America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 361 The Pressure From Beef

Chapter 361 The Pressure From Beef

The children's ability to toss people is really too strong, and the little guy is now at an innocent and ignorant age, their curiosity is very strong, and there is too much information they want to know now.

Xiao Lele now needs to have a good chat with her mother, about the fact that her brother went to kindergarten directly in the morning without kissing him goodbye.Because the little ones always have some strange ideas, and the little ones always have some small doubts that need the help of parents to solve.

Xiao Lele may not have figured out why his brother didn't like kissing him goodbye, but he had already forgotten about it in an instant.He saw his younger brother, and he saw little brother Luobo; this time the little guy got excited, and Xiao Lele was able to pretend to be big in front of Little Luobo, and he usually followed his brothers and sisters.

Seeing Xiao Lele walking with the wobbly little radish arranging today's game plan, Qi Ping didn't bother to say anything. This is the children's freedom and their own choice.

It's obvious that as long as the little ones are at home, the house must be very lively; the little ones are always very energetic.When they are at home, they can often make too much gossip.Once the little ones are at home, there is no quiet time at home.Because the little ones can bring so much energy to the home.

Qi Ping knows very well that the little ones never feel tired when they play games; it may be that some of them eat well, drink well and have some exercise since childhood.But obviously there is no such thing as fatigue for the little ones playing games; the little ones may be hungry, thirsty, or hot, but there is absolutely no such thing as being tired from playing.

So every day is a game day, and of course it is a happy day for the children.It's just that for the adults who take care of the children, sometimes it's really too much, because these little guys are really tossing around.Taking care of them, protecting them, and playing games with them by the way, these things are really not easy.

Qi Ping now knows how to be lazy, these things are actually enjoyment for Kate; Kate is actually not very competent as a housewife, she basically rarely cooks now, because there is an authority in charge of the kitchen at home.As for laundry, sanitation, etc., Kate has never been good at these things, and even tidying up the bedroom is average.

But Kate's accomplishments in raising children are amazing, and she is surprisingly patient in dealing with children's affairs.No matter how tossing these little guys or how naive the games are, Kate can play with the children with great interest for a long time. In the process of taking care of the children, Kate basically does not hear Kate shouting impatience or feeling tired.

Qi Ping still admires his prodigal daughter-in-law very much, and raising children is definitely not a simple and easy task, especially now that he has three children, Qi Ping naturally has a deeper understanding of this matter.Since Kate likes to play games with the children, let Kate take care of the children more.

As a husband and wife, there is no need to divide these matters so clearly.

"Fortunately, a few big ones are gone. If these naughty children are all at home, it will be really crazy. In the past, your sister-in-law always said that your three live treasures can turn the house upside down. I was dubious at first. .Now, I firmly believe that those little things in your family are full of good skills."

The elder brother came, looking relaxed and at ease.

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you at all. What kind of toy do you bring? It's not good to bring a little monkey. Since you know that my house is very noisy, you still bring such a tossing and noisy toy. Say it yourself Let’s see if it’s unreasonable.” Qi Ping looked at his elder brother, full of grievances and really had nothing to say.

"Isn't it impossible? If the uncle comes back, it will be unjustifiable if he doesn't bring some gifts for the children. It's not about the gifts, it's because those little things in your family are so good at torturing people." The elder brother who laughed dryly said decisively Blame the problem on the kids, not his toys.

I'm too lazy to say anything more to my brother, and it doesn't make any sense to say it; this matter is really unreasonable, no matter how you say it, it's the type that doesn't make sense.

My brother is now successful in his career, and he is the agent of the fairyland forestry industry in Asia; it may not be possible to talk about being rich and powerful, but it must be that the small days are extremely nourishing.After all, most of these businesses are based on the profit here; it also includes some costs and channels to do business, especially in the past two years to develop the entire Asian market. In fact, my brother has really paid a lot.

Compared with these efforts, I actually got more rewards; although I don’t expect to be on the Forbes rich list or the like, but my brother can pat his chest and say that his childhood is extremely exciting, and now he is not the same as before. My little real estate agent is not a house slave who bears the heavy pressure of mortgage.

Men basically hope to have some power and some wealth; although they don't expect to benefit the world, they can't grasp the real power.But in the business field, now at least he has a little fame and a little energy.These are actually very happy, and this is the state that my brother has been very satisfied with all these years. His life is getting more and more exciting and interesting.

"There has been a lot of movement in Japan recently, and they are all asking me about the fairy cow. Your new breed of cow is not fully mature yet, and they look like wolves. You have to pay attention, little boy It’s cloudy in Japan.” The old man half-jokingly half-seriously said that when a product rises strongly, it may also be attacked by “conservative forces”.

Obviously Japanese Wagyu will not be reconciled to being kicked off the No. [-] position in the beef market, they will definitely fight back; even this is not a Jedi counterattack, because they know that the current cows are not yet fully mature, even if they can A threat is not necessarily an imminent threat.

"Little Japan is really shady, but there is nothing I can do now. I am in the United States. I have money and power, so there is no need to worry about using national righteousness or other names to oppress me. My products are my products, and I You can make as much trouble as you want. Besides, a good product like my Xianniu is a national treasure everywhere; various policies and other support are very common, and if there is suppression, it will be an international joke.”

Qi Ping cheerfully didn't care. After all, the quality of the products under his hands is really good. At this time, there is no need to worry about some people wanting to stretch out their hands indiscriminately.In fact, such people do exist, but Qi Ping didn't give them any chance at all, and those people didn't have any possibility to enter this endless cornucopia.

Obviously, the United States is not without some shady methods and the like. There are indeed some power-money transactions here, and there are also some special classes here.

However, these people don't have so many ways to make a high profile, especially when they want to intervene in the career of a billionaire, this matter is definitely not a simple matter.As for not cooperating or finding a reason to throw it in prison, it is really really difficult, because this is a market economy.

"Didn't you say that you slaughtered a cow, and I didn't see you leave some meat for me. Fortunately, your sister-in-law loves me, and my parents also left some beef for me, otherwise I really can't do anything I have tasted these good beef. I can’t eat these words, but I feel that it is really good. It still needs to be evaluated by gourmets, talking about tenderness, fat and so on.”

Seeing his elder brother spitting his lips, Qi Ping was under a lot of pressure; Qi Ping was quite clear about his elder brother's virtues.Brother, this is definitely a strong foodie attribute; don’t look at what he seems to say that he can’t taste the taste, but in fact he wants more beef to go back. There is not much beef, only one head was slaughtered; it needs to be tested , testing, grades and the like, there are very few left in the hands.

"I don't have a lot of beef now, basically I get less than [-] catties of beef. This cow is actually only [-] to [-] catties of beef, which is a little smaller than the average beef cattle. This time, it needs to be inspected and so on. It consumes too much beef, not much at all. You may know how much meat Benben has eaten at my house during this time. I am still worried that I will run out of the stock, and how will I explain to my fat nephew? "

The elder brother looked at Qi Ping, and suddenly stopped talking; this confused account is really difficult to calculate, because children are the real gourmets, and these little guys have always been a typical example of rich food.They are used to eating good things, and you suddenly let them eat lower-quality food. This will definitely not work; it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. These things are better reflected in children.

The elder brother thought of what Ben Ben had been saying recently that beef was delicious, and Qi Ping thought of the fact that each meal of the three snacks at home was a small palm-sized steak, and the pressure was great.Although those small slaps are counted according to the children's slaps, the meat needed for steaks is all high-quality beef, and besides steaks, goulash and everything else needs beef.

Qi Ping suddenly felt the pressure, not because of the pressure from Little Japan, but because he knew he had done some stupid things.

He shouldn't show off after getting the premium beef, and he shouldn't have grilled and delivered it some time ago; now, there is not much beef in the refrigerator at home. Waiting eagerly for the delicious beef with a small fork, Qi Ping was sweating profusely.

(End of this chapter)

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