America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 405 A Scary Family

Chapter 405 Scary Family

Started to get busy, for the date of the baby's fat son; Qi Ping started to prepare early in the morning, although it was a family gathering, but he couldn't be too sloppy.

"Go, go, go and ask my sister to match you with a cuter set of clothes." Just send away the dangling fat son, Xiaoyao may have inherited Qi Ping's good genes, that is, he doesn't care at all Meter, "I remember you have several sets of lovely clothes, today you are going to be the little prince."

"But I don't know what clothes I like." Xiaoyao's uprightness made people quite speechless, he really gave him what clothes to wear, no one matched him as long as he could wear them, as for whether they fit or not, let's talk Well, "My sister ran away, she and my brother went to find Rudolph and Red Nose."

"Then you can go to my sister. If you say you want to change into a new dress, my sister will definitely agree to help you." Looking at the clothes that the fat son matched himself, the T-shirt and cropped pants are actually not bad, as long as But this white black T-shirt and white pants are really not good, especially the white pants are already dirty.

Xiaoyao hurriedly went to find his younger sister, who knew how to dress very well; Qi Ping also breathed a sigh of relief, the annoying ghost who was not helpful was sent away, so that Qi Ping could clean up Heitan with peace of mind.It is true that Xiaoyao wants to help, but sometimes this kid can only do bad things with good intentions, he is not good at these things.

Yoyo triumphantly drove the pumpkin carriage back, the little girl is very good; now riding the pumpkin carriage is no longer her favorite, her favorite is to drive by herself.No problem, although Rudolph is sometimes annoying, but he is very gentle and stable when pulling a pumpkin cart; as for a deer pulling a cart, there is no problem, Rudolph is now even smaller than a horse like Heitan. Not small.

"Why didn't I help Xiaoyao match the clothes?" Kate, who was sitting on the pumpkin carriage, protested with her young son in her arms, and she was also joking. "I think I can be a stylist. You have to know that I have been buying you new clothes, matching clothes for you, and even buying your new clothes for you in the past few years."

"But my daughter has surpassed you. When you took her to go shopping for new clothes when she was young, you should have known that such a day would come." Qi Ping said confidently. The girl's aesthetics are very good, at least Yoyo is now able to match her brothers with new clothes.

"Well, I admit that our daughter has a keen sense of fashion. As for our son, he may have completely inherited some of your genes. Looking at our escape, I am really worried if he will wear it when he dates a girl later. Very inappropriate. Look at our Lele again, although he likes the new clothes very much, but I believe that if he does not improve, he may become the same as his father and brother who have no vision!"

Looking at Lele, this kid's new clothes are really gaudy, this kid only likes all kinds of cartoon clothes; this kid's aesthetics really needs to be improved.It's a bit stressful, why is it difficult for the men of the old Qi family to match their own better clothes? It's not that they don't have clothes, but they can't dress handsomely and decently.

Youyou is happily asking her brother, the little girl is very happy to help her match his clothes; as for Lele, this kid is a follower, he just needs to run behind his brother and sister, so he Just be able to have fun.

"Both of you, pack up quickly and get ready for breakfast." My mother is busy, and she is preparing a hearty breakfast early in the morning, "I made a lot of things for you, you can go to have a picnic at noon gone."

"Picnic, I'll go prepare some more sandwiches and burgers, and get some barbecue when I come back at noon. I regret it now. The production of fairy cows in our family has not been able to increase, but these snacks The goods are usually too edible. This small piece of meat the size of a palm is worth hundreds of dollars." Qi Ping complained, and the snacks are indeed very good.

"You just fell into the eyes of money. If I eat meat now, I like fairy cows. The quality of fairy cows is really good. Our forest farm actually has other cows, and the grade is also very good, but they are not at all like fairy cows." One taste. You will eat those first-class and second-class cattle in the future, and Kate and I will take Xiaoyao and them to eat fairy cattle."

Hearing what his mother said, Qi Ping shook his head straight; this matter must not be agreed to, the quality of the fairy cow is nothing to say, usually eat too much fairy cow and then eat other beef, then it is completely unacceptable.As for spending a little more money, it doesn't matter at all; Qi Ping is not short of money now, and life can't just be about making money.

It is more in line with Qiping's habit to eat big fish and meat. The most important thing is that Qiping has always been used to creating a better quality of life for his family.Compared with making less money and the health and happiness of the whole family, this matter has nothing to compare with. Qi Ping has no hesitation in choosing family members.

Maybe it's because they are thinking about going out to play today, so the children's appetites are really good now; in fact, the children's appetites are really good, and the little ones are chewing on beef, vegetables and fruits.Even these little guys know how to care about their good playmates, King Kong and a few of them came together, and the children skillfully grabbed the fairy cow and stuffed it into their mouths.

If you have enough food and drink, now is the time to start preparing; the time is almost up, and you can go to pick up Xiaoyao's little girlfriend's family.Anyway, it's a guest, and I also said it was a picnic, so I really shouldn't be too rude. Who told this to be in my own forest farm? This is the master, okay?

Qi Ping was going to ride a horse, Xiaoyao was proudly lying on Pooh's back, and he set off with his father with his brother who was riding a baby bear.As for the little princess Yoyo, she is now the coachman; the little girl is in charge of driving the pumpkin carriage, and the mother holding her sister is in the carriage.

Thinking about how scary it is for this family to go out to play, it is normal for them to ride horses evenly; but the mounts of these two children are two big black bears, and the one pulling the pumpkin carriage is a deer.As for their entourage, the red-nosed deer is quite good; but a chimpanzee running back and forth, and four colorful parrots flying around... This family, fortunately, only The forest farm is domineering, and if it goes out of the forest farm, it will really scare people.

(End of this chapter)

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