America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 384 The Big Tent

Chapter 384 The Big Tent

Since it is camping, there should be a camping atmosphere; it is obvious that he has entered the state now, and Qi Ping and his family began to work hard for camping.

Many people think that setting up camp in the mountains should be some distance away from the water source. Firstly, it is to avoid heavy rains causing the stream to surge, and also to prevent their camp from being a water intake point for wild beasts.

But Qi Ping doesn't care, this is a small stream, a thorough stream, no matter how high the water is, the stream will not go anywhere; and those wild beasts and the like, it is impossible to come to the edge of these forests.It doesn't matter even if there are some small beasts, two adult black bears and a powerful chimpanzee, plus four excellent guard dogs, this powerful combination is scary enough.

Moreover, Qiping's security protection measures cannot only rely on the protection of the younger brothers. The younger brothers are indeed strong now and can protect Qiping.But most of the time, Qi Ping hopes that he can take better care of the younger brothers. He hopes that he can better protect the younger brothers. Early or something.

Qi Ping is carrying a gun. Since he is taking the children to camp in the mountains, no matter how much security is required, it should be done.Obviously, Qi Ping is actually just keeping a low profile, and he doesn't need to worry about safety issues at all.This is to be prepared, which means it is very dangerous or something.

"Yuyou, you take your younger brother to be a little helper for Dad. You have to hand me the tools, and you have to help Dad organize these parts. We will live in a big tent at night, and now we need to start working hard." Qi Ping grabbed it and thought Dear girl who is about to run away, the little girl wants to go out to play games again, "If you and my brother don't help me, then we can only sleep under the big tree at night."

"But I want to wash vegetables with my mother, I want to cook, I don't like to set up tents. Dad, go find your brother and brother, I want to be with my mother!" Yoyo is a little stressed, although the little girl is Being held by her father; but this little girl wanted to break free from her father's hand no matter what, and even started to betray her elder brother and younger brother in order to escape.

"I don't want to set up a tent either, I want to be with my sister. My mother asked me to take care of the little bear. The little bear is already tired. We are going to play games now, I don't want to work!" Bouncing around and playing with the little bear The Lele of the game just wants to put oil on the soles of his feet when he hears it. Working is not something the little guy likes.

Qi Ping felt that his brain was hurting. When he was at home, he knew that the little ones usually liked to play games, but they didn't necessarily like to work so much.Now when they hear that they are going to set up a tent, the children want to run away. They are looking for reasons. It is obvious that these little guys are not interested in working at all. Playing games is their thing. Professionals.

"My brother needs to find firewood, and he also needs to collect stones with his mother to build a stove. You can choose now. If you work with your mother, then it will be two jobs, but if you work with me, then there will be only one job." It’s a job.” Qi Ping has confirmed that the three little idiots in his family are terrible at mathematics, and they have completely inherited Kate’s gene that he knows almost nothing about mathematics; now, we only need to bring up such a thing as two to one, the children A choice will be made.

Youyou thinks it's better to only do one thing, as for Xiao Lele, she just doesn't have any opinions and just follows her sister.The little ones have found their own jobs now, and can now work hard with their parents, setting up tents and stoves in the open space beside the stream.

Xiaoyao is still the most powerful, the little guy is busy collecting firewood now; but the little guy called King Kong and Pooh, so there is no need for the little guy to do anything, and there is no shortage of firewood now.As for looking for stones to build a stove, Xiaoyao only needs to pretend to choose two stones, and then King Kong will pick up the stones and carry them back.

Originally, I thought that what my brother had to do was the most tiring and the most, so Xiao Lele and Yoyo would be very happy, thinking that they had taken advantage of it.But now it seems that these two little guys will start to regret it; because the little guys are still handing their father small locks and buckles, and the little guys are now handing their father small steel pipes and plastics.

"Yuyou, you take your younger brother to tidy up the tent. You have to check whether our tent is comfortable to sleep in. You have to roll a few more times on the mat to see if there is any place for people. You have to put the small quilt, small sleeping bag Tidy up, and your favorite pillows and toys. We're going to sleep in our tent for the night, and you're going to check our tent now."

He took off his baby girl's shoes, hugged the little girl and threw her into the tent; needless to say, the youngest son naturally looked impatient.Xiao Lele also happily asked his father to take off his shoes. The little guy has never lived in a big tent, and now he can happily jump and jump in the tent with his sister.

Now let the children play games in this large tent, Qi Ping now needs to help Kate; dinner still needs to be prepared, such a delicious dinner time naturally needs Qi Ping to be the main force.Whether it's barbecue cooking or collecting ingredients, these are actually Qi Ping's main tasks, and he also has extremely strong confidence that he can handle these things.

"Dad, will we all sleep in the big tent today? Can I hug my younger brother, and I want my younger sister to sleep with me too. I want to sleep in the middle, and Dad sleeps on the side!" Just after washing Xiaoyao's little face was flushed with excitement, his brother and sister were playing games in the tent, so he naturally wanted to play games; now there is only one big tent, so they will sleep together at night.

"Yes, we all sleep in a big tent at night. This is on the mountain, so it will get dark earlier. We will cook dinner together later. In the evening, Dad and Mom will take you to sing, dance and tell stories. We will Roasting the fire and playing games. This is the tent specially chosen by Dad, we just need to lie in the tent to see the stars in the sky.”

Kate smiled, she didn't really like camping or anything like that; but if it was a camping trip with the kids, Kate would of course be in high spirits.Take a look at this big tent, you can take the children to play games and tell stories in the tent, and you can watch the stars with your favorite person. This is naturally very attractive to Kate, and this is the happiest thing one.

The children happily ran to roll in the tent. There is no such a big tent at home, and it is still difficult for the children to have the opportunity to roll in the big tent.Moreover, such a large tent is actually very comfortable to live in, because it has a soft air cushion; there is no need to worry about problems such as moisture, and there is no need to worry about bugs running in.

Qi Ping is not bad at all. Since he is taking the children out for camping, of course it is a high standard.Although this kind of camping may have some extravagance and the like, you don't need to care about it at all; this is a rich family's camping, which is a reasonable consumption level.It's camping anyway, and it's some fun outdoor activities.

As for how much money was spent on camping this time, it was not something that Qi Ping needed to consider at all.No one cares about such consumption at all, because Lao Qi's family is still quite rich; the most important thing is that as long as the children can have fun, then the money is worth spending.Now that the children's laughter came, Qi Ping and Kate felt that this kind of camping should be held several times in the future.

“I’m going to get some potatoes, our dinners are not that elaborate anymore. The kids definitely don’t have their favorite steak, and they don’t have their favorite pasta. But I can make them a vegetable soup, and we can make them Roasted pork with potatoes, this is your specialty. You must get up early tomorrow to go hunting, so as to ensure that our children will not be hungry."

Kate is busy, although it is definitely inconvenient to cook in the mountains, and although there is no modern stove, Kate still feels quite happy.Because the family came to the mountains, it is quiet and natural, with the fragrance of birds and flowers; although we already had the top-level environment when we were in the forest farm, it is still very happy to enjoy a different style occasionally.

"OK, there is no problem at all. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai took Romeo and Juliet to patrol, and maybe when they come back, they will be able to bring the good news that they found the wild fruit. I am not worried about food at all, not just because We brought some food because we have a strong team. If it weren’t for the time we spent stopping and stopping today, I would definitely be able to find more delicious food!”

Qi Ping is full of confidence, he must be full of confidence; if he lacks food when he comes to the mountains, it will really slap Qi Ping in the face.In fact, this matter is not difficult at all, King Kong and Pooh are strong; besides, although Qi Ping is not particularly keen on hunting now, it does not mean that his hunting level has declined!
During the day, they are more on the road, especially the children need to rest and play games along the way, which really wastes a lot of time.But now there is no need to worry about some problems, they have already set up camp, so they have more time to collect food.

Qi Ping is not worried about food at all, really not at all; after washing the mushrooms collected by his precious daughter, there will be a delicious mushroom soup for dinner, how delicious it is!
(End of this chapter)

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