America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 350 The Golden Rice Bowl

Chapter 350 The Golden Rice Bowl

The children have made a lot of money, and everyone has exchanged pocket money with Kate; since they have pocket money, of course they need to go out for consumption. The children basically do not have the habit of saving money, they have a pocket money A subtype.

But Qi Ping and Kate will not object to these things. This is the money earned by the children, so the children have the right to control it.That's no problem, as for whether the children buy candy or toys, Qiping and Kate will default to it anyway.To be honest, the children's little mind now is just staring at these interesting things.

The things that children are interested in are really limited, but there are too many things that Qi Ping is interested in.The children will cheer for having earned pocket money, and will think about continuing to rehearse more exciting circus performances with King Kong and the others, and will think about earning some pocket money.

But Qi Ping, it was clear that his appetite was not just pocket money in the children's pockets, although at one point he was very unhappy that he was excluded from the children's pocket money distribution.

"I can invest 3000 million US dollars, that's no problem. But if I want to win the breeding rights of the best breeding horses at the Studwin Racecourse and the Field Racecourse, I need to get at least one-third of those horses ownership. I know their best horses are worth a lot, but they have to pay for the pasture!"

Qi Ping doesn't like talking in offices and meeting rooms, it's too formal; the most important thing is that his industry is not a group or the like, so the negotiating team he hired listens to Qi Ping's orders in the living room at home.

"But Mr. Qi, you should know the value of some top stallions. We don't need to care about the results of Sunday Tranquility, Secretariat or Northland Dancers, but we need to know their breeding results. I As far as we know, the initial stud fee for Northland Dancer was 100 US dollars, and then 300 million US dollars did not guarantee conception. Moreover, Sunday Tranquility was sold as a stud horse after retiring, and its value reached [-] million US dollars. "The man in the middle had a headache, Qi Ping really opened his mouth.

"I know the studs at Stuven and Field may not be the best studs, but we all know they're pretty good, and they cost a lot of money. Most of all, there's a lot of them, and no one would want to Give up their interests. Although we all know that your pasture is very good, not everyone can replicate the success."

Qi Ping laughed, this is a bargain.

"Everyone knows the quality of my pasture. I believe that more people will be willing to study my pasture. In fact, I have shown my sincerity, and the price I gave is very suitable. This is my bottom line. I hope you can understand that since we are cooperating, everyone needs to show sincerity. I don’t like negotiating a little bit on some small numbers, it’s really not worthwhile for me, and I still have a lot of things to deal with!”

Well, this is Qi Ping's ultimatum; his attitude is obvious, either accept my final offer, or call it a day.

If the agreement is reached, Fairyland Race Farm will get some outstanding studs. Breeding rights and some good foals with good genes.And if it fails, maybe it is necessary to consider dealing with some tasks that were forgotten some time ago, such as the theft of the pasture in my pasture.

"Okay, we know these things. We can all understand now that your pasture, your horse farm is very attractive, and this is the basis and initiative of our negotiations." Well, everyone knows now Qi Ping said, "We will strive for better benefits. We now have a more accurate understanding and know our advantages."

After seeing Qiping's information, these negotiators and business teams are going to make some preparations; it is actually not an easy task to cooperate with these big bosses.Such big bosses actually have more comprehensive information, and they are actually superior.

What Qi Ping said now can only make these elite business managers be obedient; especially now that Qi Ping is slowly starting to integrate the industries in his hands, what he needs now is to Own industry formalized.So these business elites actually have some small thoughts.

Everyone is a member of the circle, and naturally knows the great potential of the fairyland forest farm, and even more knows the great strength of the fairyland forest farm.Although the current Fairyland Forest Farm is powerful, everyone knows that the business operation model here is actually relatively simple and rough. There is no way to tap the powerful resources and potential of the Fairyland Forest Farm to the greatest extent.

Only by being more formal and professional can the potential of the fairyland forest farm be tapped out and the wealth and influence created by the forest farm can be expanded.

Think about the products of forest farms, as well as vegetables, fruits, even a small amount of aquatic products and an increasing amount of beef and mutton.These products are all 'individuals' and self-defeating types. They don't help each other at all, and they don't form a 'big picture'.

This is not possible, the stalls are too wide now, and the wealth is increasing, so of course it needs to be formalized.

Qi Ping is actually very clear about one point, that is, the influence of its own products is getting bigger and bigger; now is the time to completely integrate this brand, and now it is really necessary to maximize the benefits.

Just look at Coca-Cola, Disney, etc. to see how powerful a brand is; their brand value, even to a certain extent, is their market value.For many brands, the brand is an intangible asset with unlimited vitality; among many demanders, this includes its attributes, quality, grade, taste, culture, personality, etc., which represent the brand can bring to the demanders. value.

Fairyland Forest Farm should be the top-level product, and it should be the most luxurious existence among similar products; that is to say, if it is marked with the product logo of Fairyland Forest Farm, then this product should be a high-end product, and its value needs to be improved To a pretty high class!
Qi Ping is smiling very proudly now, he feels that he has accomplished a lot of big things now; he has also laid a very good foundation now, he does not need his own products, brand launch and so on, but he needs to put this Among the brands, it is a brand that can make children "sit and enjoy".

"I don't want our forest farm to be listed. Although I know that many investors want to enter our forest farm, I don't allow it. I don't want the forest farm to be listed, and I don't want our assets to skyrocket overnight. I I just hope that it has always been controlled by our family. I hope that Xiaoyao, Yoyo and Lele can control our forest farm in the future, instead of fighting with the members of the board of directors. The last thing I want to see is that we Our industry may one day be decided by other people, I just hope that our voices are the only ones here!"

Seeing Qi Ping lying on the bed humming, Kate said while stepping on Qi Ping's back; her idea was very simple, maybe going public would cause assets to skyrocket.But in that case, things such as shares need to be considered, and the ownership of the forest farm may not be completely controlled by Lao Qi's family.

Anyway, the family has enough wealth now, and the family is not short of money at all; maybe horse farms, animal sanctuaries and the like can cooperate with other people, but those are just relatively trivial industries and are not important at all.But the core industry should be controlled by Lao Qi's family, and it has always been firmly in the hands of Lao Qi's family.

"I know, I can guarantee it. I never thought of giving up my core interests, although I know that financing and the like will make our wealth skyrocket to a large extent. But our current income and wealth are already very good It is enough to support our lives. In fact, I know better that this is a cornucopia, a super cornucopia, and I will not allow them to get out of control, they can only belong to us."

Of course Qi Ping knew what Kate meant. They were never outstanding businessmen, and they didn't intend to become super rich or anything like that.Especially as long as they think of the lovely children, Qi Ping and Kate lose any 'aggressiveness' in an instant.They hope that the children will have a better life and a happier life in the future, so those commercial intrigues and the like hope that the children can be more "sunshine".

The forest farm is a cornucopia that cannot be dug out, and it can be left to future generations; if it is listed or the like, it is really hard to say.Didn’t see that even Jobs, the founder of Apple, resigned because of the anger of the board of directors. Even if he was a business genius, he was also revoked by the board of directors. The power struggle again and again will only make him disappointed and frustrated. .

Qi Ping and Kate are such people who can settle down when they are a little rich. They don't think about how many billions of dollars in wealth will skyrocket overnight. What they need is a long-term and stable iron rice bowl, which can be left to their children Golden rice bowl.The most important thing is that they all know that the forest farm has unlimited potential and can always create unimaginable wealth.

Money can never be earned, especially now that it can have a large amount of income every year; so there is no need to be greedy, and money can never be earned.The most important thing is that a happy life is the most important thing, and a step-by-step life is actually the most important thing now.

Wealth is not just the money that should be earned now, but also needs to be considered to leave enough wealth to future generations.In the final analysis, it is to prevent future generations from having nothing to eat. This is the golden rice bowl that Lao Qi's family has always been able to 'sit and enjoy'!
(End of this chapter)

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