America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 386 Unexpected Fish Catch

Chapter 386 Unexpected Fish Catch

In the morning, it means big fish and big meat. There are a lot of food like this; the little guys have a good appetite, and they like chicken and rabbit meat very much. The favorite of these little guys is braised pork, braised in soy sauce of all kinds of meat It is their favorite, and naturally they are full of oil.

"Dad, I'm going to rest. I don't like to play games anymore, I'm going to rest now." Little Lele lying on the blanket pushed away Dad's hand, the little guy is going to drink milk now, so he can't go out to play, " Don't bother me, or I'll be angry! Grandma told me to drink milk every day, I promised grandma!"

Kate snickered. It was really interesting to see Qi Ping choking on his little son. The little guy likes to drink milk. In fact, the little guy's main food now is actually milk drinks and the like. .It is probably a bit difficult to expect this kid to be completely weaned.I need a large glass of milk for three meals a day, and I definitely need it before going to bed. I also need to drink milk drinks when I am tired from playing and hungry.

"We're going to work, we're going to catch fish. You can't just lie here now, we need to do it together. Lele, you can't be lazy." Hugging the fat son, this kid is the youngest In fact, at this time, not only Qi Ping and Kate sometimes dote on him, not to mention grandparents; even Xiaoyao and Yoyo, in fact, they are very concerned about their lovely younger brother most of the time.

The result of this is that Lele knows that he is his younger brother, and Lele often acts like a baby; none of this is particularly bad, but sometimes it really makes people laugh and cry.The treatment of the youngest is indeed better in many cases. The youngest always gets the care and care of the whole family.

Xiao Lele muttered, this kid thought it might be fun to be a cheerleader, so he would like it too, but if he had to work, it would make this chubby little fat man feel a lot of pressure.Especially when Dad hugged him and changed his clothes, the little fat man felt even more stressed.

Fat, chubby little arms and legs, a round face and a chubby belly, no matter how you look at it, this is a cute type, not a working type at all.But now my father has put on little gloves for Lele and let him stand in the water wearing little slippers.But that's okay, Xiao Lele obviously thought that the next thing was to play in the water; although she couldn't stand on the shore to cheer, but this kind of treatment was acceptable, after all, it was a game.

It was obvious that we were going to go fishing together, okay, but now it's the children fighting in water; Qi Ping began to regret that he shouldn't have planned to ask the children to help, they would only be a disservice.Now these little rascals are just playing games, expecting them to help pull the fishing net or catch the fish is wishful thinking, okay?

Both Qi Ping and Kate were a little dumbfounded. They were enjoying the morning leisurely, but they had discussed with the children that they were going to catch fish together, and the children also enthusiastically supported them.But it’s all right now, the little guys have already changed their minds, they have completely forgotten about the idea of ​​catching fish together, and now they are just playing games happily.

Even at this time, these little guys are not only busy playing games by themselves, but also called the baby bear into the water; Watching the cute little bear running around happily in the creek.This is not fishing at all, but a water fight.

"The two of us should do a little more. I don't think we should count on these rascals at all. We have to do it ourselves. Maybe when we really catch the fish, the children may have some enthusiasm for catching the fish." .And now, I think it is still necessary to let King Kong protect them." Qi Ping said helplessly to Kate, there is nothing against children playing games, after all, they are still young; but children still need to play games. Others take care of it.

"Dad, Dad!" Just when Qi Ping was still preparing to take the fishing net, he suddenly heard the shouts of the children; he was really shocked, but he felt that there was nothing to worry about, because the children had strong bodyguards They are all there, and the creek is very shallow, "Dad, the little bear caught a big fish!"

Qi Ping and Kate were suddenly dumbfounded. The two of them looked at each other and didn't know what to say; isn't the little bear playing games? The little bear is usually not only responsible for mischief and playing games.At this time, it actually caught a fish. Should it be so dramatic and accidental, or should it be so shameless!

Although he was very puzzled, Qi Ping ran back quickly; no matter what, the baby bear did catch the fish, which is a good thing.In fact, Qi Ping also knows a little bit more, that is, although the baby bear runs home every now and then, it still lives in the wild with Jenny more of the time. It actually still has a certain ability to survive in the wild, although it is not strong.

The little bear has a round head, and the little guy looks very cute; but now this little guy has a palm-sized fish in his mouth, which is a wild perch.Although it can't be said to be particularly big, this is indeed a fish caught by the little bear in the stream, which can be regarded as a demonstration of the little bear's ability to catch fish.It is a fact that bears like to eat fish, and fish may be the easiest and best thing for cubs to learn to hunt.

The children are indeed interested in catching fish, but this matter is obviously beyond Qiping's expectations; Qi Ping thinks that he should be the main force in catching fish, but this matter has obviously exceeded Qiping's expectations from the very beginning. Flush expected.This kind of willingness is actually understandable. This is because Qi Ping is too self-righteous. He thinks he is planning a strategy; but in reality, this is the merciless blow he encounters again and again.

The little bear caught the fish, which completely ignited the children's enthusiasm for catching fish; Kate smiled and took the children and the little bear to catch fish.In fact, at this time, Qi Ping was ignored, completely ignored, and the matter of catching fish was no longer under Qi Ping's control.

Who still uses fishing nets to catch fish now, and who still catches fish slowly now; look at how powerful Pooh is, he can catch fish with a slap of the palm.And Jenny is also very good, she is actually the best at catching fish; the baby bear is too young to catch fish, it needs to rely on luck.Although Pooh has great strength, he has relatively little experience in wild survival; as a result, Jenny is the most powerful, and catching fish is a piece of cake for him.

Qi Ping's task now is to follow the fish catching army. Pooh's slap down might just be the children running around screaming; That is, there is no gain at all.As for Jenny, although it may not have a perfect chance of catching fish, it still has a great chance of catching fish.

There is no difficulty in catching fish now; fish that are slapped with a slap and fish that are caught in the mouth do exist.Even in one morning, seven fish were caught.Although there are big and small fish, Qi Ping can guarantee that such a large amount of fish is definitely enough for the whole family to have a feast of sea bass; grilled fish, braised fish and so on are not a problem.

Qi Ping is being ridiculed by Kate now, because Qi Ping's series of plans are useless at all; don't look at Qi Ping's plan is quite perfect, but his plan is useless at all.For example, the main event of catching fish was originally to work hand in hand with the children to pull the net; but it turned out that the children only need to follow Pooh and Jenny, rushing to hug and kiss when they catch fish , They are the little cheerleaders!

Seeing the children happily feeding the baby bear with large pieces of fish, Qi Ping thought it was right; some of these fish were caught by the baby bear himself, and all the fish in it were his own. Mom and Dad caught it.As a result, the baby bear can eat as much as it wants, because it has such rights.

"We still need to collect wild vegetables and mushrooms this afternoon. We can't just catch fish and be satisfied. I think this time the camping has been very successful; the children like sleeping in tents, the children like to catch fish, Playing the game, I think this time the camp was quite successful, because we all enjoyed the camp this time.”

Kate really likes this camping very much. Maybe she is more comfortable at home, can eat better and sleep more comfortably, but the different fun of camping is still quite enjoyable.The children like to run around in the mountains very much at first glance, and the little ones can definitely enjoy themselves here, because the games here are something they have never been exposed to before.

"I want to take the children to collect more mushrooms and wild vegetables, and you are responsible for hunting more food. King Kong and Pooh are not full, especially Pooh and Jenny. Although they may not need to eat a lot every day food, but we can't let them go home hungry. Especially if we eat the fish they catch, it would be unfair. We can have a barbecue party, and the kids will love it."

Kate reminded Qi Ping that he should go hunting more in the afternoon; it is obvious that more food is needed now, although he has caught several fish, he can eat a little.But such a small amount of fish is really not enough, especially for Pooh, who is always hungry. In fact, he should eat more delicious food.

To hunt, to hunt; this thing is the new task of flushing, and this thing must be done to the best.This is indeed only the edge of the forest, but it is actually not that difficult to find suitable prey.Anyway, for this barbecue party, we must be more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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