Chapter 383
This boy Heitan is actually very reliable. Although he has a large bag of supplies on his back, although he is about to follow into the mountain, he doesn't feel any difficulty at all.But Rudolph, who was supposed to live in the mountains, likes to be lazy. This moose is actually quite big and strong, but he likes to steal and play tricks.

Heitan will not lose the chain at critical moments, and it is very reliable and carries a considerable amount of supplies; in fact, although Rudolph wants to steal and play tricks, it will only encounter strong suppression, and it does not have any Method.It's better to carry the pots and pans honestly, and now it's better to carry the children's small bags honestly.

"Dongfeng, let's go forward!" Xiaoyao happily ran ahead, the fat boy was very happy to go into the mountain to play games, "We are going to catch the big monster, we are the best!"

"Brother, I want to go too! Can you wait for me, let's catch monsters together!" Xiao Lele, who was hugged by her father, was anxious, and the little guy was a little anxious now. "Brother, wait for me, I can run!"

Qi Ping is helpless, the fat sons are now alive and well; the little ones are quite happy to go to the mountains to play games, although the little ones may slowly feel that going to the mountains for camping this time will be a bit difficult. , but it is obvious that the children are more happy and looking forward to it, and they hope to have more games.

Lele is still a little small now, although this little guy was a bully when he was at home, so I often see him running around.But this time when he entered the mountain, the little guy really insisted on walking for a long time, but he still needed to be picked up by his father in the end. The little guy was really tired.

Yoyo is actually very powerful, although the little girl also thinks that this road is not easy to walk, even though she has walked with her parents for a long, long time.But Yoyo won't complain, the little girl feels that she can still go far, far away; holding her mother's hand, the little girl is chatting with her mother, she is still very curious about what she will see when she arrives in the mountains different.

The most powerful one is actually Xiaoyao, this kid yelled and led King Kong and Pooh to open the way ahead.Moreover, the little guy planned to run ahead with the southeast and northwest wind, and he was thinking about chasing rabbits and catching pheasants. If he could see the big monster, he would definitely be happy and happy, and he would be even happier.

Although this is a relatively gentle trail, it is a mountain trail after all, with shrubs, trees, sea insects and birds singing on both sides, which is really quite original.If it weren't for the close protection of King Kong and Pooh in the southeast and northwest, Qi Ping and Kate wouldn't let Xiaoyao, a monkey, run around in front of them.

The fat son's chubby little face was covered with sweat, but the little guy was very happy; the little guy sat down on the ground, held a small water bottle and drank a big mouthful of water, thinking about it, he still felt that he should sit in King Kong's arms more a little better.

"Dad, I'm very tired. How long do we have to walk?" Xiao Lele was indeed tired. Although Dad carried him for a while, Xiao Lele walked a longer distance by himself. Lele with small arms and legs was tired. "I didn't see a big monster, and I didn't find an elf. I don't like it at all. I'm going home for ice cream."

This sweat, there is really no way to explain it to the fat son; the little guy thought there would be monsters in the mountains, and the little guy thought there might be elves in the mountains.But this will definitely disappoint the little fat man, because his expectations will definitely come to nothing; the most important thing is that although he has some food reserves, there will definitely be no ice cream.

It's hard to guarantee whether the fat boy wants to go home, because he will happily come out to play games now, and he can go to the mountains with his brothers and sisters to catch big monsters.But when the little guy started asking for ice cream or other snacks that are available every day, Qi Ping and Kate would definitely have a headache. They really needed to spend a lot of saliva to let the chubby little guy know that there is no ice cream in the mountains.

It's better to be Xiaoyao and Youyou, these two little guys are a bit older after all, so sometimes they won't mess around.But this nasty little Lele, he is now convinced of ice cream; fortunately, the little guy has no habit of crying, he is just pestering his father now, and the little guy is just complaining about some of his demands again and again.

"Brother, my mother and I are going to pick mushrooms, do you want to pick mushrooms with us?" After all, Yoyo is not wearing a beautiful princess dress, but the little girl has other games; The girl is looking forward to it.

"I won't go, I want to catch monsters with my brother!" The little stalker is now sitting with his brother, and the two brothers are holding Pooh and King Kong, and they are still playing games with the southeast and northwest, busy preparing to catch monsters Well, I won't pick mushrooms.

The hobbies and hobbies of little boys and little girls will definitely be somewhat different, even for twins like Xiaoyao and Yoyo, they often have some differences in personality.Little boys, sometimes they are more wild, and little girls must be more or less like princesses.

After all, Xiao Lele went to pick mushrooms with his mother and sister, despite the fact that he was still talking to his brother about the horror and power of fighting monsters.It's just that the mother yelled twice, and the little guy immediately forgot the attraction of the big monster; now he is holding hands with his mother and sister, and he is muttering about how cute the little mushroom is.

For the youngest son who has the least position, Qi Ping has long since 'give up'.There's nothing to say, that kid has no position, and belongs to the type who often rebels.

"Xiaoyao, come to Dad. Dad taught you how to go camping, Dad taught you how to get ready to collect firewood, we need to get ready to build the stove, and we need to put up the tent. You are a man, I know you are very good, so We need to do something that a man should do." After thinking about it, the eldest son called over.

The little guy's current playmates are all called away by his mother and sister. King Kong, Pooh, and all went to pick mushrooms. Now Xiaoyao can only talk to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Kate is relieved, such a powerful bodyguard team is of course very powerful; and bringing King Kong and Pooh is actually to judge mushrooms.Although Kate has also made some preparations and knows that some mushrooms are actually poisonous, multiple insurances are needed; especially King Kong, he actually knows whether these mushrooms can be eaten.

Although many people say that the brighter the mushroom, the more dangerous it is, this does have some truth, but it is not absolute.In fact, picking wild mushrooms really requires some experience; both Qi Ping and Kate are very clear that they will never take risks. Anyway, wild mushrooms do not cost money, and safety naturally comes first.

Qi Ping is patiently imparting camping experience with his fat son in his arms, teaching his fat son some camping experience; although it seems to be just talk on paper now, it doesn't matter at all.I haven't been to the campsite yet, so it's just a temporary rest; as for teaching the children the camping experience they need to learn, they actually need to go to the campsite before proceeding.

In fact, this journey is very slow, because the children are relatively small; with these little guys walking slowly, the efficiency must be quite average.Fortunately, both Qi Ping and Kate enjoyed the process of taking the children on the mountain road, and they didn't think that it would make people unhappy if they walked all morning and didn't reach the camp.

Although there was no big fish and meat at noon, although they only had some simple lunches, the performance of the children was satisfactory.When these three little things are at home, they really only eat delicious food, and they only like food.But the little ones are not just like that, bread, biscuits and the like, children can actually accept it.

The children are eating bread and playing games with King Kong. This is the case for children; it is actually more fun to go to the mountains to play than to eat at home, because there is no need to sit at the dining table, and now you can Sitting on the ground and eating bread and sandwiches casually, you can lean on Pooh's fat belly and play games with it.

"We will speed up later. We seem to be traveling slowly in the morning, and the speed is very slow. But we have a lot of things to do in the afternoon, so that we can ensure that we have enough time to set up the camp in the afternoon. I can I don’t want the kids to have no tents at night, so we can only make do with our dinner.”

The youngest son squeezed a bagel and stuffed it into his father's mouth. Now the little guy started to drink juice with his legs crossed.It may not be the most important thing for children to have a delicious dinner, as long as they are not hungry, all they care about is the game.But for Qi Ping and Kate, the children must not be wronged.

"I see, you are protesting that we use the rest time to pick mushrooms. I can guarantee that you will not have the opportunity to drink mushroom soup at dinner, because you gave up this opportunity yourself." Deser's Kate in Showing off the mushrooms she and the children had collected, it's just that Qi Ping knew he couldn't hit Kate yet because it contained the fruits of the children's labor.

"Indeed, this can indeed be made into mushroom soup, but I believe it's just mushroom soup." Looking at the mushrooms in the small basket, although they are treasures collected by Yoyo and Lele; You can only see clear soup with little water, don't expect to see many mushroom slices.

Kate pinched the flush, and then greeted the children to start putting away the picnic cloth; the leisurely lunch is over, so you need to continue on your way, the camp has not arrived yet!
(End of this chapter)

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