America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 404 Eight Diagrams, Eight Diagrams

Chapter 404 Gossip, Gossip

Qi Ping is indeed a little embarrassed now, he just worked hard to assist his fat son; but in a blink of an eye, he was properly slapped in the face, constantly slapped in the face.Take a look at the accusations made by Xiaoyao's younger siblings. This kid is a proper bully in school, and he probably does a lot of "bullying boys and girls" things in normal times.With such a result, it is reckoned that she would let her precious daughter go on a date with such a little bully, and she would definitely not feel at ease.

For the restless children, Qi Ping actually thinks it's not a big problem, especially if Xiaoyao wants to go on a date.The simple reason is that Emily is looking forward to dating and the like. She wants to see King Kong and Pooh. She has heard of them countless times. She wants to make friends and play games with them.

Qi Ping has already done his best for the sake of his fat son. Anyway, Emily has already agreed to Xiaoyao, and now she just hopes to get her father's permission.Then Qi Ping will give another assist, and invite Emily's family to the forest farm; this is a weekend family gathering. Although Emily's family seems to be in good financial conditions, they must not be able to pay for the fairyland Forest farm holiday expenses.

For his fat son, Qi Ping really worked hard; in fact, Qi Ping's decision also got the support of the whole family, although Xiaoyao is so enthusiastic.And there's nothing wrong with it, it's just a family activity, just treat it as meeting an extra friend, okay?

Qi Ping has indeed done a great deed, and has received the support and praise of the whole family; Qi Ping feels that he is getting more and more complacent, and there is nothing he can do about it. Now it is true that there is a need to serve the family more, which is what Qi Ping feels very happy about.

As for Xiaoyao being very happy now, this matter is no longer the focus of the whole family; although it seems to be a big event, it is the first time Xiaoyao brings his little girlfriend home.It's just that you don't need to pay too much attention to it. After all, it still has the meaning of a child's play house, and there is no need to make a picture of mobilizing the whole family.

Just a little preparation, anyway, this is just some family gathering and other activities, this is a small leisure day, a small life.As long as you don't be rude, it's almost the same. Anyway, Qi Ping and his family don't think it is necessary to change their family's life because of these things. They stick to their own life, which is the greatest enjoyment.

"Son, go and see Tiantian, the little girl seems to be waking up soon." Qi Ping was still lazily lying on the sofa, and his mother said, "Our Tiantian is really obedient, the time is very accurate, what should I do?" Wake up when you wake up."

"Oh, I see. Now Romeo and Juliet are watching over there, the little girl is still so young, as long as there is movement around her, she will be very obedient." Standing up lazily, Qi Ping felt that the little girl was actually quite Be obedient, although she is really good at tossing, "I feel that my status in the little girl's heart is declining rapidly. If it wasn't because I still want to coax her to sleep, she would probably ignore me."

What Qi Ping said is really true. The little girl has grown up a bit now, and she has more cognition now; her small eyes are so small that she now knows how to look around. The result is colorful parrots, and Adorable and cute King Kong, these are the little girl's new favorites now, she has forgotten her father who was the most clingy.

Qi Ping is protesting now, but it doesn't seem to have much effect; it is because the family members are very used to ignoring Qi Ping, as for Qi Ping, he is always trying to improve the status of the family or want to be more important to the children. Getting more attention in front of me, etc. In fact, this is already a daily routine at home, but no one pays attention to these now.

Sighing, he said that he didn't say that he was really hit, so he should hug his good daughter; Qi Ping felt very happy when he saw the little sweetheart happily sleeping with her fists clenched.As for the two obedient babysitters, Romeo and Juliet, they are really reassuring, they will not teach bad children as easily as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Kate's gossiping thoughts erupted, and it was possible that she accompanied Nina to the school to report; Kate was under the banner of accompanying Nina to the ideological education class, but Qi Ping felt that Kate probably wanted to see the happy little girl friend.Because Qi Ping also said that the little girl named Emily is very cute, quiet, gentle, and a very interesting little girl.

This is just a kid who played house, so he ran over impatiently. It seemed that he wanted to see his so-called daughter-in-law.If Xiaoyao and Lele really fall in love when they grow up, Kate shouldn't be completely passionate about her daughter-in-law!
Thinking about it, it's really a bit depressing, and at least it's a source of pride; not to mention our fat son is lively and cute, and our family is indeed relatively rich, our little fat guys are also diamond kings The existence of the level, this is the real sought-after little king, why did this become a top-notch one and ran to investigate in advance, why worry that the cute little fat man can't find a girlfriend when the child is so young.

It's better not to think too much about these things. Anyway, there is not much to do about this matter for the time being. If Kate is willing to gossip, let her gossip.They are all old couples, and Qi Ping has known for a long time that his daughter-in-law actually has a heart of gossip, and she never hides her gossip, which is normal.

Let's go and hug the cute little daughter. The little girl already knows how to play games with her father, and now she can know some interactions.This is a good thing, Qi Ping is still very happy to see the growth of his little daughter, especially her older brothers and sisters have grown up, Qi Ping is naturally looking forward to the growth of his little daughter.

Sitting on the grass basking in the sun, in fact, I mainly play games with my little daughter; King Kong and Pooh are sleeping on the ground, they are a little tired after going crazy outside, the sun is going down, and now it is time to go home and get ready to rest Just get ready for dinner.Now these tired little guys are resting, and by the way, they are also teasing the cute little princess.

The little girl performed very well. The little guy's small eyes stared at King Kong and Pooh lying on the ground. She might already know King Kong and Pooh by now.As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who were leisurely running around on the lawn, the little girl couldn't recognize them, because they didn't look much different from Romeo and Zhu Yingtai.

The children of Lao Qi's family seem to have such talents, that is, no matter how young the children are, they are all very interested in these small animals at home.Xiaoyao and the others have grown up now, getting acquainted with King Kong and they have become real iron buddies; but Qi Ping can guarantee that even when Xiaoyao and the others are in their arms, they like to play games and interact with King Kong and them of.

Tiantian has inherited this fine tradition. Although the little girl is small now, she likes these special members of the family; although the little girl really has no way and ability to interact with King Kong and them now, but this does not mean that the little girl does not show it My love for them.Although these little guys like King Kong can only look at Tiantian at most, they know that Xiao Tiantian is really too small now, and there is no way to play more games with them, they must be taken care of carefully.

"Dad, we're back!" The car had just stopped when the car door was opened; Xiaoyao announced with a loud voice that the little overlord of the forest farm was coming home. This was a routine announcement, "Is my sister obedient today?"

"My sister is very obedient today. I don't know if she misses you. You can ask her yourself." Qi Ping said sourly. In fact, everyone in the family is more cheerful and outgoing, but Xiaoyao seems to be quite reserved. ', he never took the initiative to kiss his father, and even wanted to run when these topics were mentioned.

Xiaoyao was still the same, he looked at his sister with a small schoolbag on his back, coaxed her, then pouted and kissed her little face.As for the next thing, of course, is to throw the schoolbag home and say hello to grandma.Naturally, I want to play games when I get home. Didn't I see King Kong and the others waiting on the lawn at the door.

Yoyo is better, the little girl pouts her mouth and gives her father a big bobo; she instantly regains her mental balance, not to mention that Lele actually likes to shout out her love for her father, at most it is Xiaoyao is just a little 'shy'.

"Emily is a really sweet little girl, she's so sweet. Our kid is the smartest and the smartest, and he knows how to date cute little girls." Well, Kate is gossipy enough, and she is. It makes people feel dumbfounded, because she is now vigorously praising Fat Son's date, and she is very supportive of Fat Son's "puppy love".

"So we need to start preparing now, you go and see if we have enough ice cream in the freezer, we also need to see if we have enough other snacks now. And I'm sure you already know, Yo-Yo and Emily are totally Two different styles, I hope you can have a good chat with Yoyo, I am worried that she will play a prank with Lele tomorrow, although she does not have the support of her brother, but she still has a cute brother who can unite the front."

"That's why you are always so unpopular, because you always have some unrealistic ideas. Yoyo and Emily will make very good friends, and I believe our son and daughter will be warm hosts. They Know how to be polite. As for snacks, as long as you and King Kong eat less, I don’t need to worry about it!”

Well, Qi Ping is not red and heartbeat, isn't it just being ridiculed!
(End of this chapter)

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