Chapter 387
I went down the mountain with my lovely children. This time the camping was quite interesting, but we can't just stay in the mountains all the time.It must be difficult for adults to live in the mountains all the time, let alone children.Now I just need a different way of life. I just need to go camping in the mountains once in a while. There is no need to stay in the mountains all the time.

The little ones happily ran in front holding their little hands, and ran with the cute little bear; the children were actually very happy to be going down the mountain to go home.They have always been very happy, because playing games is the happiest thing for them.I had a lot of fun in the mountains these two days, and now I am going home to share the joy with my grandparents.

"Grandma, grandma!" It took more than two hours to go down the mountain, and just after coming out of the mountain, I saw grandpa and grandma waiting at the foot of the mountain, and the children ran over cheering, "Grandma, I miss you, grandpa, I want to hug you! "

Looking at these three cute little rascals, Qi Weihui and Yu Lan are very happy; although they occasionally go back to China to stay for a few days, but it’s been a few days since I saw these cute little rascals, really It's a great idea.Even though they have been on the phone for the past two days, they still feel a little worried.

Seeing that the little guys' faces are still chubby, and seeing that the little guys are still so healthy and cute, I feel relieved.Hugging the little guys in a hurry, busy kissing and hugging the little guys.

"Grandma, I'm going home to take a bath. Youyou stinks, I'm not a sweet baby anymore." The coquettish and clean Yoyo sat in grandma's arms, and the little girl became coquettish as soon as she got home. "I didn't even take a good bath. My brother and I could only sit in the basin and take a bath without any bubbles. Dad is the most smelly, he didn't even take a bath!"

Qi Ping felt that this was wronged, and of course he could only keep everything simple in the mountains; the little girl was already very good, and she was given shower gel and so on.It's just that the little girl likes bubble baths, so there's really nothing she can do in the mountains.Besides, taking a bath in a clear stream is enough for the elders, unlike children who need warm water to take a bath.

"Then when we get home, grandma will prepare Yoyo for a bath, and there will be a lot of bubbles. We ignore dad, who always smells bad. We Yoyo are the most fragrant baby, and our Lele!" After kissing her precious granddaughter, Yu Lan laughed when she saw the little grandson stretching out his little hand for grandma to smell.

Scenty Yoyo and Lele are happy, the little ones have always hoped to become a good baby of Scenty.As for Xiaoyao, he was sharing hunting with his grandpa; especially the baby bear, he already knew how to catch fish, and he caught a very big fish.Xiaoyao is showing grandpa the photos now, they are all photos taken by mother, and there is a photo of baby bear catching fish.

Although I really had fun in the mountains, I really felt more comfortable when I returned home; just after unloading the camping equipment and packing up, Qi Ping fell lazily on the sofa and didn't want to move.

The children were happily enjoying their ice cream feast. During the two days in the mountains, the children did not have such snacks.Including King Kong, Pooh, and especially the baby bear, are now happily eating delicious ice cream; they are basically a typical example of depravity, and they would definitely be unhappy without these delicious snacks.

Qi Ping felt that he had set a bad example. If he hadn't brought the little guys into the ditch, these guys wouldn't have been thinking about eating, drinking and having fun all day long.It is definitely an extravagant hope to expect them to be aggressive; think about the role of Qi Ping as an example, what he is actually thinking about is how to have more fun.

Suddenly he felt a little bit of pressure. He naturally hoped that the children would have a happier life in the future, and he didn't necessarily hope that the children would become geniuses.But if the children make some progress in their careers and achieve something, it will naturally make people happier; but looking at it now, what the children plan all day is playing games and eating.

It is really difficult to become a talent, what seems to be most lacking in Lao Qi's family is self-motivation!
Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and Qi Ping doesn't want to care so much.

The mood is very good, this weekend is naturally very good for Qi Ping, because he can accompany the lovely children to enjoy the fun of camping, and he can accompany the children's growth.This is the happiest thing for him. For a person with no ambitions, having a wife and children on the kang is the greatest satisfaction.

Although Qi Ping looks like he has no ambitions, he is very capable; even though he is enjoying a good life leisurely and contentedly there, there are still many things surrounding him.The simplest way to put it is that many people need to watch Qiping's performance to eat, not just Qiping's employees, but even some irrelevant people.

Qi Ping really doesn't care about some irrelevant people, he only cares about his own interests; in fact, sometimes he feels that one thing is worse than one thing less, becoming an entrepreneur sounds very imposing, but it is really annoying.Every day when I open my eyes, I have a lot of documents to deal with, and I have to consider the development of the company, which is really uncomfortable.

Besides, Qi Ping is also very aware of how much he has; if he is allowed to become the chairman, CEO or something, he is indeed unqualified.This guy is not good at business management and the like. If he wants to enter such a field, he really needs to re-learn and so on. That is asking for trouble.

So it's better to learn a little bit, so as not to be taken as a fool; as for management, go to a professional.

Qi Ping, who was humming a song, was very satisfied with the state of the industry under his hands. He knew that as long as he didn't make any mistakes, he didn't need to worry about any major changes at all.Now it is only necessary to be steady and seek improvement. Many industries under his control are actually quite stable, and there is no need to think about making big moves.

Qi Ping is really not in a hurry at all, he earns tens of millions of dollars every year, which is enough for him to live a comfortable life; and this is not a one-off deal, as long as he maintains the current situation, he able to live a life of abundance.Sometimes people just have some inertia, anyway, muddling along is also an attitude towards life.

"I said, did you listen to me? It's okay if you don't care about our restaurant. Steve and I can greet you. But this will immediately bring in tens of millions. You can't do this What a nonchalant attitude! Although we have a little money now, how can money be enough to earn!"

Luo Yi earnestly persuaded Qi Ping, you can be angry and so on, but don't make trouble with money; now there are a lot of opportunities to make money, so naturally you need to seize it.

"Last time, you asked me to be an assistant. Actually, we also know what it is. It's nothing more than finding a relationship and getting some kickbacks. The money is not particularly large, but it is easy to earn. How good it is now, the appearance fee has doubled or tripled, and you still get back the shares you should have taken. You have proved your importance now, and no one will dare to make a fuss in the future. You dominate the wildlife sanctuary The project can still make money, what a bargain!"

"I don't agree now. The time is not ripe yet. The environment in the reserve is deteriorating. Although they are anxious now, the pressure is not strong enough. Wait, I will take action when the cover can no longer be covered. This time I plan to It's all done in one battle, just get sick once, and I don't plan to continue to be sick."

Qi Ping opened his mouth, and Luo Yi was a little dumbfounded when he was speechless; Qi Ping's appetite was really too big, and he thought it would be good for Qi Ping to re-enter the protected area.But it was obvious that he underestimated Qiping. This guy was planning to eliminate dissidents. In the future, only Qiping's voice would be heard in the wildlife sanctuary.

Such a result is basically certain; that is, Qi Ping has learned a lesson after the last disgusting incident. He doesn't need anyone to restrain him, and he doesn't need others to be around.There will only be one voice in a Qiping-led project, as for the others, where should they go!
"I'm going to add insult to injury. Anyway, I don't lack that little appearance fee. And you, don't be so tempted by such an appearance fee, it's not worth it at all. Now let's gather up the funds, and if it's appropriate, we can directly give this forest farm to you." Take it down, and then we will do it ourselves. If you trust me, we will follow the plan of the wildlife sanctuary, and if we think it is not safe, we will change some models."

Qi Ping crossed his legs, he really planned to swallow this forest farm in one go; as for the national forest park and the like, there was no need to care about it at all.Once the environment there deteriorates, once the investment there loses everything, then Qi Ping really has a great possibility to buy the bottom; even if it can't completely buy the bottom, it can make the National Forest Park basically named Qi.

"Then I've really started to gather funds. I don't have much confidence in those people, but if you are serious, I will definitely have confidence. I don't actually have a lot of liquid funds in my hands now, but it's a little bit to gather. Reserve Here I don’t really care about immediate output, it doesn’t matter in the long run, it’s like leaving more property for my children.”

Luo Yi is serious. Of course he knows that the rate of return in the protected area is relatively high, but this is a long-term investment; it doesn't matter, this time the investment is a steady profit, as long as Qi Ping is serious.

"It won't take that long, at most two or three years. I was irritated by them this time, and I plan to enrich their plans, not necessarily according to my original idea. Don't worry, buddy won't Treat you badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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