America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 364 Unexpected Things

Chapter 364 Unexpected Things

I stayed at the seaside for three days, which made me feel comfortable and enjoyable; although Qi Ping has been disliked and ignored in these three days, in general, these three days still make people feel quite satisfied. In these three days of life, Qi Ping, who was already happy, got more and different happy lives.

It's just that after the vacation, we still have to go back to the forest farm; but fortunately, the sea view villa is very close to the forest farm, only an hour's drive away.In the past, it was just that there were very few such formal vacations. It took two or three days to play by the sea.As for coming to play occasionally, it must be indispensable, anyway, if you want to come and play if you are close, you will come back to play.

"Boss, the work on the horse farm is going very well. The stallion horse sent by the Stowen horse farm is very good, better than the horses in our horse farm. We are now conducting more tests and observations on it. We still have to wait until the filly arrives from Field Racecourse. These are two good horses that we have carefully selected and we think their offspring will be the best racehorses."

Qi Ping listened patiently. Some time ago, he paid a lot of money to get these top stallions; now that these good horses are sent over, of course it will make Qi Ping feel happy.Although in his opinion, the price of these horses worth hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of dollars is a bit exaggerated, but as long as they are worth money, it is not a problem at all. He is a businessman now, and what he cares about is whether these investments can bring money. Generous benefits.

He continued to inspect his territory and looked at his property; Qi Ping didn't even bother to say that Heitan was domineering at the racecourse again.

Heitan is hopeless, Heitan is very happy in the swimming pool specially built for horse racing; but Qi Ping can assure you that Heitan is happy because there are many beautiful horses in the swimming pool. What he enjoys is the high-end enjoyment of mandarin ducks playing in the water. If it is not tempted by beautiful girls and horses, it will definitely not have a reason to go down to such a small shallow pond.

It has to be said that Heitan has been with Qiping for a long time, and his vision is naturally quite high; this kid is very popular and drinks spicy food, and he even likes to have some small wine and meat occasionally. Ordinary Marcos do not have such food .As for work and the like, it often depends on its mood. It actually prefers to wander around the horse farm with Rudolph.

Qi Ping has seen through Heitan's heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney a long time ago, Heitan is a bum and a scoundrel; if it wasn't for following Qi Ping, a good boss, Heitan would definitely be disgusted and despised.This kid can only be in command of the forest farm if he follows a good boss.

But it's obvious that Heitan doesn't have a high level of consciousness, and he doesn't seem to realize why he has a good life now.This kid Heitan doesn't know how to be grateful at all, and this kid doesn't know how to be nice to his boss at all;

I have to say that with a younger brother like Heitan, being the boss is actually very aggrieved.But it's aggrieved to be aggrieved, but who made Qi Ping like this smart and spiritual little guy? Perhaps it can also be said that Qi Ping is being cheap.Anyway, for him, even if Heitan has many bad habits or things that other people can't accept at all, but for Qiping, this is the best existence, because it is very cute, Qiping and it are very hit it off.

After walking around the racecourse, Qi Ping felt very satisfied; the work on the racecourse went smoothly, and all of this made people feel very satisfied.

"Honey, it's good news that the San Diego Padres invited you to kick off the game. It seems my husband is getting more and more recognition, and you are getting more and more famous now." Kate looked Excited, she was very happy, to be asked to kick off in the game, which is actually an honor, "San Diego Padres, this is the team I have supported since I was a child, and now it is also the home team of my children! "

Qi Ping was dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say now; in fact, Major League Baseball has some habits of kicking off games, basically stars or celebrities.This is a little gimmick before the start of the game, a little ceremony that seems to make the kicker feel a little vain.

"They should know. I'm not a baseball fan. I don't even know how many yards are from the pitching box to the receiving box. As for the San Diego Padres, I only know that their home field is Peco Field. No idea how big their stadium is. I just know their jerseys are navy, khaki, and white, and that’s because the kids have their jerseys.” Chipping was speechless, feeling that the invitation was a shame.

"That's why I was surprised. You don't know everything about MLB. You don't know the rules of baseball, you don't know the divisions of the teams, you don't even know the stars of baseball. I think you only know basketball and football. Now you are dabbling in football. But Honey, this is an invitation you can't refuse."

Kate is very happy, she has even started to show off, obviously she thinks her husband is the best, and it is an honor to be able to go to a professional golf course to tee off the game.Even Kate has already made a plan, and she will definitely call relatives and friends to go to Peco Stadium and watch Qiping kick off for the game. This is a rare experience.

Those who are not professional athletes basically have no chance to play on a regular sports field, let alone pitch in front of tens of thousands of people.

Qi Ping felt that it was a trap. He thought that the San Diego Padres found him because they couldn't find a better kicker.Qi Ping is not a famous person, he is not a big star, celebrity or the like; at most, he is a resident of San Diego, maybe the Padres just want to make Qi Ping pay more.

Well, maybe the Padres think that they have the best forest farm and have always produced the best vegetables and fruits. The owner of the wonderland forest farm is their fans.Apparently, Chi Ping had booked season tickets; because the father-in-law's family are fans, and Kate and the children are now little baseball fans.

In fact, Qi Ping doesn't care about the home team. He feels that it is obviously not the wisest choice to invest his emotions in a certain team; but obviously, Kate doesn't think so. She feels that when she supports a team , I will feel happy or worried with the team's results and games, which will be more immersive.

In fact, Qi Ping didn't care much about things like going to the field to kick off. He didn't think this matter might be so glorious, and he didn't necessarily think it might just have some pressure.Obviously, this incident is just a small thing, maybe just a small embellishment and fun in life.

"No, you can't go to the tee! That's sixty feet [18 meters], and I don't think you can throw the ball home on the pitcher's plate. And man, it's not easy. It's not easy For throwing the ball, you need to think about power, speed, and most importantly, accuracy."

Joshua ran over. This new baseball star felt a lot of pressure and even strong opposition to Qi Ping going to kick off the team he had supported since childhood.Obviously, he didn't think his brother-in-law would be able to complete this task well.In fact, he knows that Qi Ping is a rich man or even a scientist, but he should not be good at everything, especially baseball, which he barely touched before.

"Man, you know the tee off is a bad thing, it's a thankless thing. You throw a good ball and no one cares. But if you're not good off the tee, Maybe all over the Internet is a billionaire's ridiculous antics. I guarantee you've probably seen a lot of videos, and maybe the next one is 'billionaire botched on the court'."

Hearing Joshua's words, Qi Ping was indeed terrified instantly; I have to say that this matter is indeed quite creepy, and it is quite beautiful to talk about it at the kick-off.But if it can't be handled well, it will really become a joke; Qi Ping is not a star or something, so he doesn't need such a bit of news to increase his exposure.

If there is a joke or something like this, then it will be a complete stain, and then it will be laughed at.This matter seems to be really harmful to Qi Ping, it is not beneficial at all, okay?

Joshua seems to be alarmist, but Qi Ping is really serious; because he doesn't understand baseball at all, even if he plays it occasionally, it's just fooling around with the children, that's not real baseball , just put on baseball gear and throw it around with the kids, there are no rules at all, it's not formal at all.

Qi Ping can realize these things, and the more he realizes these things, the more worried he feels.He felt that if he ran to tee off now, it would almost certainly be a joke, no doubt about it.

Qi Ping has always been very self-aware, he knows exactly how much he weighs; this matter is really not simple, not simple at all.He still needs to study hard now, at least for now he needs to hold his feet temporarily to ensure that he will not lose the chain at this critical moment.

As for rejecting the invitation, Qi Ping would definitely not agree; because the children are right in front of them, and they are all excited when they hear about the baseball game.The children must not be disappointed, and the children must not underestimate their father!
Obviously, Qi Ping is serious now; although this is some small accident, this matter is indeed something he did not expect.It's just that this matter must not be handled carelessly, he must think of a more comprehensive solution, he needs to find a solution that pleases everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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