America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 390 Trouble is coming

Chapter 390 Trouble is coming
We still need to have a good chat with the children. For example, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai don’t want to go to kindergarten, so we have to respect their choices.It also includes Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, although they are very smart, but they are not suitable for kindergarten, because they are used to it at home, and others will not like the way they speak.

It's not bad, the children are a bit stubborn, but not all of them don't listen to opinions at all.For the children, they just want to share happiness with their classmates. They all know how cute Liangshanbo is, and they want to show off their cuteness.Children know that King Kong and Pooh are too big to leave the forest farm, so choose the cute Liang Shanbo.

There is nothing to worry about, now you can relax.Although there are still many uneasy things, but if one thing is solved, then this is a great progress, Qi Ping will still feel very satisfied, and he still thinks this matter is acceptable.

The thing to do now is some business activities. Qi Ping is still very busy now. What he has to deal with now is not only the wildlife sanctuary, but also the ranch.

The 'Fairy Cow' was born out of nowhere. Although the number of fairy cows was small at the beginning, the quality must be fine.So little Japan is in a hurry, they have seen the end of wagyu, and these Japanese people have seen that they lack another powerful product in this world, and they lack one of their proud assets.

If you want to say that you are not reconciled, that is for sure. After all, wagyu has represented the highest quality beef for decades, and it is a national treasure.I am used to staying on the throne, and now I am facing the miserable situation of being kicked off. Of course, it is because I am psychologically unbalanced, and I am counting on the last effort and struggle, hoping to turn the situation back.

Seeking cooperation, this gap will not be opened at all.He wants to eat alone now, because he has the ability to breed more top-level cattle, and now he has the ability to monopolize the top-level beef market, so there is no need to share a piece of the pie, not to mention that it is still a small Japan.

Suppression is indeed being done.After all, Wagyu has a history of decades, and word of mouth has long been established.Moreover, the current Wagyu beef, that is, some reports have proved that the quality is good, but consumers still only hear about it, and even many consumers don’t even know the existence of Xianniu. This is just a reputation in the circle of the beef market. very big.

But in the face of absolute strength, some small methods are simply paper tigers.You slander, you slander, it doesn't matter, my fairy cow quality is there, the so-called Wagyu is not worth mentioning in front of the fairy cow.It's useless if you lower the price or bundle sales; speaking of it, we can do even better, because the top vegetable and fruit market belongs to our fairyland forest farm, and Hexianniu is the same family.Besides, if you want to talk about the cost and the like, that is, you and the cow cost more.

There is no need to care about some small commercial tricks, because the quality of our fairy cattle is higher.It would be a good thing if you lowered the price. This proves that you little Japan still has self-knowledge and knows that your strength cannot be compared with our fairy cow.Products that are not at the same level at all, there is no comparison at all, you and Niu are destined to be completely compared with Xianniu.

Strength is the last word, and Qi Ping doesn't need to worry about some conspiracies and tricks at all now; maybe the current number of immortal cattle is quite limited, and it will take a longer time to breed and mature.But Qi Ping really has no shortage of time, he doesn't need to do it overnight, and he is already invincible in a steady and steady manner.

Qi Ping doesn't worry about any business competition at all, because he is somewhat capable now, he can challenge some people and so on.Of course, he can take his time and lay a solid foundation. In fact, it can be understood as a solid foundation; it is better to have a stronger foundation, and then he will make a quick move to seize the higher-end market in one fell swoop.

Little Japan certainly knows the urgency of time for them, but there is nothing they can do about it.Qiping holds an absolutely leading product in his hand, and Qiping has strong funds, so he doesn't give other people a chance to intervene.

As for the banner of farmers and the industrial chain, I hope that Qiping will put the overall situation first.What a joke, Qi Ping is now hanging out with his American father in Little Japan.Besides, no matter which country has such a powerful product, it must be unconditionally supported; for the benefit of your little Japan to harm your own interests, what a joke, thank God if I don't make trouble at this time!

In the business world, it seems that there is no competition; in politics, it seems that there is not much to talk about.The result of this is that there is nothing to do, even though countless meetings have been held up and down the Wagyu industry chain, and the threat of fairy cattle has been emphasized countless times.But now his eyes are still darkened, and he doesn't know how to face the increasingly powerful and threatening fairy cow.

Sitting still or dying, these are quite unacceptable choices, but there is really no other way now, it seems that there are only so many means and methods on the books.

But don't underestimate Little Japan, they are still very good; if you want to talk about stubbornness, hard work or shamelessness, Little Japan is really good.They want to learn and improve, so they need to have more information; although everyone is holding on to their leading advantages and is unwilling to let go, they can just steal and cheat, as long as they get it, regardless of the means!
Qi Ping suddenly felt that the security pressure on the ranch was a bit high. Although there was an experience of pasture being stolen before, and Patrice and his security department did put in a lot of effort, all of this was still not enough Look, now it seems that we have encountered a real master. At this time, the anti-theft pressure will increase exponentially.

It is necessary to raise the wages of the employees under him, and the benefits need to be improved a little bit; there is no way, the security department itself is basically a dead salary, although the salary is really good, but it rarely produces performance, no troubles for them In terms of performance.And now that there are thieves, they are even more motivated, because they know that BOSS is not a stingy person.

The task of fire prevention and theft prevention is very heavy, but Qi Ping has nothing to worry about; although some people do have some shady means, but they can't be lawless, after all, this is not their territory.And Qi Ping is not so easy to bully, anyway, he is also an existence at the level of local snakes, and he is not someone who can be bullied if he wants to pinch.

Qi Ping was indeed not worried about any thieves or those clowns; but gradually, Qi Ping discovered something was wrong.The thieves and the like are just low-level methods, okay? These are just some seemingly simple and crude methods; such methods may have certain risks, but they are also the simplest and most likely to succeed.

Now that it is not enough to rely on petty theft, then play high-end; for example, commercial espionage and the like, this is very important.Although time-consuming and labor-intensive, although the cost is high; but once it works, it is more valuable than petty theft.

House thieves are hard to guard against. Qi Ping is now a big family, okay? He actually has a lot of employees.Perhaps it is very easy to bribe someone, but it is actually quite difficult to steal a cow from the ranch quietly, but sometimes you can still consider taking some information.

Qi Ping does treat his employees very well, but the most difficult thing to satisfy in this world is human desire.There is no so-called loyalty or betrayal, it's just to see if the temptation is big enough.When you see the price tag that is enough to make people's hearts, it may be worth taking risks and the like.

Professor Bruce was furious. This old guy has always been in charge of various scientific research at Wonderland Forest Farm, and he is the actual person in charge of the research institute.The research institute he leads actually doesn't have much output or anything like that, so it doesn't mean it has too much economic benefit; it looks like this on the books, because the research institute is only responsible for the forest farm, and their research is more used in tree farm.

In fact, Qi Ping still attaches great importance to the research institute. There is no direct economic benefit, but the potential benefit is excellent; with sufficient technical support, it is enough to make the development of the forest farm more scientific.Although Qi Ping can create the best environment here, but sometimes he can't be complacent, because he pursues very high.

I always thought that Professor Bruce would not cause other troubles except asking for money, but now it seems that a little change is needed.Although Professor Bruce is very competent, but he is old and manages more projects now. Naturally, sometimes there will be some omissions, and there will be some opportunities for some interested people to take advantage of.

The leakage of some important information about Xianniu is something that Professor Bruce cannot tolerate; he is indeed a scholar, but he is not a simple scholar who knows nothing, he knows that it should be kept secret, at least the results of these researches belong to Qi Flat, he doesn't care how Qi Ping handles it, but it must not be leaked.

Although only part of the data is lost now, this is already unacceptable; this is not only unacceptable by professional ethics, but also violates the law.Such a thing is definitely unacceptable to Professor Bruce; he is a scholar, he is not pedantic, and he does not understand anything, but now that something like this has happened, it must be resolved!
Qi Ping was also very angry and annoyed. He originally thought that he was a very good boss, and his employees were also of the same mind as him. In fact, his employees were very good.But looking at it now, this is not the case at all; even if those materials may not be useful to other people, such things are unacceptable, absolutely not!
(End of this chapter)

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