Chapter 376

Qi Ping is now planning to go out and play well, even if the children are mischievous one by one, Qi Ping will not be disturbed at all.These little brats are really capable of tossing around; if they are being taken care of all the time, then life should not be over, because the greatest ability of these little guys is to toss.

"What are you doing again! Don't be naughty all the time, Pooh's mouth can't grow that big, don't be naughty here!" My mother couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted the children's game with a smile, and she was also a little annoyed, " You guys are pretty good now, don't watch circus performances if you have nothing to do, don't try to imitate those unreliable things!"

"But grandma, you can see a lot of uncles and aunts sticking their heads into the mouth of a big crocodile on TV. Pooh's mouth is big, but mine is small, so it doesn't matter. Pooh can't open his mouth yet, he can't open his mouth yet. Brush your teeth." Xiaoyao turned over and got up from the ground, hugged grandma and began to complain and act like a baby.

"That can't be so naughty. Pooh is really obedient and sensible, but you can't bully it. Its mouth can't grow so big that you can't stick your head in. Think about it, if you always keep your mouth When it grows to the largest size, it will definitely have a sore mouth, and Pooh must have a sore mouth now." Hugging the fat grandson, Yu Lan smiled and pinched the little guy's chubby face. "You are not allowed to play this game, and you are not allowed to bully Pooh. You can go and discuss with Pooh to rehearse the game where Ultraman fights little monsters. You can also practice wrestling, but it can't be such a dangerous game."

Yu Lan wasn't worried about Pooh at all. Although Pooh was a black bear, it looked a little dangerous; but it was only relatively speaking. If it was an ordinary beast, it definitely couldn't be kept at home.But if it is a smart Pooh, then there is no need to worry about it hurting others. It has grown up at home since it was a child, and it is a family member.Although it is a top beast, Pooh is a smart and lovely family member, it just looks stronger.

Protecting children and playing games with them is what Pooh has been doing since he was a child; even when he is occasionally bullied by children, Pooh never gets angry.In fact, Yu Lan doesn't doubt Pooh at all, she can be sure that Pooh and King Kong will rush out to protect her family if they are in danger; she even feels that Pooh and King Kong are actually the most beloved children in the family Existence, because they have never had a temper in front of the children, and they will even make various tosses according to the children's wishes.

Well, since grandma said not to play this game, then Xiaoyao has calmed down; the way of thinking of the little guys is beyond the understanding of adults, and the little guys often have some unconstrained ideas.Although many times they are all kinds of unreliable, but this is also a manifestation of their innocence.

"I'm thinking about other outdoor activities now. I'm not interested in hunting anymore, because I've experienced more, so I'm not interested. Now I plan to try water sports, such as surfing What, that's what I'm thinking about right now. If you think about it, surfing, or jet skiing or paddling, that's a lot of fun. And those paragliders, that's a lot of fun."

Seeing Kate approaching, Qi Ping immediately turned over all the materials and pictures he had collected in the past two days like offering treasures.This is what he thinks now, it's a very exciting idea, and it's still a new thing.These are very exciting and interesting games, and Qi Ping thinks that these are just seen before, but he really hasn't had much contact with them.

"Then you can consider diving. It happens that we have a villa by the sea. I think this is very helpful for you as a beginner. I always know that you are never a quiet person. You always want to find a little excitement. fun activities. I am sure you will find a new hobby that will make your life more interesting."

Kate hugged the computer and clicked it a few times, and then she didn't have much interest; she felt that the older her husband was, the more dishonest he was, because he always had some weird ideas.In fact, she is suspicious a lot of the time. The children always have some unrealistic ideas, and the children always seem to be a little troubled. This is definitely from their unreliable father.

This is a genetic factor, because children will always have some ideas under the precepts and deeds of their fathers.The children are like this now, their interests and hobbies are too broad, the most important thing is that compared to other children, these mischievous ghosts in the family always have some cute ideas, and the children always share their ideas with them. Dad likes some excitement just as much.

"Scuba diving is definitely something to learn. This is a great proposition. But I don't want to get in touch with those very early, because I know that my current ability is still relatively limited. Although I am strong and strong, although my physical fitness is very good , but these outdoor activities not only require the body, but also experience. I plan to practice at Muse Lake first, and then go to the sea to gallop!"

Qi Ping was introducing it enthusiastically, but at this time Kate was left speechless; she felt that her husband was really hurt and couldn't understand it according to the routine, and she even suspected that her husband was often pretending to be crazy.She didn't believe that her husband couldn't understand her words, but this nasty guy was pretending not to understand and making jokes.

Of course Qi Ping knew what Kate meant, they were old couples, and of course he knew that Kate always liked to make fun of him.Thinking about it, it's quite aggrieved, because Kate always thinks that Qi Ping is growing backwards; Qi Ping may have some hobbies when he first fell in love, and he does have some outdoor activities.

It's just that Qi Ping at that time seemed to be more interested in some outdoor activities, not enthusiastic.In the final analysis, Qiping at that time was just a 'hobby', not to mention how fanatic it was.But luckily now, the older I get, the more fanatical I become, and I actually intend to completely convert my hobby into a profession.

In the past, it was mostly horseback riding, but it gradually turned into hunting in the mountains; but now it’s even better, I’m tired of playing those things, and it’s all turned into playing a little extreme sports.Although these water sports can't be said to be dangerous, they are indeed upgraded compared to some of the previous hobbies and have become more difficult.

Even Kate is skeptical. If the bastard Qi Ping is allowed to develop, maybe it will not be just water sports in the future, maybe it will be more exciting extreme sports like aerial sports. At that time, it will be the real Extreme sport.She can guarantee that her bastard husband has never played his cards according to reason, and his heart will be moved when he thinks about it; once his heart is moved, it is basically action.

"Father, let's go play a game together. My sister and I have agreed that we are going to take a carriage. You catch Rudolph, but Rudolph runs away again. I have already agreed with Heitan, but Rudolph One ran away, and it didn’t listen to Rudolph anymore. I was angry, and my sister was also angry. Rudolph likes to be lazy, and now he is not as cute as before!”

Xiao Lele, who was like burning buttocks, lay on King Kong's back, and the two brothers ran back quickly; along the way, they saw Xiao Lele screaming, that is, he and King Kong cooperated tacitly, and King Kong He also protected Lele with his backhand, so the kid didn't fall off King Kong's back.

"Why did it run away again? Heitan promised and Rudolph ran away. This is not acceptable. Dad will help you catch Rudolph later, but it is not obedient at all. Rudolph was spoiled by mother since he was a child. So disobedient. You can't pet Red Nose in the future, or it will be as disobedient as Rudolph in the future."

Qi Ping was really puzzled, the children would not tell lies, so it must have been negotiated with Heitan and the others; maybe the children were pestering, or it might be cheating or something, but it must have been negotiated.And now that Rudolph has broken his promise, that won't work.This kind of thing is not allowed in Lao Qi's house, and we must do what we say, and we must not lie.

"I know, we don't trust Rudolph at all, he is a bad boy. Daddy, can I take red nose home, I like red nose, I like the cute little deer best. Rudolph is too big, Not cute at all. The deer is the cutest and most beautiful, I like the deer, the red nose can play games with me."

Seeing the fat son climb up his legs skillfully, Qi Ping laughed; the little ones really have no resistance to the cutest little animals, for example, it may be the red nose of Rudolph's son.This little deer is now the new favorite of the children, almost in the same position as the baby bear, because it is very cute.

As for Rudolph, he is too big and likes to sneak and sneak; although the children do like Rudolph, they are definitely not as good as Pooh.Even Qiping can guarantee that Rudolph is definitely the lowest among the friends in the children's minds, because he really has no reputation at all.

Kate pursed her mouth and didn't know what to say. Rudolph was very cute when he was a child, and she was always taking care of him.And now that Rudolph has a bad temper, it must be admitted that Kate needs to take some responsibility; although Heitan is also full of stinky problems, but he must not be compared with Rudolph; Yes, the chain will not be lost at the critical moment.

Qi Ping is discussing with Xiao Lele to catch Rudolph, and is teaching the children not to lie; as for Kate, she feels very hurt.Then, you need to talk to Rudolph.

(End of this chapter)

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