Chapter 403

Qiping’s first car, the Cadillac Escalade, now has a function. In fact, the function of this car is to pick up and drop off the children to school; kind of it.This is also because Qi Ping likes to be lazy, Cadillac has a relatively large space, and the most important thing is that basically all child seats are tied to the car seats.

Tiantian is sleeping, and Qi Ping naturally has some time at this time; Qi Ping and Luo Yi also take turns to pick up the children to and from school. Run to school by car.

The time is still very accurate. There are still ten minutes before school ends. Qi Ping also has this time to leisurely grab a small ice cream appetizer from the car refrigerator. It can't be that the children are eating and drinking all the time, Qi Ping Ping felt that he should not be too wronged. In fact, the taste of these ice creams is still very good.

I ate an ice cream leisurely, and the time is almost up, I can pick up the children from school; Qi Ping has always had a good sense of time, so he will not queue up early, anyway, it is possible to pick up the children here For the school, it's not like waiting outside the school's gate.It's not that Qi Ping is a rich man or something, but that this rule is like this.

"Qi, I have some good news for you. Ryan hasn't been naughty at school recently." Seeing Qi Ping approaching, the guard joked; He's always causing trouble at school, "But I don't think you can relax right now, someone wants to talk to you."

"Is Emily's father?" Qi Ping's first thought was this matter. Obviously, this was because the fat son was such a thing during this time. "You all know? He seems a little too high-profile."

"That's true, we all know it, everyone knows it. And I think you may know something, he has held hands with Emily, I seem to hear yesterday that he wants to go to the movies with Emily, He chatted with a few young guys for a long time." Hearing what the guard said, Qi Ping was so embarrassed, the fat son who seemed to be in love was blind.

Although it's embarrassing, I also think it's quite funny; it can't be helped, the children are still too young, so their little love affairs are actually very interesting, innocent and beautiful.As for the possibility that this uneasy fat son has started cheating, Qi Ping doesn't care at all now, anyway, it's not just the first time he cheated.

It was indeed expected, but Qi Ping still felt uneasy; he was dumbfounded, because he saw the fat son bouncing over with a cute little girl, who should be Emily.The fat son has good eyesight, and Emily, who is wearing a white tutu dress, is quite beautiful, looks very refined and a little shy.

Dumbfounded, the fat son simply waved his hand at Qi Ping as a greeting, and then led his little girlfriend past him. He seemed to be ignoring his father at all, okay?

Forget it, this kid can't leave again, Qi Ping is going to find his daughter now, and there are two boys from Luo Yi's family.There is no time to toss with the stinky boy, that boy will know what it means to be a powerful father in a while.

"Sir, can I go to the movies with Emily?" Qi Ping was dumbfounded, he didn't give his father time to react when he heard the fat son's voice, "I can go to the movies with Emily Well, I have a lot of pocket money now, I can buy ice cream and snacks, and I will send Emily home!"

Quickly turned around, with a big back in a suit and leather shoes, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and carrying a briefcase, he looked really good, a handsome young father with the appearance of a successful man.It's just that the young father doesn't look very well now, he seems to have been greatly shocked.

If you think about it, you can know that my baby princess was held by a little bastard, and this brat actually ran over and said that he would take his baby princess to the movies.Should you be so direct, or should you be so decisive; the most important thing is whether this little bastard has thought about Dad's feelings, you are a little princess who is lying to others, okay?

"Did Emily agree?" With a dry voice, it seemed that she was very shocked. "I don't think tomorrow will work. You guys have to come to school tomorrow."

"Then tomorrow tomorrow, I can go to the movies with Emily. I also want to take Emily to my house to play. I have King Kong and Pooh at my house, as well as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. I can take Emily Millie went to wrestle with Baby Bear. I made a deal with Emily, we'll go play a lot of games together."

Seeing the fat son looking up with anticipation on his little face, Qi Ping is really about to vomit blood now; if it wasn't because he was his own bastard, Qi Ping really wanted to give that cute little face a little Fist up.This little bastard really didn't know how to advance and retreat, so his euphemistic refusal was simply ignored. This kid is really stupid and bold enough.

Seeing Emily's father's face start to twitch, Qi Ping felt a little relieved; fortunately, this little bastard is his own fat son, and this is embarrassing others, which is the greatest relief.If he encounters a little bastard to make things difficult for him, Qi Ping feels that his blood pressure will definitely explode. Such a little bastard is the biggest natural enemy of all fathers.

Continue to wait for this to happen, anyway, it is more appropriate to wait now.

"I'm sorry, sir, I apologize for this little guy's abruptness." Qi Ping had to come forward at this time, who made his precious son so troublesome, "I'm sorry, he is not gentlemanly enough, but I can guarantee He has no malice. He likes Emily very much, she is a lovely little princess, and no one can dislike her."

It's really abrupt enough, this is still going to the movies, but this has been upgraded to going home.And it's wry to think about the date trip my precious son arranged, which has turned into a hangout at home.Look at those arrangements again, maybe others don't know who they are, but words like 'wrestling' are enough to stimulate.

Moreover, Qi Ping felt that the pressure was a bit high, Xiaoyao should be quite famous in the school, after all, this is not a noble school or something.The most important thing is that Qi Ping is very clear that King Kong and Pooh are very famous; they were stars when they were young, and these little guys are kings in the forest farm. A toubob is becoming more and more famous.

"Mr Qi, I know Lane is a little gentleman, he has always taken care of Emily. But you should understand the feelings of a dad, we would love to see the children grow up, but we really don't want to see them very early. Love." Emily's father was very depressed, there was nothing he could do, this was the reality.

"I can understand, because I also have two cute little princesses." Qi Ping really understands very well, anyway, whenever he thinks of a little bastard who wants to date Yoyo, then Qi Ping will feel blocked, "I miss him Maybe he can do well, because he has to take care of his younger siblings all the time, so he will take care of others."

Qi Ping can only help so much, although his little bastard is really worried, but his father can't tear it down anyway; so this kind of thing is understandable, even if it's not exaggerated, it's a little more cryptic It is also appropriate to praise the fat son. I believe everyone can understand what is going on.

This is actually what should be done, and it is necessary; there is no way, Qi Ping also hopes that his fat son will get what he wants.And Qi Ping also knows that Xiaoyao is still doing very well, he will not force others to agree to some of his demands, he believes that Emily must also hope to go to the movies with Xiaoyao, or even go to the forest farm to play games.King Kong, they're cute, kids have been promoting them countless times in school, and they should be.

Yoyo finally showed up, the disappointing brother only wanted to date, so he ran away with Emily as soon as school was over, it is said that he was going to chat with Emily's father or something.But Yoyo still needs to take care of her younger brothers, and she has to ask Yanyan to go to the small class to find her younger brother.

Qi Ping couldn't laugh or cry, Yoyo's shape was a bit strange; she was indeed wearing a pink little dress, but the beautiful little dress was already dirty.The little girl was indeed carrying a small cartoon schoolbag, but she was still dragging a small schoolbag in her hand; she was indeed dragging, dragging a small black cartoon schoolbag like dragging the floor.

There's no way, the disappointing brother only thinks about dating, so he didn't take his schoolbag; but Yoyo will take care of his brother and help him carry the schoolbag.It's just that Yoyo is too young to carry two schoolbags; it's fine to drag her around, anyway, my brother doesn't care about his schoolbags at all.

"Dad, let's go home quickly, I miss my sister." Yoyo ran over and threw her brother's schoolbag to her brother who was not up to date. The little girl still likes to act like a spoiled child. The little girl is careful and gentle, "I don't like my brother now, and my brother even robbed my candy today."

"Godfather, I don't like my brother anymore. My brother won't help me fight today, and I can't find him to fight. I can only fight by myself." Yan Yan ran over, still complaining about his brother who was not up to date It's a little deep.

What Qi Ping thinks now is not that Luo Yi must come to the school to report. He doesn't care at all. Anyway, the two families often encounter children fighting, because they are the type of bullies in the school who always fight. , They always do things like bullying people.

(End of this chapter)

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