Chapter 402

Qi Ping had a weird expression, and he was walking around with his little daughter in his arms; anyway, the little daughter just asked her father not to sit down, as long as she kept walking, as for where she went, Generally speaking, little girls are not very demanding.

Walking around by the sofa, watching my mother and Kate chatting with Xiaoyao with Yoyo; it's okay for three women to play in one scene, and these are three women who are full of gossip, so it looks even more lively.

"Mom, I don't like Emily." Huddled in her mother's arms, Yoyo said with a bit of pressure on her face, "I always fight with Emily, she is not a lady at all, I don't want my brother and Emily Millie plays games."

"But I like to play games with Emily, and I also like to play games with my sister." Xiaoyao immediately stretched out his hand, the little guy feels the pressure from his family now, and his road to love does not seem to be smooth, the first one The resistance is the opposition from his baby sister.

"You can play games with Emily and Anna, they are all my good friends." Yoyo began to put forward her own opinion. She has many good friends, so she also wants to introduce her good friends to her brother , "Can you not play games with Emily, she is not cute at all."

"But only Emily is the most beautiful." Xiaoyao became excited immediately. None of his sister's friends are as beautiful as Emily. This is what Xiaoyao has been depressed for a long time; he has many friends, but the little guy prefers to be with beautiful girls Play game together. "Can you be good friends with Emily, Emily likes you too."

Qi Ping's interest suddenly rose, and this was the birth of a family dog ​​blood drama.Although Qi Ping is not interested in dog blood dramas at all, but such a story happened to his son, so it is quite interesting.

Thinking about it, it is enough to relish. The relationship between the beautiful girl that the eldest son likes and his younger sister is not harmonious;That's great. It seems that the eternal topic of sister-in-law's conflict is about to start, or even started.

Well, although Xiaoyao and Youyouman are seven years old at best, these little guys have already entered the stage of love.And forget about the puppy love, and the bloody drama has started, it is really speechless.

Think about when I was a child, although I started to enter puberty when I was in junior high school, I would have some vague affection for girls.As for love and the like, it is definitely puppy love and a forbidden area.Even in high school, such things are quite sensitive, and teachers and parents are opposed to them, and even these things can only be done secretly.

Qi Ping is a good boy, and he just concentrates on reading during the reading stage. Although he is sometimes curious about these things, he will never touch them.No way, Qi Ping has never been a handsome guy, the most important thing is that there was a lot of 'pressure' at that time, and the academic pressure was too great to be curious about these things.

Look at the fat son again, he is only seven years old, and he knows how to pick up girls; and this matter is really hard to say, the mother is still supportive, and Kate is even more supportive, even in Make suggestions.Now it seems that Yoyo is the one who opposes her at home. The little girl is worried that her 'opponent' will take away her brother's care and love.

"Dad, Emily is not a good girl, she is not cute at all." The little girl was a little 'isolated', so she found her father in a blink of an eye, "My brother is in love, Emily is a bad girl, she is a little She is not polite, and she likes to bully children, she also likes to inform the teacher, we don't like her!"

Qi Ping was taken aback when he heard this, although he knew that his fat son had a puppy love, but Qi Ping never thought that his precious son would actually find a 'vase'.Yoyo is a good boy, although the little girl has a wild temper, but the little girl likes to be polite, and the little girl doesn't like those children who like to inform.

In fact, both Qiping and Kate know something, the world of children is very simple, you can't say things like snitching are bad or something.It's just that in the education of Qi Ping and Kate, they actually don't like children who take the initiative to inform. Such children can't be said to be bad, but they are indeed relatively unpopular people. No one likes those informers Those who are twenty-five.

I really didn't think that my baby son is really 'superficial' enough, the little guy actually only likes pretty girls; but it's normal when you think about it, this world is very realistic.Visuality, this is a very normal thing; beautiful women are always welcome, and ladies and gentlemen are good at dancing, this is also the experience that our ancestors summed up thousands of years ago.

Qi Ping really felt a little funny, seeing the children making trouble again; it's just that these things don't mean more now, the children are still young, and their little admiration is actually very simple and beautiful.So now you don't need to care so much, you don't need to worry about having too much reality and the like.

Qi Ping doesn't have much to say now, neither support nor opposition, because he knows that this kind of thing is just a joke among the little guys.Moreover, Qi Ping and Kate have always believed that children actually have the absolute right to pursue their own feelings, and they need to learn to deal with these things by themselves.

So now that the little guys are starting to make trouble, Qi Ping doesn't think there is a problem at all; the most important thing is that the fat son is starting to have a "puppy love", so there is no need to worry about anything at all, Qi Ping thinks that he will not suffer any disadvantages.

Think about it, this is the reason. Boys, even if they fall in love early, they won't suffer too much. At most, they may be "emotionally hurt" because they are immature.Besides, even if they fell in love, got married and started a family, they would still bring the girl home, and then Lao Qi's family would have one more person, which was a profit.

Qi Ping is quite narrow-minded, he thinks that boys make money; as for girls, Qi Ping thinks that if there is a little bastard who wants to chase Yoyo, then Qi Ping will definitely blow his hair, and when the time comes to scare that brat , let him retreat in the face of difficulties.Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't want his precious daughter to fall in love early, and as for his son, he can be more relaxed.

There is no pressure at all for Qi Ping to do things like double standards, and he does it with a lot of peace of mind.Now he is proud of himself, and even thinks that the fat son is very competitive, he knows how to pick up girls at a young age, and he is looking for beautiful little girls, a child can be taught!

Thinking about it, it really feels normal. Xiaoyao is actually a handsome guy, and this kid has been playing with animals since he was a child; his temperament can actually be understood as a man to a certain extent, and he is actually quite strong. , Quite powerful.And after all, he is the eldest in the family, so he does a lot of things to take care of his younger siblings, and he also has the attributes of being a caring and warm boy.

So naughty is naughty, and sometimes people find it annoying, but the little guy is still very popular. This is a cute little guy, and it is normal to be very popular in kindergartens.And Qi Ping can guarantee that as the child grows up, he will be more popular; because he has the attributes of being a sports boy, and he has to admit that Xiao Yao comes from a rich family, which will make him more popular.

Qi Ping, who was humming a song, was listening to the fat son talking about Emily's cuteness. The more he chatted with the fat son, the more Qi Ping felt that the fat son was "superficial". This kid is really visual.What the little guy said is that the little girl named Emily is cute and beautiful, and she is not at all like her sister who always fights with him. Emily is very obedient, she will not always quarrel with him like her sister some type of.

Qi Ping suddenly felt a little pressure. His precious son seemed to be in love early because he had been oppressed by his sister all the time.Looking at the person the fat son likes, apart from being pretty and cute like Yoyo, everything else is the opposite of Yoyo; Qi Ping thinks that if Emily is really the quiet and obedient type, then she is really the same as Yoyo It's very different, no wonder the little girl doesn't like Emily, because these are two completely different personalities.

Although it feels a little funny, but I have to admit that the fat son's puppy love is now the biggest big event in the family; even this matter spread quickly, and the grandparents who were happy knew about it, so they ran over.Even Xiaoyao is still chatting with his playboy uncle, probably his bad uncle is teaching Xiaoyao how to coax little girls and so on.

It's okay to let it go, but Qi Ping and Kate are still open-minded about this matter; this kind of thing is quite normal in the United States, and most parents will not be particularly excited about children's "puppy love".Because they all know that the current "puppy love" is actually more of a ignorant love between children, which is nothing at all.

Now Kate has given Qiping a new task, which is the responsibility of his father; who made Xiaoyao a boy, so as a father, Qiping should teach Xiaoyao how to get along with girls, and Xiaoyao should also learn how to fall in love some type of.

Qi Ping is still willing to do this matter, and he is still willing to teach his fat son how to pick up girls; although Qi Ping has no experience in picking up girls, he is an adult anyway, and has experienced love affairs .Although Kate always complained about not being romantic enough when in love, but now I can sum up my experience and teach my fat son to learn how to fall in love.

Qi Ping, who is humming a song, is constantly teaching Fat Son, and his new identity is Fat Son's love guidance expert; the little guy is a little distressed now, because he is still young, so the little guy doesn't know what to do Going to fall in love, the little guy really doesn't know how to deal with some emotional 'difficult issues' now.

Qi Ping also felt a little pressure, because now he feels more and more that the fat son does not go to school; this little guy is a type of idiot academically, anyway, Qi Ping thinks that if the fat son develops according to the current model If he continues, he will definitely be able to go to university, but it must be because of his father's sponsorship, not by himself.

This kid is actually quite smart, but he belongs to the kind of mind that is completely useless in reading. He is completely thinking about being mischievous and trying to make the little girl happy.This little bastard really has the type that makes people laugh bitterly. He is so good at making moths that people don't know what to say.

Forget it, it's better to make the little guy happy. Anyway, the child is still young, as long as he is healthy and happy and can guarantee that he has no obvious defects in character.In fact, both Qi Ping and Kate are very clear, that is, children do not necessarily need to have good academic performance.They have a high starting point and don't need to worry about their academic performance. They have actually been booked in advance by the best universities in the United States; as for their jobs, they don't need to worry about it. They are the real rich second generation.

So at a young age, I learned how to fall in love here. As long as this kid doesn't cause any troubles, Qi Ping doesn't care. He will teach his fat son how to fall in love and teach him How does the fat boy deal with some emotional matters.

"Dad, Mom told me that I can go on a date with Emily. I want to go to the movies with her, is that okay?" While eating breakfast, I saw Kate and Xiaoyao biting their ears; hearing Xiaoyao's words, Qi Ping Almost a mouthful of soup spewed out.

It seems that he really doesn't know what to say about this matter; don't look at Qi Ping's title as a relationship consultant, but in fact the fat son likes to talk to his mother about things, because the mother can give him more suggestion.

"Then you're going to discuss it with Emily. She also needs the support of her parents." Everything needs the consent of the parents. "Go and talk to Emily and see if her parents will object."

The fat son cheered, it seems that he is completely immersed in the sweetness of "love" now; as for the younger sister finding faults every now and then, this kid has found some good ways to deal with it now, and he can now guarantee that his younger sister will not have any Too much emotion.Because although the little guy likes to play games with Emily, he cares more about his sister.

Let the children do the tricks, now Qi Ping wants to see what kind of tricks this kid will come up with.As for some small things now, they are actually easy to deal with; don't they just want to watch movies, don't they just want to get the support of parents, in fact, these are not problems.

(End of this chapter)

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