America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 351 The Sensible Children

Chapter 351 The Sensible Children
Qi Ping is very busy now, busy integrating various resources, busy thinking about setting up a company belonging to the forest farm.Who made Qi Ping a small entrepreneur now, who made him think about building the industry under his hands into a monolithic one.These things, of course, require more preparation.

"I'm busy with work now, so I can't play baseball with you. You can go to your mother, and mother can take you to play games. Dad needs to work, so that you can ensure that you have pocket money to buy toys and candy."

Qi Ping smiled and rubbed the children's heads. The children all hoped to play games with their father, so they rushed to the study.But Dad needs to work, and the children can only walk out pouting.No way, Dad has to work again, so he has no time to play games with everyone now.

It is indeed very busy, in fact Qi Ping still likes to play games with the children; but as a man, he can't just think about his wife and children.Although the family has very good property now, work cannot be completely let go, especially at such a critical moment now, so it needs to be more serious and hardworking.

Study the benefits and scale of various products under your own hands, and look at market feedback and prospects, etc., and even some market development and potential.These things definitely need to be understood; even if it is not a direct manager who needs to implement it in detail, Qi Ping has always been unwilling to let go of things like mastering the general direction.

"Lilith, I sent you a document. I hope you can help me get in touch. I know you have the ability. Help me get in touch with these professional managers. I need to interview them." Fortunately, there are centurions Long black gold card, although he is indeed not a very good businessman, but the assets in his hand make him sure to have contact with some people.

One of the benefits of the Centurion Black Gold Card is that the credit cards in Qiping's hands can basically be said to be top-notch; then, some business services must be indispensable.In fact, Qi Ping this time is to ask the bank to provide some good managers. Now he just provides the headhunting company with the quality and ability requirements of the managers he needs.

I feel that this period of time is indeed quite tense and busy; this is not just looking at the bills like before, and now I need more specific information.It is a good thing to hire professional managers, and it is also a good thing to integrate resources; but once the big boss does not know the industry under his hands, it is also possible to be fooled by professional managers.

There is no rush for these things; only by finding a better trader can we ensure the maximum profit of the property under our hands.Qi Ping is not in a hurry now, this is no longer about the smell of wine and the fear of deep alleys, because the reputation of the Fairyland Forest Farm is already strong enough, what is lacking now is to integrate these resources together, and now it is just that they will not continue to work separately. It's time to fight.

After finishing his work, Qi Ping planned to play games with the children; but just as he went out, he heard Xiao Lele's cry.

There is no need to be distressed at all, what is needed now is to find a way to get away quickly; Lele is quite capable of crying, don't look at this boy crying out of breath, but Qi Ping basically I already knew the reason why this kid was crying.This kid kept yelling things like 'airplane', so he knew that he couldn't play with the toy or the toy was broken.

"Where are you going? You don't care if your son is crying!" Seeing that Qi Ping wanted to get away, his mother began to criticize and was very dissatisfied, "You really are not willing to buy a toy One with better quality. If you buy an iron plane, Lele won’t cry. This plastic toy can’t withstand being dropped, why are you saving money!”

Well, Qi Ping can only smile wryly now; as expected, Xiao Lele is really sad, and his toy is broken again.

Qi Ping feels that he needs a model airplane now. The quality of this kind of model airplane is better, which can ensure that children can have more fun playing and the life of this toy is longer.In fact, Qi Ping does know that children already love toys very much, but sometimes it is not the children's problem, but the quality of the toy airplane.

The quality of these helicopters is really bad, and the chassis has actually been dropped several times.Qi Ping thinks that this needs to be carefully considered. Is it really necessary to have a good model airplane?You must know that before the aircraft was fully insured, the underframe was actually completely mummified, wrapped with a thick piece of tape.

But now, if he falls, he will fall apart completely. Isn't this just seeing Lele crying, and Xiaoyao and Youyou standing aside with sad faces!

Airplane models are really necessary. At least these remote-controlled helicopters sometimes hit the ground hard when they land. There is no way to do this. The children should not be responsible for this.So Qiping knew that his mission was to provide children with better toys when they did not make mistakes, which was obvious.

"Dad, I broke my brother's plane." Seeing her father coming out, Xiao Lele cried very sadly and blamed herself. She hugged her father's leg and began to cry, "I didn't mean it, but I did it." Broke the plane."

Seeing the little guys around him, watching the little guys pointing and worrying about this plane that has been completely damaged after a series of major and minor injuries, Qi Ping's thoughts became even stronger, that is, he needs to deal with this situation properly. He couldn't let the children down, let alone let the children take on this responsibility that they didn't need to bear.

It’s not that Qi Ping can’t afford to spend too much money, but that Qi Ping is very clear; sometimes it’s like this, and it’s right to spend a little more money, maybe this means value for money or what you get for what you pay for up.

Qi Ping is now thinking about it. Although these simple and ordinary toys are relatively cheap, he has to admit that the continuous non-man-made crashes of these planes really make the children start to be "embarrassed".Xiaoyao and the others are like this, especially Xiaoyao is a typical example. He has a lot of toys, and more of his pocket money is actually spent on toys; There's nothing the little guy can do.

At home, toys really need to be thick-skinned and durable, and only such toys can survive at home for a long time.Qi Ping is now focusing on the model airplane, the high-end model airplane with an engine that needs fuel.

Lele blamed himself and was very sad. His brother lent him a toy to play with, but he accidentally broke the toy; his brother was already angry, which made Lele even more sad.Because my brother likes small planes very much, in fact Lele also likes this small plane very much.But the little plane was completely broken and couldn't be repaired at all.

Qi Ping was comforting Lele who was crying very sad, and also comforting Xiaoyao who was pouting on the side.None of the kids were wrong, and even Qiping saw a pretty good situation in the matter.

Xiaoyao is a very big brother, he takes good care of his siblings; although he knows that his younger brother and younger sister always like to take toys from his room, Xiaoyao will not say much, as long as the younger siblings tell him, as long as the younger siblings Just return the toy.He will share toys, especially with his younger siblings and relatives.

Xiaoyao is indeed very aggressive, but Yoyo and Lele are not bad; the little ones still know that those toys belong to their brother, so every time they go to get the toys, they will get the consent of their brother.And I will be very careful to protect my brother's toys. Now that my brother's toys are broken by me, this will make Lele feel very guilty and sad.

"The children are doing very well, I am proud of them." Kate is very happy, although this matter only seems to have some small troubles, although the children have encountered some troubles, but the children are dealing with these things. They performed very well during the process. "The children, like us, value family and loved ones. And they understand their responsibilities, and they know that they need to make some correct decisions."

Kate is very proud. The children are so cute and kind. Although they are always making big and small troubles, watching them grow up can bring more joy to people.It's a blessing to actually watch the kids grow.

"I wanted to change some of the toys for the kids, and you actually saw that the kids were doing really well. I don't think we can hold the kids accountable for the quality of those toys. You know, our kids pocket money It's always not enough, they can't feel the pressure of life again and again because of these reasons, and I can't allow the children to be sad and cry without making mistakes."

Qi Ping explained, "The quality of the airplane model is good, at least you don't have to worry about the damage to the chassis every time the plane lands. I am a good father, and I will make the children proud of me, and they will know that Dad is the world's most Reliable person."

Kate laughed, smiling proudly; she knew it was one of the best things Chipping could think of, and she knew it would make the children happier.Those high-quality toys will not be damaged so easily, so that children can have more money on hand, and can greatly reduce the chance of children being sad because of the damage of toys.

(End of this chapter)

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