America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 349 The Dividend Conference

Chapter 349 The Dividend Conference
The children had a lot of fun, very happy; for these mischievous ghosts, playing games is naturally the happiest thing for them.Especially being able to play games with King Kong and Pooh made them extremely happy.Although they have been playing games with them since they were young, children will not get tired of these games.

In fact, for the crazy children, it is also very interesting to be able to play these interesting games, and they are also very happy to get applause from the audience.It's like the bear riding performance performed by Lele. If it was on the lawn in front of the house, this kid might be lazily lying on the bear's back and unwilling to move, but once someone applauds and cheers, he will sit up and ask Wave or even perform small movements like waving a few times.

The happiest thing is that the little guys have earned a lot of pocket money. This is a great affirmation for the children, because they came here with King Kong, playing games on the one hand, and I hope my pocket money can be a little more.Now I am having fun and making money, of course I am happy.

Although there is only one hour of performance time, it will be quite interesting for the children; they really feel very happy, and the little ones get a lot of applause, and it can even be said that this is the most applause they have ever received.Because some guests came one after another, because they were also attracted by these simple and interesting circus performances.

For those who can go to the resort, there is no need to doubt their economic strength; although they did not understand the 'rules' of rewards at first, they gradually understood.This is a street performance, and you can tip if you recognize it.For them, maybe tipping is perfectly fine because they have the ability.

"Sorry, the kids can't come to perform every day. They can only perform on weekends, they need more time for rehearsals, they also need to go to kindergarten, to study, and inevitably they have time to play games. Believe me, they'd love this way of playing if it wasn't their job."

Qi Ping smiled and shook hands with these guests, and Qi Ping shook his head when they asked to see the interesting circus performance again.What are you kidding, this is the way children play and outdoor activities, and he doesn't want his children to feel burdened by this matter.Anyway, if the family has money, the most important thing is for the children to have fun and get some exercise.

The performance was very successful. Although it is true that there is a lot of room for improvement in the eyes of adults, it is already very good for children to have such a performance.

"Children, your performance is really great! Grandma is proud of you, you are the best performing artists, you are the best street performers!" The mother-in-law is very happy, and she is extremely proud of the performance of her little grandchildren , "Now that we're packed up and ready to go home, we're going to have a celebration party for this great performance."

"Grandma, can I have a lot of candy? Mom won't let me eat a lot of candy, but I want to eat a lot of candy. I will eat candy with baby bear, and Jenny and Pooh, we are all the same Like candy. Grandma, me and Baby Bear like candy, but Jenny and Pooh like honey."

"Sweetheart, you can't eat more candy, or the dentist will protest. You can't take the baby bear to eat more candy, it's not good for its growth." Holding the beautiful granddaughter, The mother-in-law was very happy, "But today is a good day. Candies and drinks belong to today. This is the pocket money you earned yourself, and you can use it freely."

Now Yoyo is happy, no longer pouting and looking angry; the little girl likes sweets very much, but sweets must not be overdone.So now you can have more candy, which will make the children very happy.

The performance this time was very successful, so now it's time to pack up and prepare to go home; but these things are obviously things that men should do.The children had already set off, and they took their little friends home first; since the celebration party was going to be held, there must be candy and ice cream, these are the delicacies that the children could not refuse.

For the finishing work, Qi Ping has no complaints at all; the simplest reason is that it is working for the children.For Qi Ping, this is his duty, and this is the responsibility that his father should shoulder.He is very satisfied, he can bring a better life for the children, and he can give the children more help.

Although Qi Ping was a little confused at the beginning, he didn't know if he could be a good father; but now that he has three children, he feels that he has done a very good job.

"Grandpa, grandpa. Hurry up, we're waiting for you!" Just as he was driving the pickup home, he saw the children waiting at the door.It looked like the kids were in a hurry as they all awaited the arrival of their dads.

"Grandpa, come back soon. Dad and godfather can work, and we have to share pocket money."

Hearing Luo Yan's words, Qi Ping and Luo Yi looked at each other, and suddenly felt something was wrong, very wrong!
It must be no problem for them to do the finishing work. These physical tasks are the work of men; it seems that I heard about the distribution of pocket money just now, but it seems that two people have been selectively ignored, maybe they are not at all. exist.

Burning my ass, I hurriedly moved some things into the warehouse; it was too anxious, if I went back later, I guess the 'spoils sharing meeting' would have ended.Since it should be a level where the audience has a share, you can't be absent no matter what, the generous children will definitely not eat alone.

"No, it all started?" Qi Ping ran home in one breath, completely dumbfounded, "You guys are too exaggerated, I haven't arrived yet, how can this start, I have my share!"

The kids are fine sitting on the rug, the grandparents are fine; even King Kong and Pooh are all right lying on the rug now.But Rudolph and Heitan guessed that they were also haunted by the children and returned home. These two guys looked down at the crowd sitting in a circle, and they were probably already impatient or confused by now.

"Dad, no, it's not yours. We all have jobs, but you don't. Mom told me that Dad shouldn't have pocket money, it's ours!"

Completely dumbfounded, the fat sons rushed forward; the depressed Qi Ping and Luo Yi looked at each other, and now they are speechless to the extreme.One thing must be affirmed now, that is, these pocket money matters must have nothing to do with them; what is even more certain is that this is definitely not a distribution plan proposed by the children, it is something that adults think of, and the children They just carried it out honestly.

Is there such a trouble? We have done a lot of things anyway. If there is no fairness, the credit must be due to hard work.Fortunately, we don't have a share in such an important matter as the distribution of money.Besides, even if it is expensive now, the significance of this little pocket money is too great, but unfortunately there is no way to divide the money now.

Depressedly sitting on the sofa drinking juice, watching the children happily enjoying the big event of distributing pocket money.They made a lot of money this time, and the guests are all rich, so the rewards and tips are really not stingy; not only because this is a children's performance that needs support, but also because they know that these interesting circus performances are very interesting.

The total income is around five to six hundred dollars; think about the children's income is really great, there are not many street performers in metropolises like Los Angeles and New York, but they can earn one or two hundred dollars a day The income in US dollars is good.But look at the children's income for an hour, how explosive it is!

Qi Ping doesn't care about per capita income or investment, he just sees the total income of the children, he just thinks that the children have been exercised now, and some of the next performances will be more famous and have higher income.Anyway, my own children are the best, even if they are street performers, they are the most qualified and recognized types.

The total income is quite a lot, but it's not bad to divide it; Xiaoyao and Yoyo are too young, so they don't know what to do with a lot of money.Although they know that a $100 bill is worth more than a one-dollar bill, it is too difficult for them to distribute it fairly.Let's leave it to Brother Benben, who is the eldest child.

Xiao Benben is really good, Xiaoma is good at mathematics, although it is a bit difficult, but there is no mistake in this round of pennies.And Benben and the others must have discussed it, everyone should get the same amount of money, as long as they participate in the performance, they will have money; no matter what the difference is between the main actor Pooh and the soy sauce Dabai, fairness is the most important thing!

"It's not fair, it's not fair at all! Boys, you each have more than five dollars in income, but your uncle doesn't, and neither does your dad." Well, Joshua was jealous too; think about it I feel unbalanced. Everyone wants it but I don’t. It’s a bad feeling, even if the sum of money is only a few dollars, “I’ve helped you a lot today, and you should count me in.”

"But grandpa said he wouldn't give it to my uncle. My uncle likes to be lazy just like my father. This is my pocket money. I want to exchange it with my mother. I want to buy toys!"

Xiaoyao handed over the allocated pocket money to his mother, and then began to exchange these US dollar pocket money for the real pocket money given by his parents.As for the uncle, he has long been squeezed out by the children!
(End of this chapter)

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