America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 359 The Aggressive Big Man

Chapter 359 The Aggressive Big Man
"Dad, Liang Shanbo is unhappy again." Looking at Liang Shanbo's sullenness, Lele was also unhappy, "Dad, can I fight Liang Shanbo, so that it will be happy."

Qi Ping is speechless, and now he doesn't know how to answer this little guy; it seems that there are still a lot of aggressive elements in the family, except Xiaoyao who bullies other children in the kindergarten every now and then, and now there is one more person who always thinks about fighting Xiao Lele is happy, this kid has 'progressed' now.

Qi Ping reckoned that this must have been influenced by the militants in the family, and it was really because there were too many militants in the family.So under the influence of our ears and eyes, the children are all aggressive now, and each of them obviously doesn't like a quiet life, they like a little excitement and tension.

First of all, Qi Ping, Jia Hai Zijin Liang of Lao Qi's family is a militant.Don't look at him as a good old man, but the aggressive gene has always been in his bones.Once someone moved his things, Qi Ping would immediately jump out and fight with others continuously, without any retreat at all, because he needed to guarantee his own interests.

As for King Kong and Pooh, let alone a few of them, perhaps one of the favorite things of these guys is to go out and find animals to fight.Now in the mountains, they definitely belonged to the overlord level. They belonged to the type of invincible fighters in the mountains. They always hoped to find a stronger opponent to add a little color to their lives.

It was Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Although they were beaten up by the Andean condor, which is also a flat-haired animal, some time ago, they have regained their place now.Together with King Kong and Pooh, they completely drove the Andean condor out of the forest farm, making the more ferocious-looking Andean condor completely a paper tiger, and did not dare to enter the forest farm for half a step.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have reasons to be unhappy. They are relatively wild in nature, they like to run around outside; a few days ago, they followed King Kong and Winnie to show off their power, and they ruthlessly hurt the more powerful Andean condor .They managed to enjoy the pleasure of becoming a bird of prey, but unfortunately the Andean condor escaped unexpectedly.

Such a thing is really unacceptable.

Qi Ping felt that the children were always wanting to fight and the like, all because of these bad influences.Think about your most trusted partners, think about your idols, they have always liked to fight.Well, from the kids' point of view, it's definitely fun to fight sometimes and stuff like that.

"Lele, if Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not happy, you can take it to pick fruit, and you can help mom and dad do more things. You are already a lovely child, and you have grown up now, so You can do more things and become our good assistant. Fighting is not the performance of growing up."

Well, Kate just said a few words, and Xiao Lele immediately got into her mother's arms and began to act like a baby; he didn't necessarily want to fight, in fact, this kid just wanted to get more attention, he just I want to get the care of my parents, and I want to play games with my parents.Fighting is just a small means.

Qi Ping really doesn't have much time to play games with the children, because he does have a lot of things to do now.Although he enjoys playing games with his children, there are still some things that need to be taken care of now.

For example, in terms of work, the industries under his control are now being consolidated. This is a very critical period, and Qiping cannot be distracted for too long.This matter requires Qi Ping to work hard all the time, at least when the property under his hands is not completely on the right track, he can't take it lightly.

And apart from the construction of the wildlife sanctuary, there are other things to do; especially the best quality cattle breeds that have just been bred on the pasture, this matter is enough to make Qi Ping focus on this aspect.Because the interests here are too great, this may be a new breakthrough point for Qiping's industry.

Obviously, when some companies and enterprises reach a certain scale, every new breakthrough is extremely difficult; just like the current forest farm, it has reached a saturation point in vegetables, fruits, and even resorts. status.Here, in fact, there may not be too many profit growth points, because their development is very stable, and it is only necessary to ensure that the current state is actually almost the same.

As for his own racecourse, although this is a new point of interest growth in Qi Ping's view, it is actually true; it's just that the construction of the racecourse will take more time.Moreover, the industrial interests there are relatively limited; the most important thing is that the construction progress is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it is impossible to expect to get rich overnight.

So it is good to put more thought on the construction of pastures now, because pastures can bring more benefits, and the output here can even exceed the benefits created by vegetables and fruits.The animal husbandry industry has always been the biggest profit. The best beef quality can bring unimaginable wealth. This is a huge market that can make people die!
And the construction of the pasture, to be honest, has just started, although the construction of the pasture has been two years; but this is just laying the foundation, although the foundation is good, but the breeding of new cattle breeds has never been a trivial matter.What's more, these new cattle breeds are epoch-making products known as the best beef quality, so we should not take it lightly.

Qi Ping is very busy, always busy; but he usually likes to stay at home, and he will play games with the children all day long.So this creates some illusions, making people think that Qi Ping has always been the idle type.

Now we have to keep up our spirits. There have been new breakthroughs and developments in our career. Even a person like Qi Ping who does not have much ambition will be full of motivation.Because he knows very well that as long as he works hard now, he will be able to enjoy the treatment of "sitting and eating mountains and empty mountains" for a long time in the future, but these mountains of gold and silver cannot be dug up.

Although he has a lot of money now, Qi Ping doesn't think he has too much money at all, and sometimes he even feels that the money is not enough to spend.But now, maybe there is no need to worry too much about this, because now there are new profit points, because more and more good products are constantly emerging.

Qi Ping can be happy and proud, because he has become a big shot and a leader in the industry.He can now enjoy some privileges. For example, if he stomps his feet, some markets will shake three times; and the hardest hit is undoubtedly Little Japan, which has the most experience.

(End of this chapter)

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