Chapter 358
Japan's three major Wagyu beef, Matsusaka beef, Kobe beef, and Omi beef's native cattle feel a real threat. Although these cattle are strictly prohibited from export as Japanese specialties; ideal.So they have the highest quality beef, and they set that standard to a pretty stringent standard.

What established a household registration system to purify and improve bloodlines; these wagyu cattle also need to come from "famous families", and not a drop of mixed blood can be mixed in the bloodlines.Secondly, the selected cows must be virgin cows, otherwise they will taste slightly milky.In addition, it has to go through the evaluation of fat mixing rate, color, fineness and other items, and it can be called "Kobe beef" if it reaches the fourth or fifth grade.

These seem to be a joke in Qiping, because there is a very simple reason; others do not have these products and technologies at all, and the standards you list here are not for family members to play behind closed doors.These standards seem more like raising the threshold to prevent other people from entering. Furthermore, there is a seemingly high threshold and standard, and the price for selling beef to gold is also normal.

Qi Ping is not a bird of your little Japan's standard, that is your standard of Wagyu, and it has nothing to do with the fairy cattle of my Fairyland Ranch.In fact, your wagyu beef is not in my sight at all, and only your low-grade products have such ridiculous standards.

"We don't have any direct competition. My beef is still under research. Maybe you have some information and know some grades. But believe me, they are not fully mature. I believe in my beef, I The product will be of excellent quality, I never worry about that. But, right now we are not direct competitors.”

Although Qi Ping doesn't want to deal with these little Japans, these little Japans with backgrounds still have some energy; the most important thing is that this is a team sent by the government of Little Japan.It is to investigate and study the fairy cattle that suddenly appeared in the Wonderland Ranch, and to find an opportunity to ensure that Japanese Wagyu still maintains the title of the highest quality beef.

"Qi Jun, we have obtained the information, and we have seen your research results. We must admit that your immortal cattle are of very good quality. But according to the standard of Wagyu..."

Little Japan still looks very polite, and these guys seem very humble; but Qi Ping knows that these little Japan are actually perverts in their bones, and they only recognize the strong.If you are stronger than them, then these guys will nod and bow; if you give them face, then these guys may just jump up and down.

Although Qi Ping is now living in the United States, he is considered to be the half-godfather of little Japan, and these little Japan seem to be very polite to him.It's just that Qi Ping is really not interested in these little Japans; because what they like is only according to their own standards, which has nothing to do with Qi Ping.

"I think you have also said that it is the standard of your Japanese Wagyu, which is completely different from my fairy cow. Maybe you want to say that a cow is judged according to bloodline, fat mixing rate, color, fineness...etc. The quality of the beef. But that is Kobe beef, your Japanese Wagyu, and it has nothing to do with me."

Qi Ping unceremoniously considered what the middle-aged man said, and made the team of Little Japan very uncomfortable; they ignored you at all, and your standards did not have any market or sense of identity here.In the final analysis, Qi Ping doesn't care about your standard at all. Your standard is just to play with the door behind closed doors.

"Qi Jun, we need to deal with..."

"My products have always been spoken by the product, and let more customers be the judges. I don't like to see a group of high-ranking judges setting the so-called standards there. I don't want to see some people hold the right to speak and then It's up to them to set all the rules. It doesn't make sense to me, I don't care."

Well, Chi Ping continued to choke on Little Japan; he seemed to have contempt for authority, especially those so-called Little Japan authorities.Obviously, Qi Ping did not give the little Japanese any face at all, you should abide by your rules, anyway, all that has nothing to do with me.As for the standards that my beef needs to comply with, you don't need to worry about that.

After all, Japanese Wagyu and Fairyland Ranch's fairy cattle are completely two concepts; perhaps your little Japanese Wagyu has the reputation of being the best beef for half a century, and they seem to be more recognized by the market.Then it's okay, it doesn't matter now, let's see what happens next, and see if your wagyu standard is suitable for my fairy cow.

Qi Ping was quite rude, but the Japanese delegation could only listen; their faces were really ugly, and they really felt that Qi Ping had no sincerity or something.However, these guys really have nothing to do, because they have more and more information, so they will become more and more worried about the status and value of their Japanese Wagyu.

Obviously, although these fairy cattle in Qiping have not been raised on a large scale, even the breeding technology still needs some exploration.But it is undeniable that the quality of these cows has been recognized; those who can join this team are either wagyu experts or other elites, this is a real elite team; they can know the value and quality of beef , they can know the market prospect and development.

It is really difficult to sit down with Qiping and have a friendly talk; the most important thing is that it is impossible for Qiping to feel satisfied with the conditions offered by Little Japan, because they have no reason to let Qiping Qi Ping gave up a lot of benefits that are about to be obtained, those unimaginable benefits.

Qi Ping now has a new breed of cattle, which is far better than Japanese Wagyu; what he may need now is just a little time to expand the scale of these cattle and make the breeding technology more mature.And these, in fact, are not too difficult. When Qiping has the best breed of cattle, all this actually explains everything.

Benefits are actually the most important thing. It is entirely possible for Qi Ping to monopolize the top beef market by himself now, and he can completely drive Little Japan out of this market.Obviously, although the top market may be pitifully small, such a small market actually has unimaginably rich benefits.

Qi Ping can completely take this benefit into his own pocket, and now he has the capital to eat alone.Because the quality and quality of his products are impeccable, because Qiping itself has created a brand of high-end agricultural and animal husbandry products, which are actually a manifestation of value.

"I don't want to deal with those little Japanese. Those people are bad. Those bastards think I'm so stupid. The quality of my products is obviously better, and it's not difficult at all to expand the scale of farming. I don't need to form an alliance with them. I don’t need to deal with these individuals because my products are better quality. They used to have great products, but that’s a thing of the past.”

Seeing Qi Ping proudly showing off, Luo Yi didn't know what to say; in fact, this is exactly the case, because now Qi Ping has the best breed of cattle, because he now has enough conditions to sell the best cattle. Cattle are bred on a large scale.The top beef market is basically waiting for Qi Ping to knock on the door.

As for Little Japan, it is completely impossible to talk empty words and draw a big pie waiting to be leveled.Because Qi Ping pursues profit first, and because he has absolute confidence in his own products; therefore, Qi Ping has no interest in cooperating with the Japanese, because those little Japanese have no good intentions to say nothing, and they actually want to follow Qi Ping. It is unreasonable to share a share of the flat rice bowl!
"I think you can cooperate with them, they have the top beef, and they have promoted Wagyu to the world. Everyone knows Wagyu, but this is the best beef brand. If you cooperate with them, maybe you are promoting It will save you a lot of trouble. You should know that it is easier to succeed if you stand on a higher starting point."

What Steve said is right, Little Japan does have some ideas, that is to cooperate together; to combine Xianniu and Wagyu to create a higher-end brand, and even consider introducing Xianniu breeds and the like.But obviously, these things are not attractive to Qi Ping at all, and the most important thing is that he doesn't want to share the benefits he got.

"I will not cooperate with them. They want to hold the distribution rights of these beefs in their hands. They also want to limit the output of beef. Even these guys want to get my cattle breed and breeding technology. Compared with What they want, they will give too little. They are not very good businessmen, because they are so greedy that they are disgusting."

Qi Ping laughed. Qi Ping has always been not interested in things that are not in line with his own interests; as for the future development of those little Japans, it has nothing to do with Qi Ping at all.Speaking of it, he should do what he should do, and now Qi Ping doesn't need to care about the immediate interests at all, he needs to take a long-term view.

A lot of benefits are waiting for him to reap, he just needs a little patience now; at this time to get a little "technical resources" from Japan, and then he has to advance and retreat with them, a fool will do those stupid things .Because Qi Ping doesn't need to care about these at all, he can kick Little Japan away and do it alone!

Benefits are the key, Qi Ping will not be kind to others in the business field.

(End of this chapter)

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