America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 375 The Boring of Misunderstanding

Chapter 375 The Boring of Misunderstanding

I've been really busy recently, and I don't have anything to do at hand; especially after being kicked out of the wildlife sanctuary, Qi Ping really has nothing to do now, and he just idles around all day long. up.This kind of life should have been what Qi Ping had been pursuing all along, but why is he still a little dissatisfied now!

I started to think about some more profound, connotative, and philosophical issues, such as where I came from and so on.But you have to think about how to make your life more meaningful, make your life more exciting and valuable, and so on.I'm even thinking about whether to try to leave more traces in this world when I was young, to prove that I have been here before.

"No, my forest farm is here. The fairyland forest farm is here, so I can leave a little reputation. And the fairy cows in my ranch are there. In the future, someone will definitely remember that this kind of cow was bred on my hands. It’s all right now, unknowingly, I have done two things that can almost be remembered in history.”

Scratching his head, Qi Ping felt that he was really deprived of a lot of fun by God; it is so easy to achieve success, which makes people pursue the sense of accomplishment of success and the like.All of this went so smoothly, and when I get old, I will remember it calmly, and I have less capital to brag in front of my children and grandchildren.

This is really hypocritical, what's wrong with smooth sailing, I still get cheap here and act like a good boy.Besides, to be famous is to be famous, and to be rich is to be rich.I don't know how enviable this kind of life is, but some people are lucky, they don't know how to be satisfied, but they still want to find some excitement. It seems that people who are too smooth are getting carried away!
"I think you just spent a few days here and forgot your surname. I don't know how many people are envious of your current life. And it's a good thing that your career is going smoothly. Of course, it's the best thing to be able to achieve results easily. Good thing, anyway, I don’t like stumbling along the way. It’s not a sense of accomplishment, and the aftertaste actually makes my mouth bitter sometimes.”

Luo Yi was very dissatisfied with Qi Ping's whimsical ideas. He felt that Qi Ping, a bastard, was just taking advantage of it and acting good. Such a bastard was actually the most abominable.Such people should be despised, scorned severely, let them know what real hard work is, and let them know that success is actually the best result.

As for the process, sometimes there is really no need to care about some processes; looking back now, it was smooth sailing.Plainness is true, simple happiness is true enough.As for getting out so many stimuli and the like, I feel sorry for myself when I think about it later.

You can even think darkly, you are showing off your struggle history all day long, how cheap it is!
Qi Ping was dumbfounded at this moment, and didn't know what to say; as for what Luo Yi said, it seemed that there was some truth to it.There is no need to show off and so on, the most important thing is to enjoy a plain and simple life now, there is no need to deliberately pursue any excitement, that is tossing.

"It is a good thing that the current achievements in the career have stabilized, so don't toss around. It is not easy to achieve the current achievements. Although it seems to be smooth sailing, it still takes a lot of hard work to get to this point. And in terms of career, it really doesn't require intrigues in the business world to be exciting, it's not interesting at all. Besides, it's not like you haven't experienced it before."

Qi Ping was still listening there, nodding his head; but gradually he felt something was wrong, and it was true that Luo Yi had good intentions.But this guy took it for granted, did he misunderstand that he wanted to play tricks on the career map to find excitement? !

This misunderstanding is a bit big, quite big; Qi Ping really thinks that his development is very smooth, and it seems to be quite ordinary.But Qi Ping is not dissatisfied. He knows that he can enjoy such a comfortable life now, largely because he doesn't need to worry about his career at all, let alone financial income and other issues.

Qi Ping is not a fool. If he wants to be excited, he will go to touch his golden job. Isn't that pure brain twitching!But now that I think about it, forget it; in fact, there is nothing to explain, and if you misunderstand, you will be misunderstood.As long as Qi Ping no longer has the restlessness of thinking wildly or really running to make a move, then this misunderstanding will definitely be solved.

Career is the foundation of enjoying a good life. No matter how stupid he is, Qi Ping will not do anything to a career that is already on the right track and is becoming more and more prosperous.There is really no need for that, now you just need to fight steadily, and now you just need to enjoy the situation of steady progress and steady progress, and you will be invincible.

Qi Ping is not stupid, he just feels a little busy these two days and wants to find something to do; in fact, he still knows his urination, that is, he has been bored these two days, so he yells more.But if things really happened, he would be even more miserable and tired; from the bottom of his heart, he was ridiculously lazy and hopelessly lazy!
Career matters must not be moved, absolutely cannot be moved; no matter how exciting you are, you will definitely not be able to turn to this aspect.Qi Ping doesn't want to lose his money, he is definitely the type who likes his career to be more prosperous.

Career matters must not be moved, but this does not mean that Qi Ping has given up the idea of ​​finding some excitement and fun.Whoever said that you can only find fun in your career, in fact, you can also have other ideas; for example, some hobbies in life, in fact, after having children, Qi Ping is much more honest, basically there are no new games project. ,

But now that the bear kids have grown up a bit, the little ones don't need to play games with their father all day long.Then at this time, Qi Ping can consider finding some interesting things; don’t look at him in his early 30s, but men of this age are actually quite playful, and this age can’t be said to be absolutely mature .

Now Qi Ping is thinking about how to play all day long, thinking about finding some exciting and interesting leisure activities to enrich his life.Obviously, fun hobbies and the like are a great way to improve your life.Qi Ping's idea now is to find something interesting. He used to be interested in hunting, but now he is not interested.Then just change to a new one now, it’s not enough to pass the boring time, the key is to improve the quality of life!

(End of this chapter)

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