America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 360 The Noisy Morning

Chapter 360 The Noisy Morning

"Dad, look at my little monkey!"

Don't expect to have a good night's sleep this morning, Qi Ping was still about to stay in bed, but the door was knocked open.Xiaoyao rushed in with his younger siblings, and climbed onto the bed, jumping up and down, wreaking havoc.

Xiao Lele was arguing happily to her father that he had a good toy, which was a gift from his uncle. It was a toy for a little monkey to beat the gong.This toy is Xiao Lele's favorite now. He likes to turn on the switch and watch the little monkey walk slowly while beating the gong. He likes to watch this 'little monkey' creak and make a lot of noise.

"Dad, get up quickly. My brother is already dressed, we're going to wash up, we're going to have breakfast!" Yoyo bit her father's nose, the little ones disliked her father's laziness.Dad is a good dad most of the time, but dad is a bad dad sometimes.

"Get up, I'll get up!" Qi Ping hummed weakly. Now that the three children were jumping and jumping on the bed, there was no need to expect to sleep in. "Get down first, or Dad will be crushed to death."

Xiaoyao and Yoyo ran away immediately, the two little guys would go downstairs by themselves; but Lele still needs to be hugged or led by his father to go downstairs, the little guy is now happily playing on his father's shoulder monkey toy.

Qi Ping had black lines all over his forehead, but he couldn't talk to the little guy to the end.This kid is too young now, and it doesn't make sense; but it's definitely not appropriate to lose his temper directly.The little guy is just playing the game, and there are no more mistakes for the time being that make Qiping unbearable.

"I knew Lele was up early in the morning. His uncle bought him a toy and he couldn't rest for a moment. Look at him, he was playing games with King Kong early in the morning. Looking at this little The monkey beats the gong. There are so many toys in our house, and I have never seen him care so much about any one of them."

Seeing the little grandson happily playing games, watching the little grandson crawling happily on the carpet, the mother is very happy.

"If you let him play with that little monkey next to your ear, you won't be able to bear it. There are monkeys screaming and gongs and drums. It's all noise, and I don't know what this kid thinks. Such a toy has little technical content. No, he is patient enough to bear it."

Speechlessly, he glanced at the fat son and his new toy, Qiping Yalishan Da; such a small toy, coupled with the control of the fat son who loves to play, can basically drive people crazy.This toy is really too noisy, and Xiao Lele is not a gentle person, it will definitely cause a nervous breakdown in the whole family.

This is definitely not alarmist talk, anyway, Qi Ping felt that he was going to discuss it with his brother; giving toys to children is welcome, but toys must be carefully selected.Just look at Xiao Lele. This kid will definitely not be quiet until he drives the whole family crazy. His toy with the little monkey knocking the gong is simply not something ordinary people can bear!

It's a pity, this is just the opinion of Qi Ping's family, and the family members obviously don't agree with Qi Ping's point of view.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo both like this new toy of their younger brother, and the little ones are very interested in these loud toys.Noisy is a bit noisy, and noisy is a bit noisy; but such a small toy is completely unpopular when facing children, and any one of the three children howls is far more powerful than this small toy.

Since the children think this toy is good, then this toy must be good, and it will not be good. Needless to say, parents all have the same idea, as long as the grandchildren like it, let alone just a little noisy monkey toy Well, it doesn't matter if a big tank fires at home all day long, as long as the children like it.

In fact, Kate is not much better. She is now working with the children on how to make this little monkey more interesting.She is making suggestions for the children, thinking about how to combine and match toys that can be more interesting and expressive.

Well, in this way, Qi Ping really dislikes the toy of the little monkey knocking the gong, and other members of the family obviously like this little toy very much.Now that the adults agree with this little monkey, not to mention that guys like King Kong and Pooh are the type who like to be lively, because these guys are more capable than noisy.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that he was really soft-spoken at home, and he couldn't even find someone to ally with, because no matter how he looked, he belonged to the kind of person who was excluded, and it was because he was so out of place It's because he's always finding fault everywhere that's why he's unanimously disgusted by everyone. This is completely self-inflicted trouble.

There is really no other way, and I can only accept this identity and this kind of treatment honestly; if I want to resist and the like, it is completely unnecessary, and there is no future at all.Qi Ping has long accepted all this. He can accept all the roles given to him by his family without changing his face. He is happy with these roles, even if they don't look good.

It's a boisterous and cozy morning because the kids are messing around and because the family can enjoy these moments together.And this is just the beginning of a beautiful day.

"Mom, my brother and sister are going to kindergarten again, and they don't like playing games with me anymore." Seeing her brother and sister climbed into the car, Xiao Lele pouted a little dissatisfied. He still liked playing with his brother very much. My sister plays games together, but most of the time he is the only one playing games.

"Brother and sister need to go to school now, they have reached the age to go to school, they can't always play games at home. Believe in brother and sister, they love you the most, and they will like to play games with you all the time." Seeing the fat son pouted and sullen, Kate naturally started to explain again.

"My brother doesn't like me, my sister likes me. My brother didn't even give me a big goodbye kiss when he left, but he kissed my mom and grandma. But he didn't kiss me and my dad goodbye. It's wrong for my brother. I like my sister , my sister likes me the most!"

Xiao Lele thought about it for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of some important things again; this kid doesn't look like he is still young, but he has a clear understanding of some things at home.Even in this kid's opinion, it is the best performance for others to be nice to him, and it is the best performance if others are willing to take him to play games.

I have to say that such a child is really a headache. These little guys are often completely unreasonable.

But there is no way, who told this kid to be a child of Lao Qi's family? No matter how uneasy he is, Qi Ping will still happily play games with this little guy and take care of his growth.

(End of this chapter)

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