America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 394 Don't be self righteous

Chapter 394 Don't be self righteous
Qi Ping didn't have the consciousness that he had become a thorn in the eyes of many people. He simply ignored those so-called enemies and the like.In fact, he is just making a fortune in silence now, he is just hiding in the study with his little friends and constantly calculating, calculating how to ensure the maximum benefit and so on.

Obviously, Qi Ping is now working hand in hand with Luo Yi and Steve, and is also considering introducing some other powerful and reliable partners.It is of course very important for everyone to make money together, but we also need to expand our influence in the business world and form an interest group, so that we can 'get rich' together in the future to earn more money.

"The time is not yet ripe. Although there have been a lot of protests, the situation has not deteriorated to an unacceptable situation. Obviously, the worse the situation, the more it will prove the importance of Qi. And we want to To take over, of course, we need to constantly lower the price, although the current price is good, but no one wants to save more money."

The profiteer Steve does not approve of contacting some people now because of the profit-seeking nature of businessmen; and Steve also understands very well that although those people know that the people who can accept them now are Qiping, or even Qiping It also showed some intention to take over, but the price issue is the core issue, and it is obvious that it is not satisfactory now.

"Although the current price is good, we all feel that we can still suppress it. We only need to grasp a certain degree now, and we can't push them into a hurry. Be careful that they jump the wall in a hurry. After all, the forest farm over there is still a lot of land. It belongs to the nature of a national forest park, and it is not a private land. They are just a little reluctant now, and even hundreds of millions of funds have been invested in it.

"Understood, if we continue to suppress prices and find out the bottom line, we can't offend everyone at once. We still need to give people a way out. I don't care about offending those who are in business, but those who are officials still need to Pay attention, those people are typical people who are more than successful, and they are still in charge. The blatant damage tricks may not be used, but you still need to pay attention to small shoes and the like."

Qi Ping is also very clear that some things are really not easy to do too much, which is too easy to offend people; Qi Ping obviously doesn't like things that offend people too much, and he still hopes to be kind to others as much as possible.Although this is somewhat idealistic, let’s try to be kind to others as much as possible. Let’s make money together. At least if we meet each other, we should smile and be hypocritical. Do it.

The three conspirators gathered together, discussing pressure, sincerity, strength, etc... In order to get more guarantees for their own interests, they can't be polite.At this time, there was a lot of politeness, because Qi Ping and the others knew very well that even if they were polite, it didn't mean that other people would be polite.

It is still necessary to find a balance point, so as to ensure that everyone's interests are met as much as possible; although it seems that they are equal now, they don't need to worry about losing money, and they don't need to worry about investment losses.What they need now is actually to better maximize their benefits, to get more rights and profits with the least amount of money.

As for the investors in the wildlife sanctuary, they once hoped that Qiping could enter this project again, and even considered giving Qiping more compensation.Unfortunately, Qi Ping no longer has confidence in these people, and he has no intention of continuing to cooperate with them at all.

This is their own fault. At the beginning, these people wanted to kick Qiping out of the game to make more money, but now it is normal for Qiping not to play with them.What is needed at this time is actually to recover the losses as much as possible. After all, these investors also took a lot of funds into this project at the beginning, and losing money is acceptable, but what is needed is to recover as much as possible.

This meeting was very satisfying. The three people have actually discussed together many times. Their investment plan is becoming clearer and more feasible.At this time, it is only necessary to continue to supplement and implement. After all, what everyone needs now is a little time, and some investments are not just done, especially these projects with huge funds.

In fact, their cooperation is not just once. These three people have always been very good business partners, and their cooperation is very tacit.Not only the forest farm, but also the high-end restaurants they invested in are no longer at the level of location selection. Now it is the stage of specific preparation, decoration and recruitment of employees. The opening of high-end restaurants is not far away.

Just walked out of the study, only angry and funny; don't think it's the children's tossing, although Xiaoyao and Youyou went to the kindergarten, but don't forget there is a little devil Lele.

Rampage is now Lele's goal. His electric car is full of power. This kid is very safety-conscious and wears a hard hat, knee pads, elbow pads and other equipment.This isn't playing football or baseball, but the kid still needs to be safe because he's playing something like F1 plus bumper cars.

Newly bought toys are always popular with children. Compared with her elder brother and sister, Lele seems more interested in driving.It would be fine if his convertible sports car was just running around in the living room, but he is still playing dangerous projects such as getting under the table, changing lanes illegally, and overtaking forcibly, just look at the tired little pony , was not lightly chased.

"Dad, I'm playing a game!" Xiao Lele was kicking her legs in protest just after being picked up by her father, "I want to complain to my mother, grandma come and save me!"

"No one can save you, you are too naughty. You can't bully a little bit, look at how tired it is now." Qi Ping patted the fat son's little butt angrily, this kid is really troublesome, "Sister If she sees you treat Diandian like this, she will be angry. You can’t bully Diandian just because it’s small, you have to take care of Diandian like you love a baby bear.”

"But Diandian likes to play games with me, you don't know about Diandian!" The fat son pouted his mouth, then deflated his mouth, his big eyes immediately became watery and wronged, "I like to race against Diandian, Dian Dian likes it too. You don’t know me at all, you don’t like Dian Dian!”

Well, the fat son cried, crying very aggrieved; the little guy just pursed his mouth and shed tears at first, but soon turned into howling.He was very unhappy that his father wronged him, and Xiao Lele was very wronged; Lele was a good boy, he didn't bully him a little bit, but his father didn't understand Lele at all.

Qi Ping was suddenly a little at a loss. This may be the little guy's wishful thinking. Sometimes the little guy thinks that he can communicate with the little animals. Their so-called "concluded" is actually the children. My own opinion.But it's hard to guarantee that Qi Ping may have wronged Lele.

As far as the children are concerned, they are indeed very naughty; but Qi Ping also knows that the children have a good nature, and Qi Ping will be proud.It is the children's character to be greedy for food and play, and sometimes they will be squeamish and self-willed, but in general, the children's character and character are very satisfactory. Anyway, Qi Ping does not think that his little ones have personality defects. Category.

The children like to play games with the little animals. The best friends are naturally King Kong and Pooh, but they also have a good relationship with Diandian.In fact, Qi Ping doesn't pay much attention to it. This little pony doesn't have much sense of presence at home, that is, children like to play with this little pony who only likes to run around with it. Adults don't really care much about it. It is too non-existent.

Qi Ping can pat his chest and say that he knows King Kong and Pooh, even the 'second generation' like Romeo and Juliet.But Diandian, Qi Ping really dare not say he understands, he usually doesn't play games with Diandian at all, and Diandian never gets in front of Qi Ping, everyone is not familiar with him.

The baby grandson is crying, which will naturally make grandma worry; and the baby grandson who doesn't cry very much is crying so loudly and sadly, so this is definitely not a small thing.

Yu Lan hurriedly ran out of the kitchen. The little grandson was happily playing games, but suddenly he started crying.How long has it been? Didn't there be Qi Ping just now? Why did the lovely little Lele cry in just a blink of an eye? It's not normal.

"Grandma, grandma!" Seeing grandma, Xiao Lele cried even more sadly; her father had wronged Lele, and Xiao Lele didn't want to be hugged by her father for a long time. "Grandma, I want grandma to hug! I don't like it." Dad is gone, Lele is a good boy, I didn't bully him a little bit."

Qi Ping is full of embarrassment, the fat son is crying out of breath and very sad; sad father wronged him, and even sadder father thinks Lele is not a good boy.Crying and crying, Xiao Lele still knows to explain to grandma, he doesn't want grandma to think that Lele is a bad boy, Lele is a good boy, and he didn't bully a little bit.

Yu Lan hugged the little grandson distressedly, coaxing this cute little grandson repeatedly; she can guarantee that Xiao Lele is the cutest child, and is the cutest and cutest child in the world just like Benben, Xiaoyao and Yoyo. Obedient children.

The little guy's crying made Yu Lan very wronged, and she gave Qi Ping a hard look, she now knew the whole story.But now is not the time to teach a lesson. The most important thing now is to comfort the sad little Lele, not to let the little guy continue to cry, not to let the little guy continue to be sad.

(End of this chapter)

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