America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 367 Riding a Horse Alone

Chapter 367 Riding a Horse Alone
Qi Ping, who is humming a song, is in a good mood. For him, the task now is to take the children out to play games. Before the weekend is a game day.Although the children are now very serious and devoted to their little circus, such a simple stage performance is not the whole weekend.

For the children, they can now play wildly with the little guys like King Kong and rehearse together to produce more lovely stage performances. This is naturally something that the children like and are very happy about.As for being able to earn pocket money, this may be an unexpected surprise for the children. It was quite an unexpected surprise and brought more and more applause and encouragement.

In fact, this matter will make Qi Ping and Kate full of a sense of accomplishment. For them, every small progress of the children is something that makes them extremely happy.And children can have more happiness in the process of growing up, which is what Qi Ping and Kate have been striving for.

It looks pretty good now, because the children have found a very good job, they can earn pocket money while playing games, and they can get more praise and affirmation, which is enough.The little ones had a great time, which is actually the biggest gain; those pocket money and applause are just serious affirmations to the children.

"I don't want to ride a horse, I don't want to ride a horse at all. I made an agreement with Rudolph that I will take care of its baby, just like my father took care of Heitan when he was a child." Yoyo said while holding the album and pouting ;The more the little girl talked, the more excited she became, and the more she said, the more unreliable she said, "When I grow up, I will ride a deer to school, then I will be a fairy!"

Qi Ping, who was covered in cold sweat, had no way to explain it better to the little girl. Perhaps some fairy tales riding a deer inspired the little girl in these fairy tales.But they are fairy deer, sika deer; look at our Rudolph, this is a rogue deer, smart and true, but there is no such thing as fairy spirit.

Lele ran over to join in the fun again, and the older sister liked to hug him the most; so the two siblings were watching the growth album, which basically contained some photos of King Kong and Pooh when they were young.It was something the children hadn't experienced at all before, and it's one that Chipping and Kate have quite fond memories of, which are clearly imprinted in photographs.

Xiaoyao doesn't care if his sister is willing to ride a horse or not, anyway, he wants to ride a horse, he wants to be a prince and a knight, so now he needs to ride a horse.Originally, I wanted to find Heitan, but Heitan ran out since the morning and couldn't find it, so I had to go to the horse farm with my father to ride a horse.

Now Xiao Lele began to feel distressed. He wanted to play games with his sister and brother.The result of this is a dilemma, and it is actually a small punishment for this little guy's greed.Maybe it's because you can't have both, but no matter how you look at it now, you are making things difficult for a half-hearted kid.

Chipping and Kate were both smiling and silent. This is the time for children to make up their own minds, not the time for adults to make up their minds.The most important thing is that Qi Ping and Kate hope that the children will learn to think from an early age, even if it seems a bit blindly obedient now, but this also requires the little guy to choose a more solid thigh to hold.

Xiao Lele finally chose to stay at home because he was frightened by his sister's analysis; it was too far to go to the racecourse, and Lele was too young to ride a horse now.It’s more fun at home, where you can have a lot of toys; and a big bad horse like Heitan is not cute at all, and there is a pony Diandian at home who always likes Lele.

Well, I originally planned to go to the racecourse with the three father and son to enjoy the attitude of being a hero and a knight; but now it seems a bit unrealistic, because Xiao Lele is very unreliable now.This little fart child is really just a baby boy, and now he prefers his mother and sister, and has a relatively low position on his father and brother.

It doesn't matter if the little traitor Lele doesn't come, it doesn't matter; this way Qiping may be able to teach Xiaoyao how to ride a horse better, because Xiaolele is really too small now, if you bring him to the racecourse, you will definitely need to be careful all the time care.But it doesn't matter if you are happy, it doesn't matter if this skinny boy "neglects" a little bit, because he has a solid skin.

"Do you know how to ride a horse? Recall what your father taught you. You are still young, and you still need to learn a lot of things slowly. It is not black charcoal, and it will not pamper you like black charcoal and never get angry."

Qi Ping quickly grabbed the bridle, Xiaoyao, who had just been carried into the saddle, immediately grabbed the rein and yelled to drive and so on.This kid likes to pursue speed and excitement, but he is also a little unreliable.Fortunately, Qi Ping knew his fat son well, otherwise something would have happened, the boy would have just gotten on his horse and fell off.

"Dad, I still like Heitan the most. They are not as beautiful as Heitan. And Heitan is the smartest. Heitan is very obedient. It never bites me." The fat son thought for a while, and slowly stroked Rubbing the pony's mane, he said, "Heitan doesn't like to play games with me because I'm too small, and he can't run if I ride a horse."

"Then you learn how to ride a horse now, and when you grow up, you can ride a horse well. You will be like your father in the future. You can run around on a horse without anyone taking care of you, and you can chase black horses on your horse. Tan and Rudolph are going to play games together." Qi Ping laughed, patted his fat son's little head and said expectantly.

"Then do I want to grow up to be as big as my father, or as big as my uncle? Then when will I grow up? I'm just an older kid now, a little bit older than my brother, but I'm not the biggest kid yet." Xiaoyao, who is looking forward to it, seems to want to grow up, because only when he grows up can he play games better.

The father and son were chatting happily about the topic of growing up, and they were also talking about how to learn how to ride a horse better.Now the children knew that not every horse was as smart and good-natured as Heitan, and that other horses might get angry and throw them off.But Heitan won't, and Heitan won't be angry no matter how he makes trouble.

Qi Ping is leading the horse, and is earnestly teaching his fat son a more correct way of riding a horse; the little guy is constantly growing and learning, and his interests are becoming more and more extensive.For the things he likes, Xiaoyao has always been very serious and persistent. This is a happy thing, because these hobbies of his will bring more happiness.

Basically, the horses provided by the racecourse for people to ride are docile horses, and Xiaoyao actually has some experience. Now as long as he has learned more, there is no need to worry about some dangerous situations.So obviously, Qi Ping can now try to let go, and let the fat son ride the horse at a slow pace by himself, which is not a problem.

"Keep your eyes on the front, don't worry, Dad will always follow you. And don't be nervous, you are sitting too straight now, this is not good." Qi Ping followed the little pony, and was also guiding the fat son , "Remember what Dad said, if you are afraid, then the little pony will also be afraid and nervous, and then you will not have a tacit cooperation."

One afternoon, Qi Ping took Xiaoyao to the racecourse; the biggest gain was that now Xiaoyao was able to ride a horse alone, even though it was only the most docile foal, even though it was just riding a horse for a walk.But it was a great progress, and Chipping was very proud, because his son was now a little knight.

The happy Xiaoyao wiped his sweat, his little face was flushed; it was obvious that the little guy was having a good time, so he wouldn't feel tired from riding a horse.He just likes to ride a horse, and likes to ride a horse and run happily in the forest farm like his father; although he can't be like his father now, it's just that Xiaoyao knows that he is becoming more and more like his father, because Xiaoyao is also very good.

Xiaoyao, who was already happy, was even happier because he saw Heitan; when Heitan arrived at the racecourse, he ran over straight.It was not with Rudolph, and it had all the saddles on it; it seemed that Heitan had come home and knew that Xiaoyao had come to the racecourse, so now he came to pick up Xiaoyao home.

Sitting on the horse with his fat son in his arms, Qi Ping held the rein with one hand and hugged his fat son with the other; as for Xiaoyao, he was happily holding the rein with both hands, and now he was chatting with Heitan.As for Heitan, it is probably in a very good mood now, naturally ignoring Xiaoyao's yelling and chattering, its speed is neither fast nor slow, running smoothly like this.

Having fun, Qi Ping felt very satisfied; such a weekend was leisurely and fulfilling, and it was really a great thing for him to spend more time with the children. enjoy.He is not an ambitious person, he does not want to miss every stage of the children's growth, and he wants to play a more important role in the children's growth.

Obviously, family comes first, work comes second, and that's true for Qi Ping.Because of his character, because of his current wealth, it is enough to prove that he doesn't need to be so tired at all, and he doesn't need to keep himself busy like a spinning top.It's still the most important thing to be with your family, and it's good to work once in a while.

Seeing the cute chubby son turn somersaults skillfully on the grass as soon as he got home, and seeing this stinky boy yelling and running to show off to his younger siblings that he can ride a horse by himself, Qi Ping also laughed.Let this little guy show off, that's how he looks in front of his younger brothers and sisters.

After playing all afternoon, I am also tired. I want to go home and lie down for a while to refresh my mind!

(End of this chapter)

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