America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 368 Family Foundation

Chapter 368 Family Foundation

"I want to build a foundation to lay a foundation for the children's future development. But I really don't understand this foundation."

After dinner, the family sits together and chats; the children naturally sit on the carpet and play games, but the adults may be chatting about family matters at this time, or it may be some small serious business.

"What kind of foundation should you build? If you have the spare money, you might as well buy a good car for Kate. She bought you a Bentley and spent money to refit that big pickup. You can see what kind of car she drives."

Mom had just finished speaking, and Kate ran over to her mother and kissed her with a smile; the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was very good, and perhaps at the beginning Kate, like many young Americans, believed that she needed to have an independent family to start a business. space.But in the past few years, she has long been used to living with a family, especially because she has three children. If there is no help from the elderly in this process, taking care of the children will definitely be in a hurry.

"Your mother's suggestion is good. Don't always think about getting a car or an airplane for yourself. You should buy Kate a good car. Her car looks so-so now and hasn't been changed for many years. What about your cars? , it’s not suitable for her to drive. Be nice to your wife, and she has given birth to three children for you. You usually spend less money, what kind of car you can’t afford!”

Dad also nodded, now that his worth is here, some concepts have also changed.At first he thought it would be nice to have a car at home, and it didn't have to be too nice.But it’s different now. He also considers the type and practicality of the car, as well as the style of the car and the identity it represents.As for money, money is not an issue at all now.

"Haha, thank you Mom and Dad for the gift. But I have to explain to someone that this is not a gift from my 30th birthday. I will go and buy myself a car that Mom and Dad promised to give me. Maybe you will Distressed, it will be a Ferrari F12, FF, or maybe a Porsche 918!"

Hearing Kate's words, Qi Ping rolled his eyes straight; he believed that Kate was a ghost, and Kate sometimes stared at those luxury sports cars, but she was definitely not a spendthrift type.As for the cars mentioned by Kate, the price may not be cheap; but for the current value of the old Qi family, it is not a problem at all. Qi Ping even thinks that Kate can have a bigger appetite and want a better car.

However, these matters still need to be decided by Kate himself. Anyway, Qi Ping does not think this matter is difficult.It may be more difficult for Kate to choose a car than to buy a piece of clothing. She will pick and choose and keep thinking and researching.At that time, Qi Ping will definitely know which cars she likes, and he only needs to put forward some opinions of his own at critical moments.To come up with ideas now is to ask for trouble.

Seeing that the family members are going to be crooked soon, Qi Ping is under a lot of pressure; as the head of the family, his opinion seems to be unimportant at all, and his proposal was actually brought to a place where no one knows in a few words. What kind of path will it develop into.Such things are very common, but Qi Ping feels that he must fight for it!
"I mean I want to build a foundation for our children."

Sure enough, after Qi Ping finished speaking, the family immediately noticed this side; now everyone is looking at Qi Ping seriously, everyone is quite cautious about the topic of the children's future, and they are also very concerned.

"What I mean is that we need to take a long-term view. As you can see, Benben is very good at reading. Although he is still a little young, he is really reassuring. But these three naughty boys in our family, Especially this little girl, Yoyo, who doesn't know how to count until now, it must be too difficult to expect her to study hard!"

After Qi Ping finished speaking, the family laughed; as for Yoyo, when she heard her father laughing at her again, she pouted to express that she was angry, and then continued to play games with the baby bear, and now she has no time to fight with her father.

"Our family's property is more or less. It must be difficult to build a high-end family fund. The fund is controlled by the family, and even the overall purchasing power exceeds that of some top rich people. I mean Well, it is also developing in this way; what I mean is whether it is in the form of a trust, an offshore company, or a single account or a bank account, anyway, these funds will come from our Lao Qi’s family, and they will also be controlled by our Lao Qi in the future. family office."

Mom and Dad still don't know much about it. In fact, the Foundation is a bit high-tech, and even Qi Ping only has a half-knowledge about it.Fortunately, as long as he puts forward some opinions, there will always be professionals to deal with these complicated documents and the like. Qi Ping only needs to be responsible for looking at the bills and the like, and he only needs to coordinate the overall situation.

"Let's put it this way, the money was only invested by our old Qi family, and it will naturally belong to our old Qi family in the future. As for the investment profit model, it doesn't matter. Although the investment and management costs are high, the largest family foundation The good thing is that this money can only be taken by our old Qi family. That is to say, we have obtained an asset such as cash and stocks in addition to the real estate of the forest farm, and the money we get will be distributed to our children in the future. Pass it on."

After Qi Ping finished speaking, the eyes of parents lit up; there is an old saying in China that the rich cannot last three generations, and sometimes they do worry.The family is too rich, maybe it will make it easy for the children to learn bad things.

In fact, Qi Ping is not particularly worried about these, because he knows that the rapid decline of some rich families may not necessarily be within three generations.Even these families are getting richer and richer because they have a better foundation.

In the final analysis, it is because these rich people have a higher starting point and more resources, and they want to do some projects, so they really have an 'innate' advantage.It is more convenient for rich people to obtain more resources than self-made people.

"What I mean is that we were fine when we were alive, and we could keep an eye on it. But we can't guarantee that the offspring of our old Qi family will become talented one by one, and we can't guarantee that they will be obedient. So now I am I want to set up a foundation, which can be regarded as a guarantee for our children, and try our best to make our children live better. Even if one day our children lose their fortunes, there is one that will keep them from starving reason."

Although Qi Ping's words are a little pessimistic, even the parents acquiesce; it is true that children and grandchildren have their own blessings, but no one can guarantee what the children and grandchildren will grow up to be.

"You mean that in our family foundation, after the children grow up, they can get some dividends in the foundation according to the major stages of their lives. Or, if they want to build their own business after they grow up, then they can also Get a start-up fund from the foundation?"

Kate thought about it, and she felt that if this model is followed, then the existence of the family foundation is really necessary, which will give the children an extra guarantee.So things like this, of course, need support.

"What I mean is this, as long as the children have ideas in the future and their entrepreneurial projects are approved by the family fund office, of course they can get entrepreneurial funds, so that they don't have to pull money around or have their profits shared by others. And I am an idea It doesn’t matter even if you fail, if the consecutive investment failures exceed the limit, then you can come back to be an ordinary person and live honestly in the foundation with dividends.”

The family is silent, this foundation will indeed enable future generations to get more protection; their generation can create such wealth, but it does not mean that all children will be successful in the future, maybe there will be Prodigal or something.But no matter what, they are all children of Lao Qi's family, so of course I hope that the children of Lao Qi's family will live better.

"But the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. I mean, what if, if a bastard asks for some money today and tomorrow, will you give it or not? Besides, this family foundation just heard that the money invested in it is not good. How about the members of the family office? Also, what about the management and agents? We want to always take care of future generations, but the source of this money can’t always be supplemented by the forest farm, right?”

Dad mentioned the key point, that is, maybe these ideas are good, but there is no specific system or profit point, these are actually quite key.Even, these are the fundamentals.

"The family office is naturally from our old Qi's family. After all, the money belongs to our family. For example, when the children grow up, maybe the family is separated, and then we can see that there are capable and fair people coming in to supervise and so on. The specific management, of course, is to find professional management talents. For investment and other professionals, our family office is actually a military supervisor.”

The children had gone to bed, but the adults sat together and talked for a long time; even back in the room, everyone was still chatting about these topics.It is obvious that this matter is too important and exciting; it may be everyone's wish to make the offspring of Lao Qi's family live better.

In the morning, everyone at the dinner table was talking about this topic; my brother also called soon, and he also wanted to know the specific mode and operation of this matter.

This matter is indeed quite cumbersome and complicated, but the whole family is full of enthusiasm, because it is for the benefit of future generations, and it is an extra guarantee for the children.There is no reason not to support it. Anyway, there is enough money now, and there is more money than can be spent.Then leave the money to the children, so that the spare money can create greater value.

(End of this chapter)

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