America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 392 Exploitation and Squeeze

Chapter 392 Exploitation and Squeeze
There are professionals taking care of these things, so Qi Ping can naturally be lazy; he just needs to pay attention to the progress, and he only needs to express his opinions at some critical moments, which is actually almost the same.As for the specific implementation of such things, there is really no need for a billionaire to do it himself.

This is a rectification movement within the company, and it is also a time to standardize various regulations and responsibilities within the company.In fact, it also includes investigation and finding out the moment of crime violation. It is necessary to strengthen the ideological education of employees.

"You go and give me a part-time job, you know the Supervision Department. Internal Supervision Department, you are holding a Shang Fang sword." Qi Ping finally showed his sword and found Luo Yi, his best friend.

Qi Ping felt that he needed to come up with a more detailed and more operable internal discipline and regulation, and at the same time set up a brand-new and powerful internal control and audit supervision department to focus on the company's internal integrity and anti-corruption work.What happened this time gave Qiping a reminder that the zero-tolerance attitude towards internal corruption must be implemented, and the stance of no tolerance is very firm; this may be the first anti-corruption rectification within the company, but it is absolutely It won't be the last time.

"Okay, it's better for me to come forward. How is your Supervision Department calculated? Is it vertical management or what to say. I mean independent nature. I don't want to have anything to do with other departments. I'll give you a thunder, you want to save face I don’t want to be merciless, but I don’t mind. This time, it’s okay, strict enforcement of internal rules and regulations is necessary. You’re a billionaire anyway, I know you’re joking every day, but I have to say something about the city It’s not realistic to have none, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to have the industry you have now.”

Luo Yi took a sip of wine comfortably, and put on an appearance that he had seen through Qi Ping's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys a long time ago.This is also the truth, if Qiping didn't have any city government, it would be impossible to have so many stalls and industries like now.It's just that Qi Ping was joking and didn't care before, because no one offended his bottom line.

Qi Ping laughed and said nothing, this is the truth, okay? This time Qi Ping was indeed a little unhappy, even though the complete information was not leaked, but some information was leaked.Fortunately, it was discovered in a timely manner, so that no more losses were caused.Even if Qi Ping doesn't think others are capable of replicating the miracle of Xianniu, he doesn't want to help others improve with his own investment research!

Now it is necessary to put on some posture, and it is even more necessary to properly regulate and tidy up after such a crisis erupts.The internal rules and regulations must be strictly enforced, and can no longer be some loose and loose gestures.Qi Ping wants to save face and doesn't want to fire old employees, but old employees also need to be more self-restraining; capitalists can't support you for nothing, it doesn't matter if they give you a generous salary, but don't forget how many catties you have. How many taels!
This time, Luo Yi went to lead the formation of a supervision department, which is like arranging a supervisory army; the position is detached, and there is no interest involved in the company.Speaking of it, it is a third-party inspection team. Although it does not have the power of life and death, it is enough to be directly responsible for the big boss Qiping. This is the Jinyiwei of the forest farm!

It's okay, for Qi Ping, he can start to enjoy a leisurely life now; anyway, these things are still within the controllable range, and now these things are developing in a very good direction.For Qi Ping, now he is just waiting for the final result. He feels that some things need to be revealed.

There are many industries under his hands, and they are indeed very large-scale, which makes people very satisfied.This time must be formal, more formal.Qi Ping is very aware of some things. For example, it is actually difficult for some family businesses to grow, because such businesses are often not formal, and there are many various related households.

The property under Qi Ping's hands does not have any relatives or other related households, but he still likes to treat the employees who accompanied him to start the business. My relatives and friends are old, but this should be to a certain extent, and it is not bottomless care.

Luo Yi still has some ability, he is professional when doing business; even Luo Yi can be said to be quite cold-blooded when doing business, he will never allow these unprofessionals under his hands, let alone any violations. crime and stuff like that.This time, such a thing happened in the research institute under Qi Ping's hands, and the Xianniu data of a fairly core technical level was lost. This is definitely more unprofessional.

I still let my most reliable good brother do these things, it is professional and reliable; Clearly know what it means to make the best use of your talents.Obviously, Luo Yi is very good at doing these things, and Luo Yi is here to help.

Qi Ping can go to enjoy his little life leisurely and contentedly, he doesn't care about this matter at all now.I still have to take the children to play games, and now I have other work to do; I can't just stare at such a thing, that would be too unprofessional, Qi Ping feels that he is becoming more and more professional now, and Working harder and harder.

The family is big and the business is big, and the businesses under his hands are booming. Even if Qi Ping likes to be a hand-off shopkeeper, even if Qi Ping has hired some professional managers and managers, Qi Ping can't just be lazy all the time. It is still for Qiping to make decisions and make decisions, which is also the quality that such an excellent big boss should have. Qiping is now striding forward on the road to a good boss.

"This time we are also planning the resort. Collison submitted some reports to me, and I also think these are very necessary. Our resort is indeed the top resort, but our foundation is relatively average. We actually More rely on the excellent environment here, our service quality can’t keep up, even compared with other top resorts, our resort is much inferior.”

Steve came over with the information, and now he needs to have a good discussion with Qi Ping about the resort; the resort is also a joint project between two people, and Qi Ping seldom manages the specific operation of the resort.This is Steve's business, and he's actually doing a good job; the current resort is doing very well, but it's definitely not completely satisfactory.

Qi Ping took the information and looked at it. Of course, he also knows some problems of the resort; the top resorts focus on the environment, and there is absolutely no problem with the environment of the Fairyland Forest Farm. This is the top resort.If you want to see the sea view, forget it, but if you want to talk about the freshest air and the most comfortable environment, it is definitely the Fairyland Forest Farm.

However, Fairyland Forest Farm Resort is really good. The environment here makes people linger and forget to return. There are also many special modes here.But the service quality is really too average; compared to the unique environment, the service quality of the resort is really hard to satisfy.The guests who can come here are definitely representatives of the rich and powerful, because ordinary people really cannot afford the resort fee, it is too expensive!

The cost of close to [-] U.S. dollars a week is beyond the reach of ordinary people; such a price actually has great potential, and it can continue to find ways to upgrade and improve.Because Qi Ping is very clear that the rent of tens of thousands of dollars a day is really not a problem for some wealthy people, and the most important thing for them is to enjoy life.

The most luxurious resorts in the world actually charge about the same level; $40 every Wednesday and $[-] to $[-] per day are very 'common'.There are too many rich people. For their quality of life, the rich will choose carefully.

"We all know that David Copperfield has the top private resort. His resort is a private kingdom with beautiful scenery of blue sea and silver sand. Naturally, our resort cannot have the vacation mode of some private islands, but there are some things We must pay attention. For example, our resorts are open to the super rich, who care about the quality of life, and more about privacy.”

Steve tapped on the table, pointing to some necessary improvements and enhancements; strengthening the privacy of the resort now, these are very important.These top rich people are willing to spend money to come to the resort, so they want to enjoy life; they want their money to be worth their money, after all, this sum of money is really not small.

The top rich people are willing to spend money, but they actually need higher service quality; it is necessary to guarantee the private information of customers, although the staff of the resort are more professional and will not leak it, although the security led by Patrice The Ministry will also prevent some irrelevant people from entering the forest farm.

But everyone knows very well that this is a forest farm, located in the most prosperous state of California; although the small town of Ramona is not particularly prosperous, it is not poor here either.In fact, this is just a relatively nice and wealthy California town. Compared with big cities, it is indeed more leisurely and comfortable, but this does not mean that everyone in Ramona is high-quality. In fact, Ramona also has A lot of nasty people and stuff like that.

It is not an independent island, it is really difficult to completely guarantee that some people who are curious about the resort will not be peeped; this is the case in the resort, there are too many people who are curious about it want to take a look at it, and they all want to see the top rich people their lives.It is not ruled out that this is the top resort, and the environment here is the best, so of course it is attractive.

If you want to sneak in, there may still be a chance; the area of ​​the forest farm is too large, but the simple fence can't stop people's curiosity at all.Maybe these fences can be blocked, after all, there are many security guards patrolling here all day long.But if you think about it again, this is a forest farm; the forest is the best cover, which can be used!
Therefore, on the resort side, the security tasks have always been arduous. Perhaps there is no need to worry about some private secrets of the resort, but there are indeed some shortcomings.Both Qi Ping and Steve know that they want to change these deficiencies, and they will never bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich and pretend they don't know anything.

Now that some deficiencies have been discovered, they should be corrected and continuously improved; these things must be done, and they still need to be done as best as possible.

Both Qi Ping and Steve have this confidence because they have enough capital and a lot of resources in their hands; there may be some constraints and the like, but basically there is no internal resistance, as long as they want to If you do your best, then you should use all your strength. They have such capital and don't need to worry about shareholders. They have the final say.

Staff training is definitely necessary; although the managers and butlers of the resort are recruited from top hotels and resorts, they still need to continue to learn and improve.At this time, in addition to increasing some salary and treatment to give motivation, a stricter assessment system is actually needed.

Luo Yi felt that he was stuck. He thought it was just a small matter, but he found that the part-time job that bastard Qi Ping was looking for was really not easy to do.Qi Ping is now eager to carry out a major rectification campaign for all the industries under his name, which will naturally make the burden on the shoulders of Luo Yi, the Minister of Supervision who has not yet taken office, become heavier and heavier.

There is no way to do things like this. Although we are just leading the way, although we are just leading and not going to be 'full-time', it is still our job anyway.It's really unethical for you to add a little bit of food and increase the workload a little bit.Thinking about it, it is enough to be aggrieved. At first, I only thought that I was focusing on a certain aspect, but now I suddenly realized that it was all industries!

Qi Ping doesn't care about these, he thinks his choice is the most correct, he thinks his plan is the best; Luo Yi is not a free labor force, these people in the Ministry of Supervision are actually paid quite well.Then capitalists are needed to squeeze out the value of these people as much as possible, so that every penny of salary these people get requires labor.

Qi Ping, who is humming a song, is all kinds of complacent and happy, and he feels that he is becoming more and more outstanding as a helmsman.Now Qi Ping even feels that Jobs and Bill Gates are on the same level as him. Everyone has created a brand, and everyone has led their products and companies to become the best in the market. !
No way, these are talents!
(End of this chapter)

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