America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 388 The Crowded Study Room

Chapter 388 The Crowded Study Room

This is a big project and a big plan, so it is natural to be cautious; although everyone knows that the investment led by Qi Ping still has a high possibility of success, but we should not be blind, this is a large investment after all.

"Anyway, I don't have any other investment projects now. If you invest, I will definitely be willing to invest money in it." The old man said, he absolutely supports Qi Ping, "You can show me how many shares you can give me when the time comes , I will eat as much as I can at that time. I don’t want too much money, and I have confidence in the investment you made.”

"I am also willing to invest in it. This is your best project, and I am very confident!" Steve is trusting blindly. Let Qi Ping engage in farming and animal husbandry, which is a sure profit and no loss, " I hope to get as many shares as possible, and we can make money together!"

Qi Ping was depressed, and felt more fucked up; he was just relieved a little bit, and he just swarmed up.In fact, Qi Ping could have done this kind of investment by himself; it's just that everyone earns money, and he needs to share some risks.The most important thing is to do some investment, and you still need some contacts; investment is the best network, because everyone earns money, this is an alliance of interests!

These are the closest relatives and friends, and investing together is naturally the best thing.In fact, it is not only relatives and friends who can invest. After Qi Ping occupies an absolute stake, he will definitely open his mouth to introduce some other investors.Qi Ping now has a big family and a big business, and the interests involved are relatively wide.

Real money is more convincing, and only by allowing more powerful and influential big capitalists to enter this circle and combine everyone's interests together can Qiping have a more say.After all, the current investment project will be huge, and there are still certain difficulties. At this time, it is natural to need people with the right to speak and strength.

The brothers are discussing, and it is obvious that they are now for the next investment; in fact, there is not much planning, because everyone knows that the current investment plan requires a long time of preparation and research.The most important thing is that since you plan to invest in a wildlife sanctuary, you need to make a move at the right time.

Now we still need to wait for the environment on the side of the reserve to continue to deteriorate, and the pressure on the side of the reserve to increase; obviously, these people just have no good intentions.As a businessman, they don't need sympathy or anything like that. Maximizing their profits is their pursuit. These people are obviously waiting for the right time to make a move.

"Uncle, uncle!" Lele ran over happily. The little guy pushed open the door of the study room. He hadn't seen his uncle for a long time. Of course, the little guy liked to see the uncle who always bought him presents. "Uncle, my brother peed just now, and grandma went to bathe him again."

"Oh, uncle knows. Then let's go and help uncle take care of my younger brother. Uncle will take you to buy ice cream later." As for his little nephew who is always pestering him, Qi Lei can't help it, because this kid is really too pestering "By the way, Uncle wants to drive the car, Lele will help Uncle open the garage."

Xiao Lele cheered and ran out. The little guy's favorite thing is to be treated as an adult. Now that he can help his uncle with things, Xiao Lele is naturally full of enthusiasm.Although Lele still needs the support of grandpa or grandma to help now, this little guy likes to take the credit for himself every time.

It's funny to see the little fat man running out, especially seeing a round little black bear behind him; the little guy is cute in itself, and this kid is also paired with a cute Little cute pets will naturally be cuter.It's not just one plus one equals two anymore, it's an infinite number of lovely combinations.

After dismissing the little rascal, Qi Ping was quite helpless; this kid was a real toubob at home, he liked to run around.There is no door in the house that this kid can't open. He likes to run around, everywhere is his playroom and toy room. As long as this kid thinks of it, he will definitely rush in to have fun.

Looking at these cute little guys, this also made the heads of the family more ambitious; obviously, these people in the study are rich, but in order to leave more money for the children industry, they are all willing to work harder.If it weren't for the lovely children, who wouldn't want to eat, drink and have fun, who wouldn't want to enjoy life.

If it wasn't for these little guys, Qi Ping really wanted to go sightseeing with Kate. He actually felt that there were still many places he wanted to visit.Traveling around the world is actually Qi Ping's long-standing dream, and he now has such financial resources; however, the little ones cannot do without their parents now, and this plan can only be postponed indefinitely.

It is still necessary to wait until the children can let go before traveling around the world. Wait until the children are 20 years younger, and then go to Madagascar, Sri Lanka and the like.Traveling around the world not only costs money, but also takes time; now there is no time at all, if the children don't see their parents for a week, it will definitely not work.

Wait a little longer, and Chipping is sure there will be a time; the children are still young, and Chipping and Kate are still young.Do the right thing at the right age, Qiping is not yet the age to take Kate around the world.

Qi Ping feels that he still needs to work hard, and now he still needs to make good money; for a better life in the future, and for those great plans in the future, he really needs to save more money.Financial freedom is not an easy task.

When you are not working, you don’t have to worry about money; you don’t need to work hard for living expenses, and you don’t need to work hard for money; this standard is actually very high, and many people can’t reach such a height.Don't look at the current Qiping who has a lot of money and can reach the state of financial freedom, but this is the initial state, because he needs to spend too much money, because his family has a big business, and because he has three lovely child.

Thinking about it, I'm still a little depressed. I thought I was really making money, and I thought I was quite rich; but now that I think about it, I really want to cry.At first, I thought that I was a person with aspirations, and I thought that I would be satisfied if I made some money; but now, I am already a billionaire, but Qi Ping always feels that I don’t have enough money to spend, and I still feel that I haven’t reached the financial goal. free state.

Several buddies are still discussing about investment, this time they are not just passively waiting for the right time to make a move.Now it is more necessary to take the initiative to attack, and it is certainly not very good to do business only passively.You still need to make others feel the pressure, or you need to make those people unable to bear the pressure.

Some things cannot continue to develop slowly like this, and must be uncovered; Qi Ping thinks that he is still responsible for the immoral things, and it is not that he has not done them anyway.Now more people must know something, taxpayers' money cannot be spent in vain, Qi Ping is a big taxpayer, and he absolutely cannot accept that it is an unreliable decision for his money to be slapped on the head by those officials.

Lose ideas one by one, find the media, vent, and so on, these things must be done.Now these things must be done, and more people must know about this matter.Only when the current protected area collapses, can Qiping's plan be implemented smoothly.

After finalizing some things, everyone is ready to start acting according to the plan; making more preparations is also taking the initiative to attack.In order to achieve new breakthroughs in their careers, these few people in the study are full of enthusiasm; they are about to start a big era together and expand their career territory together.

As for the fact that they have caused many people to lose money or lose their positions for their own careers, there is nothing to worry about, let alone any moral pressure.Shopping malls are like battlefields. There is no such thing as benevolence, righteousness and morality here. The law of the jungle only preys on the strong. The competition here is actually the cruelest and most realistic.

Qi Ping was very satisfied. This time the gathering of conspirators achieved very good results. Everyone reached some consensus and made some plans together.Then the next task is actually very simple, act according to the plan; if everyone does their part well, then the investment this time will make a lot of progress, and the preparatory work is carried out in an orderly manner. up.

Qi Ping, who always thought he was living a leisurely life, once again found something for himself, and once again let the leisurely life go away from him.For this plan, he will definitely need to be busy in the next period of time, and for this current career, he must go all out.

While it might feel a little hectic, and it can feel nerve-wracking, it's all worth it.Because this career can bring him more rewards, because such a job can upgrade the industry under his hands again; then all this is worth it, anyway, Qi Ping feels that his efforts will not be in vain .

After a successful meeting, the conspirators walked out of the study happily. They saw more green dollars waving towards them, and they saw that they had become the masters of a certain industry.Feel proud and proud, this is a must!
"Uncle, let's go buy ice cream, I also want candy. Can we go to San Diego, my brother and sister are coming out of school, and I also want to go to kindergarten to play games!"

Well, just after walking out of the study, a chubby little fat man ran over; the little guy's face was covered with sweat, Lele was really serious about helping, he really did his best!
(End of this chapter)

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