Chapter 389
"I can make a bird out of my mouth!"

Qi Ping had just walked out of the study, and was laughed at by a sharp voice; he had been busy all morning sorting out various materials, busy looking at some plans and reports, but he didn't expect that when he came out, he heard Liang Shanbo talking about cross talk.

"Xiao Er, bring three catties of beef! Serve the best wine, and serve it in a big bowl!"

This was Zhu Yingtai's voice. Qi Ping could hear the voices of these two little guys even with his eyes closed.Needless to say, although these two little guys are unreliable in various ways, they are really funny. Although this may not be because of their original intention, these two guys are really funny.

As soon as he arrived at the living room, Qi Ping was amused; no wonder Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were in high spirits, although they were talking nonsense, they had a way of speaking.They are eating now, which is kind of on point.

It's just that these two guys may not understand the meaning of what they said, but they just think that these words should be said at this moment, which fits the atmosphere.Fade out the birds, they are not just birds; expect them to drink, you think you are black charcoal who likes to drink!
Colorful Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai stood on the carpet. These two guys are actually about 80 centimeters in length, and they even have some advantages compared to the children.And they, in fact, still like to play around very much, they are simply children who have not grown up; beside them, the two little guys, Romeo and Juliet, are the real children.

"The longer your two parrots grew, the more they went back. They were shrewd and quiet when they were young. They flew on the roof all day long and didn't talk much. The six words came out of my mouth, that is, I saw me and Kate talking here and had to think about it, or else I opened my mouth when I cursed!"

Yu Lan actually complained a little bit about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. They are really cute, but sometimes they are outspoken, and it is really easy to teach the children badly.But there is no way, no matter how disobedient or ignorant they are, they are still young members of the family.

"I used to think that they were reverse growth. When they grow up, they will live more and more. But think about it, it is not the case. They are actually very smart, but they were a little smaller a few years ago, and their learning ability is limited. Now they grow up. Now, the learning ability is naturally getting stronger and stronger, so learning to speak is just opening your mouth."

Qi Ping didn't think there was anything wrong with these two little bastards. If he wanted to preach bad children and the like, they might indeed have some bad influence.But it can't be concluded that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not good children because of this, the children may not necessarily have been with them for a long time or have learned swear words and the like.

The children are happily feeding Liang Shanbo to eat fruits, small walnuts, almonds and so on are placed in front of them; three chubby and cute dolls are happily feeding their little friends, and Liang Shanbo these few Although this guy can eat food by himself, he is still very happy to be fed by others.

"Wine bag and rice bag!" Liang Shanbo began to curse, but just after shouting at the top of his voice, he seemed to realize that it was not good; he quickly looked at Yu Lan, who was the most sensitive, turned his head and continued to eat almonds, and stopped talking.

"Don't read Water Margin if you are young, and Three Kingdoms if you are old! We really can't watch Water Margin anymore in Liangshanbo. I will tell your old man when he comes back. Don't take them to watch costume dramas if you have nothing to do. If you want to watch TV, you have to find them." Personal company. What do you have to talk about with them, this mouth is just some messy things." Sighing, he felt that Liang Shanbo was hopeless.

Qi Ping smiled awkwardly, there is really no way to talk about this matter; Liang Shanbo and the others have learned a lot of bad words, some of which come from adults like Qi Ping and the others, but in fact more are self-taught.

There is a lot of swearing on TV, and these guys have watched a lot of R-rated movies; R-rated, isn’t it just some movie ratings, and children under the age of 17 must watch it with their parents.The content contains some adult content, which contains pornography, poison, nudity, weird scenes and a lot of dirty words.In fact, this is definitely not pornography, mainly because there are more vulgar swear words and the like.

"Why do our children want to feed Liang Shanbo to them? Didn't they always run away after putting the fruit in the food bowl? Now they are so considerate, they still hold Liang Shanbo and don't let them go."

For his own children, Qi Ping knows quite well; there is nothing to say about the relationship with his friends, but when it comes to feeding food by himself, the children really rarely do this, basically Eating doesn't need flavor.

Now the four parrots are called by the children, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo take care of one parrot, because Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are too naughty.Romeo and Juliet, who grew up with Lele, were very obedient, and they were by Lele's side. Although little Lele was lazily leaning on Pooh's stomach, they did not leave.

"I'm making a relationship now. I didn't see them being so attentive when I was free, but now I want to take Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai to the kindergarten, so I started to be courteous. It seems that Liang Shanbo didn't agree. This time These two mischievous ghosts got excited. They rummaged through boxes and cabinets and asked me to find something delicious. They grabbed Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and were feeding snacks. They all thought they were snack foodies like them, who would just buy a little snack? !"

Yu Lan laughed and said that although the children made a lot of noise here, they looked so cute in her eyes.This little thing will only be a lovely part of the children's growth.

"Really, maybe they will be bought. If King Kong and Pooh bring back some fruit or something, our family's snacks will immediately follow. Liang Shanbo and them are not much better. The children were not allowed to approach just now. But now we are happy to eat together. They are very wary of outsiders, but they are at ease with their families."

Kate also laughed. She really thought this scene was very interesting and loving; as for the struggles and conflicts between the children and the snacks, they were staged every day.The children are angry, Liang Shanbo they are angry, it is very normal.It's just that after getting angry, they quickly returned to the friendly mode, because they still have to play games together.

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai can't go to school. They don't know what to say, maybe they just said something bad. It's better to be Romeo and Juliet. Although they sometimes say some dirty words, but Generally not." Qi Ping doesn't need to think about it at all, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not suitable for going to kindergarten, once they don't keep the door open, they will say something earth-shattering.

"We have discussed it with the children, but they still like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Romeo and Juliet are well-mannered, but they can talk less now. Liang Shanbo and Juliet are very smart and have learned a lot. Although some What you say may not be correct at the time, but it basically fits the occasion, and they understand both Chinese and English, so it would be silly for a long time not to want Romeo or Juliet to switch language modes."

Kate was a little helpless. Of course she knew that Romeo and Juliet were more suitable for kindergarten, but the children recognized Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who could talk more.Sometimes once the children recognize something, it is really difficult to communicate. Although I am trying my best to explain it to the children, it is just that the children don't seem to listen at all.

Qi Ping was also dumbfounded, he naturally knew his children very well, and the two little guys Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai could be said to be Qi Ping's hardcore confidantes, and Qi Ping naturally understood their strength extremely well.Speaking of being able to talk, these two little guys are definitely masters in the parrot world. They can say what they should say and what should not be said very smoothly, and they can also say words that suit the situation and occasion, and they don't need others to teach them at all.

They are cute, there are millions of cute and smart ones, but it's a pity that these two guys really don't know what to say.It's fine if it's just adults, but it's embarrassing when you go to the kindergarten and swear in both Chinese and English or other nonsense.

At that time, Xiaoyao and Yoyo didn't take their good friends to show off, and they cheated their fathers and mothers in all kinds of ways.Xiaoyao and Youyou managed to settle down in the kindergarten with great difficulty and did not cause trouble every now and then. If they get two unreliable parrots, Qi Ping can guarantee that he will go to the kindergarten to report again, and then he will be criticized and educated by the teacher.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something. Tell me, is our family's seniority a bit chaotic? The children have been yelling all day long, and the seniority is messed up." Yu Lan looked at Xiao Lele's flipping Turning around to tickle Pooh, watching Romeo and Juliet combing Pooh's hair affectionately with gradual beaks, she laughed.

"Speaking of which, Pooh, King Kong, Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, Heitan, Rudolph, and Qiping's younger brothers are all Qiping's younger brothers, anyway, that's what he calls him. Others keep pets as children, and he They are younger brothers. But if you count King Kong, they are Xiaoyao’s uncles, but our children regard them as good friends and good brothers. That’s fine, now there are Romeo, Juliet, and Little Bear Baby, the generational hierarchy will be messed up now, it's so chaotic, they're all brothers and sisters!"

Qi Ping and Kate looked at each other and were suddenly dumbfounded.Speaking of which, they really didn't pay much attention to such a thing before, but now that my mother mentions it, it seems that they really have such a thing.

But think about it or don't care about it, children in the United States sometimes call their parents by their names!As long as Xiaoyao and the others don't yell their names at home, it's fine, and King Kong and the others are brothers if they want to be brothers, and nephews and nephews if they want to be uncles, don't care!

(End of this chapter)

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