Chapter 378 Rookie
Qi Ping, who was holding a surfboard, set off proudly amidst the encouragement of the children. Even though the little ones are sometimes closer to their mothers, their father is also a big hero in the hearts of the children.Moreover, the game that Dad is playing now is very interesting and has already attracted the attention of the children, so these little cheerleaders will naturally cheer loudly.

"Daddy is the best, even better than Xiaoyao!" The eldest son was bouncing around. Although the little guy can't go into the water now, he clamored to change into swimming trunks; even if he was standing on the shore, the little guy was "fully armed" '.As a result, the little follower, Lele, would naturally change into swimming trunks, and planned to move a small bench to sit on the shore to cheer for Dad.

"When Dad learns this game, I will teach you to play this game together. The motor boat is not good, it is too powerful for you to master. But the surfboard is absolutely no problem, when the time comes, Dad will take you together on Muse Lake Surfing, let's paddle our surfboards to chase Dabai!"

This good news was immediately warmly welcomed by the children, and the children who had been envious for a long time became excited; Needless to say, Yoyo and Lele pouted their mouths and asked their father to bend down, and the little ones wanted to kiss their father Express your happiness.Even Xiaoyao, who usually doesn't like kissing, pouted and kissed his father several times fiercely at this time. He wanted to play this game a long time ago.

The little guys started to get busy, fastening the seat belts of the surfboards under Qi Ping's command; in fact, there was no wind and waves on Muse Lake, so there was no need to worry about too many accidents.But of course it is necessary to show more professionalism and safety in front of children. This is not superfluous at all, but to lead by example.

"Dad will buy you a big longboard tomorrow, and then we will lie on the surfboard and paddle slowly." Watching the little guys professionally tie the safety ropes to their ankles, I checked it with satisfaction, and rewarded the children by the way, "Dad is going to go surfing next time, little guys remember to cheer for me!"

A flush surfboard is a long board with a length of about [-] meters and a weight of just over [-] kilograms. The board is light and flat, with slightly narrow front and rear ends, and a stabilizing tail fin at the rear and lower part.In order to increase friction, a waxy outer film is also applied to the surface of the board.

Such a long board is actually more suitable for beginners, such as a rookie like Qi Ping.

Surfing is a water sport in which people stand on surfboards, or use abdominal boards, kneeling boards, inflatable rubber mats, rowboats, kayaks, etc. to control waves.No matter what kind of equipment is used, this requires athletes to have a high level of skill and balance, and to be good at swimming long distances in wind and waves.

The general surfing posture is to stand up in front of the wave crest, with the legs naturally open in front and back; usually the balance leg is in front, the control leg is in the back, the knees are slightly bent, and the waves glide quickly.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do; because it is difficult to balance on the water, it really requires superb skills and balance.Especially when facing the waves, it is even more difficult.

Qi Ping is of course no problem on Muse Lake, where the wind and waves are calm; but at sea, he guesses that by then it will be the treatment of falling down and drinking sea water.Therefore, you need to make some preparations in advance at sea. If you don’t have enough excellent technology, then going to sea is really self-defeating. You still can’t rashly say that you have the technology to fight waves, that’s beyond your capabilities!

"Dad, stand up quickly!" The jumping Xiaoyao started to shout excitedly, he is now obsessed with surfing; now he is not only watching Dad surfing on Muse Lake, but also watching real surfing in TV movies , "You have to run to that side quickly and safely, the big waves are coming!"

Qi Ping wiped his sweat, these brats are really whimsical; if there is a big wave on the Muse Lake, then Qi Ping will be fucked by then.Perhaps in the children's eyes, surfing must have big waves, but it is obvious that the children still don't understand why there is no such thing as big waves in Muse Lake.

After quickly paddling on the surfboard a few times, he also felt that he had found his balance; Qi Ping slowly began to find his body balance, and he naturally squatted up slowly and was looking for balance.

Although Muse Lake is indeed a calm type, but there will be some small waves; the most important thing is that it is difficult to find the balance accurately on the surfboard. Easily loses balance.

Qi Ping didn't have a good grasp of the essentials of technical movements. Although his legs were slightly bent, his right leg didn't control the center of gravity. As a result, he just stood up and fell down all of a sudden.

Seeing that their father fell into the water again, the children sighed in disappointment; but the little ones were not panicked at all, and immediately started yelling after sighing, and even yelled happily. Little cried out.The little ones were really happy and proud that daddy fell into the water, because daddy is always so cute and funny.

"Dad is so stupid, you fell into the water again. Don't worry, Dad. Grandpa has already gone to find Dabai. Dabai will come to save you later." Xiaoyao rolled happily on the lawn with his younger brother in his arms. This is a typical downfall.

"Kids, see. Your father is a big fool, he always likes to take risks. You know, if you want to play games better, you should learn good skills, and you can't take risks. If you master If you have the technology, you will be able to fight against the big waves in the sea. If you are like Dad, you will fall into the water again and again in Muse Lake. Children, do you want to be like Dad?"

Kate was grinning, seeing her husband getting up in embarrassment, and seeing her husband lying on the surfboard depressed; this is a typical example of her getting into trouble, even at this time, she once again regarded Qi Ping as a typical negative teaching material .She educates the children anytime and anywhere, especially when the children's father has something embarrassing, she is even more impolite.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that he really needed to learn diving now. If he was carrying an oxygen tank at this time, then he must be diving at this time.When I fell into the water just now, I should have panicked and distorted expressions, and it was really embarrassing to be laughed at by my wife and children at this embarrassing time.

"Pooh, go save Dad! Dad fell into the water again, he is a big idiot, you have to protect Dad!" Seeing Pooh walking over with his fat butt twisting, Yoyo happily ran over to hug Pooh, She knew that Pooh could swim, "You should stand up to Dad, otherwise Dad doesn't like to drink juice anymore, he only likes to drink water."

Kate and her mother were laughing to and fro. Although the children may not have much clear understanding, the little ones have no restraint in childish speech, so sometimes what they say is more funny.It's good intentions for Yoyo to think that Pooh needs to protect her father, but she's 'sarcasm' that her father has been drinking water, and the little girl is a typical duplicity; she still hugs Pooh and doesn't let go, how can this be to let Pooh go into the water to protect her father!
"You guys just wait, I'm sure I'm not going to fall in the water again. I'm just a beginner and this is the way to learn to surf. We all know there is a price to be paid growing up , When mastering some new abilities and techniques, it is inevitable to fall. You can’t laugh at an athlete with dreams and pursuits, you should encourage him instead of laughing at him again and again!”

Qi Ping patted the water angrily and shouted loudly. He needed to protest and fight for more benefits for himself.He felt that he was too wronged. Once something embarrassing happened, he would definitely encounter merciless ridicule from the whole family.Qi Ping has endured this matter for a long time, but it is obvious that his struggle seems to have no effect at all.

He is the pistachio and doormat of the family, not to mention that the children are often bullying him, this is only the least part, after all, the children are still young.But Mom and Dad are different, they are always hitting Qi Ping; as for Kate, needless to say, if Qi Ping feels that one day he has no enterprising spirit, then he must be lost by Kate’s repeated blows spirit.

Qi Ping still felt very happy. Although he fell into the water again and again, he was indeed in some embarrassment, but he had a lot of fun.Even being ridiculed by family members again and again, but being able to make family members laugh and participate in these interesting games together is the most meaningful for Qi Ping.

The little ones will actually be quite happy too, because the little ones see their daddy's cuteness, and these are the reasons for the children to be very happy.And the little guys actually have their little expectations and little ambitions.In fact, they have never been resistant to these interesting games, and the little ones always want to play more games.

"The children in our family are courageous. I always think that it is better for boys to be skinny. It is not a good thing for a little boy to be too delicate. But look at our children again, this is not the case. It's a bit skinny." Seeing the little guys lying happily on the surfboard one by one, Yu Lan laughed.

"The children of other families don't have the same chance as our children. These little guys have too many good opportunities to play games. Our children see the beasts and the like, first of all to see if there is a bell. If there is Bell, just rush over there directly. It doesn’t matter if there is no bell, hurry up and find powerful bodyguards like King Kong and Pooh, and then catch up.”

Qi Ping is holding the surfboard carefully, and the three little mischievous ghosts on the board are his darlings; these little guys still like their "wooden boat" very much, and they are "rowing" hard with their hands and feet.Although they haven't seen Dabai now, the children are already preparing to learn how to row a boat, so they immediately go to Dabai to play games.

"That's because our children are caring. They are innocent and cute enough. If you see a deer or a rabbit, the first thing you think of is whether you can call them back and eat them later. The children are different. What they think of is whether they can eat them." You can’t be friends with cute little animals. As for you, you are not as innocent as our children, so you can’t be friends with little animals.”

Hearing what his mother said, Qi Ping was quite speechless; it is true that the children are innocent and cute, but Qi Ping can also guarantee that children treat small animals differently.

Maybe seeing some unfamiliar animals, the children will poke their buttocks and study them seriously, for example, to see if they have bells or not.If the ones with bells are of course family members and friends, if not, then maybe they are quite story-telling; they may be calling bodyguards such as King Kong and Pooh.But the first thing is to study whether the small animals are cute, beautiful or not, and even whether they are delicious.

Rabbit meat, pheasant meat, etc., in fact, the children really ate a lot; the little guys at home are typical carnivores, and they are the typical ones who don't like meat.

Qi Ping thinks that in the eyes of grandparents, children are the cutest, and children are the best.So in some matters, it is better not to argue with your parents, because the final result is already doomed, and it is obviously asking for trouble if you argue.It's better to be honest, this way there will be a lot less blows.

Kate and Kate are playing in the water with their lovely children. The little ones have started to learn to 'surf' now; although now the little ones can only lie on the surfboard and paddle a few times with their little hands.But this is also learning to surf. Obviously, this is a part that beginners should experience. The little guys are preparing for fighting big waves in the future.

Learning to surf, paddle, and play water fights with mom and dad by the way; this is quite fun for the children, and their favorite thing is playing games.Water fights have always been a favorite of the children. Water fights with Pooh and Dabai are games that children often play in the swimming pool.

And this time, it was a water fight with their parents at Muse Lake; the children may not be unfamiliar with this matter, but the location was changed from the swimming pool to Muse Lake.

The yelling and crisp laughter of the little guys will make people feel very enjoyable; as for Qi Ping and Kate, they will occasionally scream in panic, especially when Qi Ping looks quite depressed when he is more .

"You can't be so unfair, Xiaoyao, the two of us are together, you can't rebel!" Qi Ping was speechless. Although he believed in his own strength, he couldn't use his full strength to play games with the children. When it comes to besieging, you can only yell and protest.

(End of this chapter)

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