoyo started to feel unhappy. Of course they know money and know that money is useful, but this is different from their 'knowledge'. It should be put in the gong. Row.

(End of this chapter)

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