America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 393 The collapse of Wei'an's image

Chapter 393 The collapse of Wei'an's image
Qi Ping's mood is not generally good, which is quite good; because he has encountered some troubles during this period, but these troubles are constantly being resolved, and this matter will make people feel very happy and satisfied.

For Qi Ping, the most depressing thing during this time may be that his Xianniu technology was leaked.His main work during this period is actually here, and he is looking for a solution; minimizing the loss is not just the whole thing, it also includes finding the 'insider', for those who eat inside and outside Ping has always been all kinds of contempt.

It is impossible for Qi Ping to be polite in these matters. In the face of interests, many people are always looking for some loopholes; and for many people, they do not know how to be satisfied.So these people can always find a way to solve the 'difficulties'. As long as they have the heart, they will always do something that is good for themselves; as for whether it hurts the interests of others, it has nothing to do with them up.

This time the leak incident is like this, even though Qi Ping pays more attention to technical secrecy, but such secrecy methods are still relatively 'low-end'.The most important thing is that those who have access to these technical aspects are actually not stupid, or even very smart types.

Being too smart is not a good thing, and it comes at a huge cost.And Qi Ping will not be merciful. His company has worked hard to cultivate a core employee, but now someone not only makes a mistake, but also wants to slap his ass and leave, or even directly damage the interests of the company as a step forward. It is even more unacceptable.

Qi Ping is determined to deal with some people, and he will never care about old feelings; in fact, this is not just human and inhumane, it is already a violation of the law.In fact, Qi Ping may not be able to take care of this matter now.

"I don't care what price Sean will pay now. It's his own choice. Maybe he will go to jail, maybe his family will be ashamed because of him. None of this has anything to do with me. The development of the institute has contributed a lot. But I gave him enough support, and I gave him enough salary." Qi Ping knocked on the table and said helplessly, and the beggar came.

"But Qi, you and Sean have known each other for a long time. I know that the mistake he made this time is unforgivable, but there is still a way to remedy it. We recovered the information without causing more damage. Sean needs to be punished by the law, and he will be thrown into prison. But Qi, he has already paid an extremely heavy price; if we can give him some help at this time, I think he will learn to be grateful."

Although Professor Bruce was furious before, but now he watched Qi Ping helplessly pleading for his students.After all, Sean is a student who has followed him for many years, and now his favorite student is not only discredited in academia, but also needs to go to jail. This is really miserable enough. He hopes that Qi Ping can give Sean A little kindness, even just a little bit, will do.

"I don't think he's going to be grateful, man. We all know why he'd sell out the interests of the tree farm, and it's not even just my own interests, but the interests of the entire institute. Because someone promised him a million dollars, so he Some information can be stolen, and he is still trying to obtain more important information in exchange for more rewards. In fact, the money should not be on his mind at all."

Qi Ping really didn't want to make trouble with Professor Bruce. Although they often disliked each other in various ways, the friendship between the two was quite solid.It's really not worth making a fuss over a villain.

Professor Bruce sighed, he knew that Qi Ping was telling the truth; he actually didn't understand what his students were thinking, and they would come to this point.

In research institutes and forest farms, Sean can actually get quite a good salary, even far exceeding some scientific researchers with similar education.But Sean is too greedy, he seems to only see that Qi Ping has made a lot of money, he seems to be only staring at the dreamy life of those rich people.

So when someone found him and offered him a pretty good price, Sean even agreed to 'cooperate' without much struggle.He not only leaked some results of the research team he brought, he was even planning to steal the results of some other research teams.

That's how people are, it's easy to get lost; even though Xiao En's life is already pretty good now, he still has his own desires.He has a house and a car, but he wants to change into a super sports car, and he wants to live in a villa with a sea view... And this endless desire may make people move forward, or it may drag people into endless abyss.

I don’t want to talk about Sean’s matter for the time being, let’s let it be; this person needs to pay some price, and Sean has just been dug out, and follow-up investigations are still needed, because Qi Ping still needs to know whether there is a person in the institute or the company. How many people were involved in this leak.

It is obvious that they have all been lured by the huge temptation, and the 'remuneration' of several million dollars is enough to make people take risks.

When I got home, I felt a little abnormal; there were no children yelling on the lawn in front of the house, I didn't see Lele running around with the baby bear, and I didn't see Xiaoyao boxing with Pooh or King Kong. It may be normal that Yoyo is not here, the little lady may have taken the pony Banban to dress up.

"Mom, where's our baby? Why haven't you seen any of this?" Parking the car in the garage and returning home is really uncomfortable. It's very uncomfortable without the yelling of the children. "At this point in time I should be crazy, Kate's cars are all back, why didn't I see them."

"Your father took the children to go fishing. Tonight we had a whole fish feast. Lele and Kate caught a big salmon just now. Come and take a look." Yu Lan ostentatiously held up a palm-sized salmon, This is the spoils of her precious little grandson.

The corners of the mouth are straight, such a 'big' salmon is not enough for the children to squeeze between their teeth; what's more, there are some big eaters like King Kong Pooh, if it is really just a whole fish feast, then the whole family will be hungry Stomach is better.There is nothing to show off. There are plenty of salmon and perch in Muse Lake, and there is really nothing like a palm-sized fish.

"You go to work, and Yoyo took your fishing rod away. I just looked at it, and she was fishing with a diamond scholar. Now there is not enough fishing rod for you. The boys of Luo Yi's family are also fishing , our little Benben is taking his younger siblings to fish. If you go there, you’re making trouble, the kids are playing with the kids, it’s useless if you go!"

Hearing his mother's words, Qi Ping felt all kinds of heartaches; his grandson and granddaughter were already the most important things of his parents, followed by his daughter-in-law who contributed to the old Qi's family.As for the youngest son who was originally the most precious, he is not taken seriously at all now; don't say that he wants to "order food" now, and he only has the treatment of what he does and eats. Just thinking about greasy braised pork.

I haven't planned to go fishing with a group of fur kids yet, so I've already been excluded.Although he really didn't intend to go fishing, he couldn't be 'kicked out' of the team so straightforwardly, it was too sad.

It's also thanks to Qi Ping's heart and body and fat body, otherwise he would definitely be choked by his mother; the most important thing is that in the past few years, Qi Ping has long accepted the fact that his family status has been declining step by step. All kinds of strange things are no longer strange, although sometimes I want to fight for it, but I can understand that I still can't do some unwise things.

When he has not yet married and established a business, then he is the darling of his parents, and the youngest son is naturally a treasure; Always caring and caring.

But when he had a girlfriend, Qi Ping's status began to decline step by step, and it was obvious; but it was not bad at that time, although my parents took care of Kate, but that doesn't mean that Kate will definitely become her own family what.It's just that after Qi Ping got married, especially after Kate was pregnant with a child, Qi Ping suddenly found that he became the object of dislike to his parents.

Kate is a big contributor, because the first child is a cute twin, not to mention the second child is a cute fat boy.The elderly like to have a lively home and a house full of children and grandchildren; Kate, this is a good wife.

Qi Ping's status has declined, not only because he has children now, but also because his parents are worried that Qi Ping, a 'disappointed' brat, will teach their precious grandson badly.There are lessons learned from the past. For example, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have been crooked since they were young;Heitan, a horse he raises, is even more spoiled, playful and mischievous...

Mom and Dad don't believe in Qi Ping's ability to "bring children" at all. Even the winds that are considered the most reliable have some minor problems; they are very smart, but they only listen to Qi Ping's words.

The result of this is that it is definitely unreliable for Qi Ping to take care of the children.And look at Qi Ping's stinky virtues again, it's a late stage of lazy cancer.Being able to stand instead of sitting, and lying down instead of sitting is a trivial matter, and even without some ambition and self-motivation, I just idle around all day long.

Qi Ping's depression is not only from the constant blows from his parents, but also from Kate; Kate also feels that Qi Ping is sometimes unreliable, and she thinks that Qi Ping will be a great father.But this father can take the children to play games and bring more joy to the children's childhood.

But in the process of children's growth, Qi Ping's father is very "dangerous"; if the children have the same personality as their father, then they are a typical example of "no ambition" and "just passing by".It's okay to have kids, but sometimes the kids have to be taught to 'watch out' for dad.

Qi Ping's image in the children's minds must be quite complicated, and Qi Ping has no doubt about it; he is a good playmate and a hero in the children's minds... Although he can guarantee that in the children's minds With many positive images, the children also love their father quite a lot.But the kids blurt it out sometimes, and daddy likes to be lazy...

This is what everyone says makes money, a stalwart image just collapses in the hearts of the children, and it is no longer perfect!
It's better not to think about this matter, and Qi Ping no longer cares about fishing; fishing with children is not about cultivating sentiment or entertainment, but a thorough physical work.Now that he is 'rejected', Qi Ping chooses to go back to the study to be lazy, and now he has to take care of his precious car.

Kate is still very willing to spend money on Qiping, she placed an order for Qiping and bought a big Bentley; but Kate has no interest after staring at this matter for a while, and it is all handmade and needs to pay attention to performance, The interior and the like are too cumbersome.Anyway, the car is flush, let him take care of it.

Well, this is where Qi Ping feels quite wronged; after all, it is a gift from his wife, shouldn’t it be a surprise, because when he opened his eyes, he found a high-end Bentley parked in front of his house or in the garage , shouldn't it be that the front of the car is tied with a big gift knot waiting for him to receive it.How did I come to my own place, that is, my wife is responsible for paying the money, this is completely becoming the "soft rice king"!

Although heartbroken, Qi Ping was still staring at the car with great interest; it was completely hand-made, which was much better than some Bentleys on the market.Moreover, Qi Ping also cheated and cheated, and the configuration and interior of this customized car were upgraded before he knew it, so Kate always found that the budget had increased again.

Although she had thought about taking back the power to customize the Bentley, she still had to think about it.This little money is a trivial matter for her, she doesn't have so much time to focus on this matter; it is more important to take the children to play games, and let Qi Ping know some good things by the way, for example, it is almost possible to ask for one more now The children are gone, because except for Xiaoyao, the children all want sisters.Even Xiaoyao felt that he should have a real younger sister, because Yoyo was as old as him, and even Xiaoyao couldn't beat his younger sister.

Qi Ping, who is humming a song, is full of ambition, and he is about to get his big Bentley; although he also has some good cars on hand, and even a private jet.It's just that I still can't be satisfied, cars are good things, men's love; especially the top luxury car Bentley, it is even more exciting, there is no reason not to be excited!

Qi Ping was still staring at the document, researching how to make his Bentley more high-end and stylish, when suddenly there was a noise; bears roared, orangutans barked, followed by children yelling.Well, this is the atmosphere that a home should have, it's frighteningly lively!
(End of this chapter)

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