America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 365 Birthday and Growth

Chapter 365 Birthday and Growth

Naturally, there are some accidents in life. For example, Qi Ping was invited to kick off the baseball game; this incident is indeed a small accident in Qi Ping's life, but it is also a very good little memory.

He has been doing surprise training for the past few days, and Kate naturally takes on the heavy responsibility of the coach. She is the one who really knows some baseball at home.As for the children, they were bouncing around in fun and put forward a lot of opinions. As for whether they can be adopted or not, it is really hard to say.

Generally speaking, it is good. Although I am still a little nervous to tee off in front of tens of thousands of people, it can be regarded as experiencing the feeling of a star.As for the quality of the tee shot, it is naturally not as good as those professional players; it's just that as a temporary commando, this time the tee shot was completed with quality and quantity, at least without mistakes.

The kids were the happiest at this kick-off; seeing their father throwing the ball on the court made the little ones slap red.Seeing the children cheering and running towards him, Qi Ping thought that the kick-off was actually quite perfect and successful, and this choice was correct.

Qi Ping felt that he was still very happy and happy now, especially when he saw that Kate set off early in the morning with the children.Although holding a long list in his hand, doing these things is something that Qi Ping thinks is very valuable and meaningful, and it is something he is willing to do and enjoy.

Dad's birthday is coming, so it's natural to prepare now.

Kate took the children to make a cake, although it was going to a cake shop, although the materials were provided by the cake shop.But it must be admitted that when it comes to making cakes, children need to do it.Even such a cake may not be beautiful and generous, but the cakes made by children are actually more meaningful.

Qiping still has time to be lazy, because he knows that Kate and the children set off early not only to make cakes, but also to go shopping, buy clothes and toys, and maybe there will be gifts.As for Qi Ping, it is not a problem to be lazy at home now, because there is no need to feel that time is tight now.

After eating lunch and taking a nap, Qi Ping set off in a leisurely manner; he had to prepare something, such as balloons, and by the way, he needed to get back the birthday present he had prepared for his father.

"Hey, is this a cake for grandpa or are you guys eating cake?"

When we arrived at the cake shop, Qi Ping laughed; the children were preparing birthday cakes with their mother, but now it looked like the children were going to be full.

"Dad, cream, I like cream the most!"

Xiao Lele held up a small basin and shouted like offering treasures. Although most of the cream was spread on the cake, he and his brothers and sisters also ate a lot.Now the little guy's face has completely turned into a little cat. It seems that this little guy's whole head is going to be inserted into the small pot of cream.This greedy kid really doesn't pay attention to eating.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo were also very happy, and they were also late for a lot of cream; delicious cream has always been one of their favorite foods for the children, and it is obvious that they are having a good time eating it now.As for the birthday cake made for grandpa, my mother is actually helping, so there is no need to worry about making the cake bad.

The children are still a little young, and they don't even know when their family members or even their own birthdays are; but the children know the meaning of birthdays, can wear hats and blow out candles, receive gifts and eat Delicious birthday cake.

Qi Ping and Kate smiled and watched the children pointing at the side. They said that the cake was too small to draw many people, and then they said that grandpa didn't like cakes, or that cream was the best thing to eat.The existence of these little guys really makes people feel very happy, being noisy is a bit noisy, but their innocence and happiness make people feel happy.

Carrying a big cake box, the family happily prepared to go home; the happiest thing for the children was that grandpa's birthday was coming, and they also ate a lot of delicious cream cakes today.In fact, as long as there are relatives celebrating birthdays, the children are extremely happy, and every birthday will be a festival for the children.

"Ah, this is a cake made by my precious grandchildren. It's so beautiful!" Undoubtedly, Father Qi was completely smitten. Although he knew that the children would not contribute too much in the process of making the cake, he What matters is the wishes of the children, "Then hurry up and sing the birthday song, so that grandpa can cut the cake."

Seeing the little guys clapping their little hands like greedy cats, their little eyes are already fixed on the cake and they can't move away. Naturally, they need to go through the birthday process quickly.In fact, listening to the children singing the birthday song in a childlike voice, in fact, this will be the enjoyment of the adults, and this is also the most beautiful voice.

As for the cake distribution, this was the main event, which was why the children clapped their little hands and sang the birthday song in a childlike voice, and couldn't wait to blow out the candles with their grandpa.The little ones are definitely not full, especially because they love cream cakes so much, they will never get tired of eating them.

Fortunately, Qi Ping had already prepared for it. King Kong and Pooh actually like to eat cakes very much. Their love for cream is at the fanatic level.Of course, Qi Ping will not disappoint the little brothers, and these cream cakes will definitely not be without them; even because the belly of these little guys is too big, it is necessary to prepare an extra cake.

"Grandpa's birthday, so I eat the first cake." Seeing Xiaoyao took the cake and swallowed the fruit and refused, the adults felt very relieved and happy; the little ones were greedy, but in general It's still good, and knowing that the birthday cake is now going to let grandpa eat the first piece first.

"Brother, no, it's grandpa's birthday, grandpa should eat the first piece of cake!" Youyou was anxious because she saw her brother running over and biting on the birthday cake; this is wrong, this is grandpa's Birthday.

"But I'm hungry, I want to eat cake!" Xiao Lele didn't care, he was completely immersed in the charm of the cream cake and couldn't extricate himself; so who should eat this cake is actually no longer the matter The little guy cared, he just started to move his mouth after seeing Grandpa cut the cake.

Being amused by the cute little bastard, no one said anything in this scene; Xiaoyao and Youyou have grown up, so they know that the cake should be given to grandpa first.But they may not know that when they were young, just like their younger brothers now, the little ones would actually rush to eat birthday cakes eagerly.

This is a birthday, and it is actually a growth, which takes time.

(End of this chapter)

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