America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 379 Be Careful

Chapter 379 Be Careful

Qi Ping felt that it was really necessary for him to protest now, in order to try to change his image, and to get a little helper.Although this may be a bit wishful thinking, as long as there is a chance, then you should work hard to win such an opportunity.

Qi Ping has never been a person who is particularly easy to give up, he still has enough resilience.It is definitely not an easy thing to completely knock down the flush.Although he does often get hit at home, although he sometimes seems to be excluded all the time; but after repeated defeats and repeated battles, maybe one day his sincerity will be as good as gold and stone.

"Xiaoyao, we are best friends, we should be companions. The two of us form the most powerful team, just like the combination of King Kong and Pooh. Together we can defeat everyone, and they are not our opponents." Qi After throwing out the bait of Ping, he knew that Xiaoyao always wanted to be stronger.

"But those who are with Dad are villains, Dad is a villain, and we are good boys!" Xiaoyao poured water vigorously with his little hands, and the little guy spoke plausibly; obviously, the little guy didn't want to play the big villain, "Daddy, are you Big villain, so you can't hit us, you have to admit defeat!"

Well, although Xiaoyao is a little tempted, he obviously has 'correct values'.It's good to be powerful, but the little guy prefers to be a hero, he doesn't want to be a big villain.The only one who can be a villain at home is Dad; maybe sometimes King Kong and Pooh will also be villains, because they are both Dad's followers.

Qi Ping was speechless, it's okay for him to be one against four now, after all, he is facing women and children; but this has been assigned to the role of the villain, and he is still restricted everywhere.In itself, you can't be too 'forceful' when facing children, but the children are still not satisfied.

This in itself means that both hands and feet have been tied, but now they are still told not to do anything, and even the ending has already been set.

Don't you want to be so fake, isn't this a typical TV movie plot? The villain will fall when touched, and the positive hero is an "immortal body" who becomes more frustrated and braver.Even Qi Ping still feels that he is more aggrieved than the big villain in the movie. The villain in the movie must have tortured the protagonist before going to receive a lunch box; to the end!

Although Qi Ping really doesn't like being abused, but now the person who abused him is the person he loves the most, so he has to accept it well.Obviously, Qi Ping actually enjoys being abused by his wife and children.

Being 'beaten' and besieged, naturally, it is necessary to be flattered; now it is still necessary to flee, so as to bring more realism and immersion to the game for children.Speaking of it, it is because only when the big villain is beaten away will the children feel more games.They all have three children, which is enough to make Qi Ping have an excellent ability to take care of children.

"You guys just play games here, and you don't know how to go back to eat! You guys can eat enough by playing games!" Qi Weihui was angry and funny, and these ignorant children went crazy when they played, "Also Don't look at what time it is now, the baby bear's belly is going to be flat because he is waiting for your meal!"

This is all right, get up and get ready to eat; obviously, playing games also needs to fill your stomach.Qi Ping was a big foodie, but his children turned out to be snack foodies; as soon as the little ones got ashore, they immediately ran towards the house, yelling.Before going ashore, the children were still screaming and a little tired, but they came back to their senses in less than a minute, and all of them were full of energy for eating.

The little ones are eating happily, and Qi Ping is very happy that the children don't need to be fed when eating; Qi Weihui and Yu Lan are particularly proud of this, which is why they think the children are the cutest and most sensible in the world The child's authentic and reliable basis.Whose children are so cute and sensible, the children of Lao Qi's family are like this.

"By the way, I answered a call today and it should be for you. I didn't rush to inform you. It seems to be from the wildlife sanctuary. I saw that you and the children were playing games, so I sent them away. "Preparing a delicious and sumptuous dinner for my precious grandchildren, Yu Lan seems to have remembered something.

Qi Ping smiled, in fact, he also knew something; that is, the mother still loves her son very much, despite all the cynicism.For the work in those wild animal sanctuaries some time ago, my mother was very resentful.Because those bastards dared to exclude her precious son from such a cooperation, this is absolutely inexplicable.

In Yu Lan's view, her son is the best; moreover, such a project was originally led by Qi Ping, and it was even those people who begged Qi Ping back then.Now she was going to cross the river and demolish the bridge, which made her quite dissatisfied.So those people called again, and she would tell her son, but it was definitely not that easy to talk to.

"They said they wanted to have a chat with you and asked if you have time. I said that you are very short on time now. There are many things on the forest farm and the pasture. They went to your lawyer and they, we don’t care about compensation and so on now.”

Qi Ping nodded to show that he knew about it, and it was obvious that he didn't take it too seriously now.In fact, Qi Ping can also know some things, especially some things were originally under Qi Ping's control.Obviously, some people will find that some things are not so simple now, maybe they are not what they expected.

Qi Ping, who was humming a song, took his two fat sons to take a bath, and Xiaoyao now knew how to be shy; as for Xiao Lele, he didn't care at all, he just wanted to play games with his brother.These two brats have always liked to play games, and these two little guys also like to play with water. Taking a bath is not an easy task.

"Mom told me something, it seems that your plan may have succeeded. I think we can't be too humble, we need to be stronger. My parents and I have the same attitude. At first they thought that leaving you The technical support can also be successful, they want to kick you out. But now they know the difficulty of this matter, they want to seek reconciliation, but we must not give them the opportunity to step down easily."

Kate is wearing a mask, although she still needs to make sure that she doesn’t get too wrinkled; the family members are very contemptuous of some bastards, don’t look at the fact that there is a team of lawyers to claim compensation, but the family members are actually holding back With a breath of it.Although those people paid a lot of money for breaching the contract, the family is worth hundreds of millions; money is of course very important, but it is not necessarily money, and it needs enough courage!

"Of course I won't give them any chance. I actually don't have much interest in this matter now. I don't have much interest in this matter in itself, and I'm more or less holding back Tone. Of course, I will not treat this incident as if it didn’t happen, this time looking for me is just the beginning, and they will have a lot of trouble in the future.”

Qi Ping, humming a song, lay on the bed, and turned on the TV casually; not all American dramas are good dramas like "Prison Break" and "The Big Bang Theory", in fact, there are quite a few magical dramas and the like.But sometimes it is necessary to have an eye for discovering beauty. Qi Ping thinks that "Prison Break" is not too attractive, but "Bankrupt Girls" is more exciting, at least the heroine's collar is relatively low.

"The timing hasn't come yet? Do you mean that their plans will come to nothing?" Kate seems to be getting excited, revenge is actually quite a bit of a thing, and she is still elated, "But do you need to pay attention? Influence, although they breached the contract, if your work is not in place, we may be more passive."

"No problem, of course I have thought about this aspect. After all, according to the contract, I need to ensure the air quality of the reserve. They also know that it is the core of the reserve. I have done my job very well. If they had followed our previous contract, it would certainly not have caused much impact. But now they defaulted on the contract early or even destroyed some plans, which is why they caused such a backlash. In fact, I am doing things in the way stipulated in the contract. , but they have destroyed the environmental pattern, so they have caused some bad effects like now."

Qi Ping laughed, he was actually very proud.If it is just to destroy the gathering spirit array directly, then it must be that Qi Ping has not completed the work, and Qi Ping will not have the initiative to breach the contract.However, someone destroyed the environmental pattern required by Qi Ping, so the responsibility does not lie on Qi Ping.

Obviously, the improvement of the air environment is quite delicate, and it is necessary to examine the overall environmental pattern.But now some people have destroyed the originally mature environment, which naturally created a vicious circle.In the final analysis, some people think they are smart, and this matter has nothing to do with Qiping.

I have to say that Qi Ping is actually quite black-bellied and wretched.It's really nothing for this guy to play tricks, he's not that moral.Since some people don't pay attention to it, then Qi Ping will definitely not pay attention to it; anyway, he has no pressure on this matter, as long as someone harms his interests, then Qi Ping will definitely explode.If you want to swallow your anger, this is definitely not Qiping's style.

(End of this chapter)

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