America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 395 Attitude and Character

Chapter 395 Attitude and Character
Xiao Lele is angry. He doesn't want to talk to his father at all now, nor does he want to play games with him.Whoever said that children lose their temper when they are young, who said that their temper comes and goes quickly; even when these little guys get angry, sometimes it is definitely not so easy to calm down, and they will pout their mouths to show that they are angry.

Don't talk about Qi Ping's embarrassment now. If Lele is really bullying a little bit, it may be better, then Qi Ping can educate the little guy.But in fact, Qi Ping really wronged Xiao Lele now, so it's not the same thing, this is indeed Xiao Lele playing games with Diandian, Lele didn't bully Diandian.

An apology is for sure, Qi Ping will still pay attention to democracy at home, and he must pay attention to reason; since Qi Ping made a mistake, then he will apologize to the children.This is not a matter of face, but respect for children, this is the principle.Qi Ping doesn't want the so-called face, he just hopes to set an example so that children can learn to correct mistakes and so on.

Now is the time to let go of his face. What he needs now is to get Xiao Lele's forgiveness; Xiao Lele, who has always wanted to be a good boy, has been wronged. He has been wronged by his favorite and most trusted father.This is where Xiao Lele is the most angry and wronged. This is because she was 'betrayed' by the closest person, so she is even more sad.

Basically, he breathed a sigh of relief, even though Xiao Lele still doesn't like to be hugged by his father, and he doesn't want to talk to him when he pouts, but even if the little guy struggles a little, he will still let his father sit on him side.

After all, it is a precious son, blood is thicker than water; even if the precious son is wronged, the little guy will not be really angry, the little guy is just trying to save face, and now he is just looking for something awkward.These things are acceptable, Qi Ping knows that he just needs to make persistent efforts to coax the little guy.

It's not a small thing to wrong Xiao Lele.Don't say that Xiao Lele is angry now, she cried very sadly before.This time, Qi Ping has provoked the anger of the public. It’s okay if you are ignorant, because you don’t understand a little bit of character, but you can’t blame others for your own mistakes. Such things are absolutely not allowed at home.

Needless to say, the parents who have always regarded their precious grandson as their darling, the mother is sternly accusing him, and even slapped the ignorant bad guy hard to vent his anger on the fat grandson.Dad also came home, and ran back in a hurry in his big pickup truck; first, he coaxed his precious grandson, and seeing the crying marks on the little guy's face, he immediately grabbed the culprit and had a fight Vivid and profound ideological education class.

Kate was naturally very angry. She thought that this matter was a mistake made by Qi Ping; he usually has a good relationship with the small animals at home and understands them very well.But you don't care about Diandian at all, you think you know everything, but you have wronged Lele according to some subjective ideas of your own, and misunderstood Diandian, this will not work!
The main event is coming, don't look at Xiaoyao and Yoyo who sometimes dislike their younger brother for being slow and clingy and not very good at playing games, but they love him very much.Sitting on the carpet with his younger brother in his arms, staring at the bad dad sitting on the side with his small black eyes, now the bad dad is not allowed to sit over.Lele cried, Xiaoyao and Yoyo were also angry.

One head and two big ones are now at the same level. When I think about it carefully, I feel aggrieved and want to cry; I originally wanted Xiao Lele not to drive around in toy cars, and hoped to teach Xiao Lele to care and take care of her. family.It's just that the starting point is good, but it's a pity that I didn't get more information, which is why such a big mess happened.

There is no way, this is a matter caused by himself, so of course he needs to solve it by himself; Qi Ping is very good, if he knows a mistake, he will correct it and take some responsibility, he doesn't like to shirk responsibility.Coaxing my baby son, explaining to Xiaoyao and Youyou; the little guys are united, and they are very principled.Now it's the bad dad who made the mistake, then the bad dad needs to apologize.

"You caused a big mess yesterday, right? I'm glad that you have always been there as a negative teaching material, so I can highlight my positive side." Luo Yi said with a wicked smile, this is completely gloating, okay? , "You too, how long has Diandian been at your house, you still don't know its character, you are a failure!"

"That's because you didn't see the situation at that time. Lele drove the little pony so hard that it couldn't run anymore, okay! How could I have imagined that this little pony has a tendency to be abused. I want to be chased." Qi Ping was even more aggrieved, and doing bad things with good intentions is such a typical example, "I can see now that these things are not up to me, but to the children. They know better than me What about those little friends, it hurts them!"

"That's true. Look how good Lele is, and she knows how to play games with her younger brother. The key is that the little one in your family is too small, and it must be under a lot of pressure. How big are Pooh and King Kong, let alone his family Heitan and Rudolph are relatives. Now that the little pony, Baby Bear and Red Nose are catching up, it also needs to show its own sense of existence, at least it needs to be brought with it when playing games."

Luo Yi pinched the minibus and looked at it for a long time. The little guys ran around happily on the grass; the two little kids brought a chubby bear and a clean and cute deer. The little pony is probably under a lot of pressure.If you can't beat your friends in size, then show it in ability.

Can run and play, so you don't have to worry about being rejected by your friends.

Thinking about it, this makes some sense. Don’t look at this little thing with a low IQ, but it must also know its status in the family; if it doesn’t rely on the cute appearance of the mini, it is actually very difficult for it to be too high. .It can even be said that the toubobs in King Kong and Pooh's family have a lukewarm attitude towards Diandian, which explains some problems.

It’s better to follow Lele more. Now Lele often runs around with it. Even Xiaoyao and Yoyo no longer play games with Diandian every day. They think that Diandian is too small. Playing games with Diandian will not work.Only Xiao Lele, the youngest child, likes Diandian. Like Lele, Diandian can't run fast, and what Diandian likes most is riding a pony, not Heitan's big horse.

Thinking of this, Qi Ping became smarter; after such a incident, Qi Ping did find that he didn't know much about some small animals in the house, such as this kid.Because it is too small and has no sense of existence, almost no attention is paid to it; and the big and small whites and big and small grays in Muse Lake are also in the same situation, and children know them better.

Qi Ping felt that his IQ was increasing sharply, and now he must have formed a brainstorm; there is nothing to say, if he becomes more and more perfect like this, he must have no friends.Although we are all in our early 30s, we are still young, and we are still growing and improving, and the speed of progress is quite obvious!

You can't just worry about coaxing the child, anyway, now that the fat son has chosen to reconcile with his father, and he no longer calls his father a 'bad father', then this shows that there is nothing to worry about.Qi Ping is very clear about the characters of the children. Since they all said to reconcile, it must be reconciliation, and they will not be duplicity or hold grudges.

"Our restaurant is going to speed up now, and we have to do everything that needs to be done. I can't delay any longer. I have a lot of things to do now, and we have a lot of things to deal with in the future. Time is money, and we will be big soon. The project is about to start, and this matter is definitely not worrying."

Qi Ping made some calculations, and there are really a lot of things to do, and now he needs to pick and choose a little bit, and get the simple things done, so that he can concentrate on those big projects.There are a lot of big projects, which naturally won't make people worry; Qi Ping is very clear that he will not have a relatively free time in the next period of time.

"We all know that the restaurant is a relatively small project, but a small project does not mean that we can save trouble. Steve and I are different from you. You have a lot of big things to do next, but yes As far as we are concerned, we don't have to worry about this. Don't worry, we will divide the labor and cooperate, you will do your work, we will do ours, and we will definitely not delay things!"

Luo Yi is full of confidence, he does have this strength and energy now; Qi Ping's family has a great career, but it doesn't mean that Luo Yi has no industry.In fact, he has a lot to do, but he has always been an excellent boss, and he can manage the property under his hands in an orderly manner.

Most importantly, not everyone likes to be lazy like Qiping.Anyone who is a little familiar with Qi Ping knows his character. When he has nothing to do, he just lies at home in the sun and plays games with his children. deal with.

These are two completely different ways of doing things, and everyone is familiar with them anyway; Qi Ping doesn't like to follow the plan step by step. Going to ride a horse and walk the dog.

As for Luo Yi, he manages his career in an orderly manner, has a clear and clear plan, and arranges it in an orderly manner.In this way, there may not be some special free things, but it will not be moldy when you are free like Qi Ping; but when you are busy, you will have no clue, and you have to plunge into work without leisure time.

There will be a lot of things going on, and I won’t be able to relax for a while; it’s okay, it’s normal, this is life too.

(End of this chapter)

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