Chapter 391

In fact, Qi Ping has always believed in the belief that harmony makes money. He thinks that such a harmonious environment is actually the most ideal state.Obviously, money can never be earned, so everyone should cooperate together to earn more and make a fortune together. In fact, this is the best state.

Being kind to others, although he has indeed made a lot of money now, but relatively speaking, he has not offended too many people in the process of his rise.In fact, there is a saying in the business world that everything will be successful. After all, there are no people here who are kind, and the maximization of profits is actually the whole pursuit.

Naturally, Qi Ping is also like this. He won't say that he is worried about others not making money, going bankrupt, etc. He is not worried at all.As long as it doesn't affect his interests, then Qi Ping is a cheerful and nice man.It's just that when someone hurts Qi Ping's interests, then this guy will definitely show his teeth and claws.

"I don't trust anyone now. This is not only professional ethics, but also a violation of the law. I think you all know how great the potential of Xianniu is. This is an unimaginable wealth. What we know now is the leakage of some information. Maybe the information we don't know is also on the verge of leaking. I don't know why the Japanese Wagyu has not leaked the core technology for decades, and our fairy cow has appeared several times in less than half a year. next crisis."

Seeing Qiping knocking on the table with an ugly face, the meeting room was silent; the people who can sit here are the management of various industries in the forest farm, even if Qiping has a more scientific management method after integrating resources, It's just that the employees who started the business with Qiping didn't actually neglect, and the employees who started the business together actually had a good life.

Qi Ping himself is a good boss, he is good at his employees, but some people always have more ambitions, they hope to get more.It is worth taking such a risk, because it may be a lot of money if you do it.

"Now let's talk about some of your thoughts, and don't just stare at some technology leaks of Xianniu. The information we have now is that there have been some core technology leaks, but fortunately it is not a complete technology leak. I believe that people who want to copy Xianniu The miracle of the cow is very difficult. But we can't slack off, because we have too many excellent products, and I absolutely cannot accept that there will be such technical leaks in other products."

Beating is very necessary, but it cannot be just beating; accountability is certain, but what is more needed now is to solve some of the current troubles and find out the root of the problem now.Qi Ping will not continue to wait foolishly, he needs to take the initiative now.Clearly, this solution must now be resolved.

"This is my dereliction of duty. This is a fatal mistake in the research institute I lead. I know that you have always wanted the research institute to be independent from the company, so that there will be more autonomy, which will facilitate our research. I know this is good intentions, but after this accident, I think it is necessary for us to incorporate the research institute into the company now."

Professor Bruce's face is ugly, this is a slap in the face; he certainly doesn't want the research institute he leads to have many leaders, and he doesn't want some management to tell him what direction to study or what things should be solved now.He likes to do projects freely, without any pressure is one thing, the most important thing is to make people feel absolute trust.

But what happened now tells him that such idealization is not realistic enough. Qi Ping, the boss, has been supporting the research institute out of pocket. Although the research institute has indeed given some technical support to the forest farm, it is just that the development of the research institute is still vigorously developed by Qi Ping. Support, compared with the input of Qiping, the feedback from the research institute is actually very little.

As this happened, Professor Bruce had a bad conscience, and he felt that he had a negative level of trust.Therefore, the research institute can no longer exist in an independent nature, and now needs to undertake more tasks such as research and development.The strength of the current research institute is actually quite good, and those strengths will create more wealth for Qiping.

Most importantly, the nature of the institute must change and become more formal.

"Obviously this is a commercial crime, and we think that if we have access to some of Xianniu's core technologies, then perhaps some important people have committed a crime. We have already applied to the FBI for investigation. This is a commercial crime, and our Xianniu It is classified, and such a commercial crime is actually enough for the FBI to enter. And we have to do some investigations, and we will worry about some other technology leaks.”

Although I feel a little ashamed, Professor Bruce will not pretend to be stupid.What needs to be done now is to remedy this matter, to find out who the criminals are.At this time, there cannot be any mercy, and legal means must be used to resolve these matters. Perhaps this is also killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Qi Ping was listening. In fact, he also knew some things. Although Professor Bruce is more in charge of technical matters, he may not be a good leader of the research institute, but he must know the common sense of technical secrecy.Although it is not professional enough, there will still be some confidentiality measures, but it still looks not professional enough now.

This time we need a top-down investigation, and this accident also reminded Qi Ping; sometimes we really can’t think that everyone is good, and we can’t have the intention of harming others, but we should guard against others Not to mention.This should be the case at this time, you can't act emotionally, and you should have more rationality at these times, because there are really too many interests now, because the property in his hand is too attractive, and countless people are staring at him. , I'll take a bite if I get the chance!
"You have been talking too much about human feelings. You are humane to others, but others may not be humane to you. This time the leak, you can see it, it must be a person with a reputation. I think the benefits you offer The treatment is actually good, but the people are not popular enough. The boss should be the boss, don't mix too many emotional factors in it."

Luo Yi felt that this matter was actually Qi Ping's mistake. If he had realized these things from the beginning, then this matter could have been completely avoided.Maybe there is no particularly heavy loss now, but it does make people feel very depressed, which does bring a lot of risks.Don't look at Qiping's swearing here that the core technology has not been completely leaked, but it is really likely to bring some inspiration to other competitors.

"I learned a lesson this time, and Professor Bruce also told me a lot. In the future, my research institute will still be independent, but it belongs to the kind where all the people belong to me. Things that are convenient for management should be handed over to Professionals will take care of it. Professor Bruce means that he will not be responsible for the management of the institute in the future, and he can’t do it. He is only responsible for technical matters, and he will let go of the usual operations.”

"Then Professor Bruce is about to breathe a sigh of relief. It's only a shopkeeper like you who thinks up these unreliable things. He's a technician, and you let him do business management. I think, a person like you really It's too capitalist, it's true that Professor Bruce's mismanagement of things this time, and you can't blame him entirely."

Luo Yi is also pleading with Professor Bruce, and he knows something about it; even though Professor Bruce is one of the first to come to the forest farm, it's just that he really didn't manage things well this time, so this can be regarded as Professor Bruce dereliction of duty.In terms of responsibility, we must take some responsibility.

"I know this. Professor Bruce is indeed responsible, but I can't blame him entirely. It's because I'm a little idealized, and I can't let him do things that I'm not good at. I can be regarded as a business manager anyway. People, I will do it to the best of my ability in the future.”

Qi Ping began to reflect. As a manager, he did make some mistakes.Let the research technology do the management, and he can't figure it out at a loss.This guy is indeed too lazy, some problems have not exploded, he just muddled through, he didn't have a long-term vision at all, and he didn't have any macro awareness at all.

Now he has a lot of property at any rate, so he should also be the manager of an enterprise.Then it is really necessary to formulate some strategic guidelines in a comprehensive, detailed and correct manner, and more importantly, to rationally allocate and use the strength and resources held by one's own.This should be the ability that an outstanding entrepreneur should have, and it is what he needs to have.

It's depressing enough to think about it, and now he can be considered a big business, and he has some knowledge.But when I think about what is happening now, more and more weird things are happening. The scenes that may only appear in TV movies in the past are also happening around me.

It really makes people feel that they have to accept things, and they really need to constantly strengthen their hearts; to constantly accept these things, to keep making themselves look knowledgeable, and not to behave like a country bumpkin without background, which is rare and strange Not a good quality for a big boss, it makes people laugh.

Isn't it just commercial espionage? It's normal; you can even feel complacent. If it weren't for the fact that the industry under your hands is too attractive, some things like this wouldn't happen now.Commercial spies, if you think about it, they are tall enough. These people usually don't show up. When they show up, it's that kind of big scene.

It's not that I haven't seen it before. Some time ago, someone stole the pasture on the pasture; this can be regarded as a reminder to Qi Ping, which also brought him a lot of psychological preparation.Now that they have been stolen, it proves that there are indeed many good things in the house that are being missed by others; some time ago, it was pasture grass, but now it is not surprising that it is a fairy cow.

Others are thinking about stealing pasture, and then improving pasture, developing horse racing and so on.And now there are people who steal cattle. On the one hand, they want to get a better breed of cattle, and on the other hand, they want to suppress their opponents.This is all normal, as is the case with enterprises; not only do they need to strengthen themselves to improve the competitiveness of their products, but they also need to attack their opponents.

This is often the case. The most competitive and recognized product in the market is not necessarily the best product. In fact, it requires excellent marketing and promotion.Even when many good products have some potential, they will encounter a big blow, and some forces will continue to restrict their development.

Qi Ping may not need to worry about this, because he knows his strength; he does not have much power in the beef market now, but he is a master in the vegetable and fruit market.I dare not say things like stomping the market once, but Qi Ping is also very clear that many high-end product brands really need to see his performance.

The quality of the product is so good that it completely crushes other products in the existing market; such a result can only explain some things, for example, in the face of absolute power, those conspiracies are really just paper tigers.What Qiping is doing now is actually all of these, and it is all based on the quality of the product, which is the best way.

Being thieves is very unpleasant, and Qi Ping is indeed unhappy; but he knows something better, that is, this incident did not cause too much loss.Let's wait patiently now. It is a good thing for the FBI to intervene. They are professional; although these people may not be able to solve all the problems, they can indeed save Qi Ping a lot of trouble.

Qi Ping is very clear, that is, not only he knows the value of Xianniu, but also the US government; top-level products are always protected, so Xianniu has encountered some commercial crimes, so it must be taken seriously.The investigation of commercial crimes in the United States is actually quite strong, and it will still protect the interests of enterprises.

The external force is naturally the intervention of the FBI, but Qi Ping knows better than relying on the external force, the internal investigation of the institute is still necessary.This time the accident was definitely a 'house thief', and it was not a low-level existence.This matter is absolutely unacceptable and unacceptable to Qi Ping. He cannot tolerate his employees doing some things that are scrambling.

"Dad, let's go play games." Although I have encountered a lot of troubles now, I don't need to worry when I get home. The cute children are always so happy, "I want to beat the bad guys , let's go fight monsters in the mountains with Pooh!"

Fighting monsters is a good thing; Chi Ping can guarantee that one of the children's favorite games is fighting monsters, even though they never see the real monsters.But for monsters, as long as the children think they are monsters, even if they bring a large group of strong boys to hunt rabbits, it is actually a monster!
(End of this chapter)

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