America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 406 Family Gatherings

Chapter 406 Family Gatherings
Xiaoyao is very happy now, he and his younger brother are practicing to move the chubby body of the baby bear; I believe that Xiaoyao must be depressed at this time, because the baby bear was very cute when he was young, Xiaoyao is cute and plays games with the baby bear .But now the baby bear is too big, Xiaoyao can't hold it at all; the baby bear grows too fast, but Xiaoyao hasn't grown much.

A Volkswagen Touareg drove over, and it seemed that Emily's family's economic conditions were still good; this is a low-key SUV. It doesn't necessarily mean how cheap it is, it is definitely no problem if it is a mid-to-high-end car.

"Mr. Qi, thank you very much for your invitation." Ryan didn't make it too formal because he came to the famous Fairyland Forest Farm, because this is a family gathering; the most important thing is that he knows that now this is just a children's play, "I We have heard of Fairyland Forest Farm too many times, and this time we will have the honor to see Fairyland Forest Farm because of Emily."

"I hope you will have the opportunity to come here more, I welcome it." Qi Ping is also a polite remark, because he doesn't know how long Xiaoyao can 'persevere' with Emily, "Nice to meet you, glad you can come Fairyland Forest Farm is here, hoping to bring you a happy weekend."

The two families were introducing each other, even King Kong ran over at this time, stood up solemnly and stretched out his hand, it didn't care that Ryan seemed to be stiff now, he was a little nervous.

It's hard not to be nervous, although I've heard of them before, but I'm sure I'll be nervous when I see them.That huge size itself has a sense of oppression, and they are really top beasts.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome." Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai took their children Romeo and Juliet and began to feel their presence, but the welcome slogan for the first time was in Chinese, and Ryan and the others couldn't understand it, "Big idiot, Teammate Pig!"

Fortunately, the Rui'an family didn't understand Chinese, so they looked at Liang Shanbo with great interest, as if they didn't realize that they had pissed off Liang Shanbo.Liang Shanbo expressed a warm welcome, but did not get any feedback, so it exploded; nothing to say, they must be driven away, before they continue to curse.

Adults actually have their own cognition, so Ryan and his wife will be nervous when they see King Kong; they will be dumbfounded when they see Qiping’s children tickling two fat bears, they really dare not approach , because sometimes it is like this, maybe it is also 'the older the world, the less courageous'.

Ryan has now seen how good the Fairyland Forest Farm is, and now he also feels very tongue-tied; looking at the owners of the Fairyland Forest Farm, ordinary people are really going to be frightened when they come.

Those who ride horses and carriages are the most normal, and they are the hostess and hostess of the forest farm.But the one driving the carriage was a seven-year-old girl, and the one pulling the carriage was a huge moose.Forget it, there are two little riders in the forest farm, and their mounts are two bears, so I saw the two little riders singing on the back of the bear; although I don't know what song they are singing, but the lyrics It seems to be the same song as the four colorful parrots flying along.

It's too exaggerated, don't you want to be so dreamy; although I heard a long time ago that the environment of the Fairyland Forest Farm is good and the air quality is top-notch, there are indeed some cute animals here.But if you really come here, you can really feel the top air and environment of the fairyland forest farm. As for those cute animals, they are really the best friends of the forest farm owner. Their intelligence is not inferior to some five or six-year-old children.

Ryan and his wife looked at each other, they really didn't know what to say; the two even suspected that maybe it was because they had too little knowledge.Obviously, they felt that all this should look abnormal, but it seemed so normal for the Qiping family to do these things.

"Xiaoyao, take Emily to play games. Red Nose is there, I think Emily definitely wants to play games with Red Nose." Picnic, of course, needs a little atmosphere; lay out the picnic mat, sit on the Just chatting on the grass, the children can go to play games, "Lele, take care of my sister, don't let Liang Shanbo bully my sister."

The children cheered and ran to play games, Xiaoyao is full of enthusiasm now; he invited Emily to play games with Baby Bear, he was introducing King Kong and Pooh to Emily, and even teaching Emily how to do it To distinguish and recognize the four of them in Liangshanbo.These are actually quite attractive to Emily.

"You really live in a fairy tale world, which is so enviable. I believe your children will be the happiest, because their partners can make them innocent and happy, and they will also learn to take care of and care for them because of these playmates. Responsibility." Ryan has now adapted to the existence of Pooh and King Kong, and he will be envious.

"I think so, the children are really innocent and lovely. I know they may not be the best academically, but they are the happiest. I can guarantee that their childhood is enviable. I believe that the children I will have more good memories when I grow up. I always think that children's childhood should be more about playing games, and I am very happy that I can let them grow up happily."

Qi Ping and Ryan seem to be chatting very speculatively now, and they seem to have the same parenting experience or something.It's just that these two people can stand and talk without back pain. One is a rich man and the other is a middle class. They don't have much financial pressure at all, so they are talking about their children's education and growth, because they don't need to worry about work. , livelihood and the like.

Kate is a bit showing off, she has four lovely children; except Xiaoyao, Yoyo and Lele who are already running around happily, and Tiantian who is in her arms.Now she's talking to Ryan's wife about the baby, which is real parenting.From the difficulty of being pregnant in October to the pain of giving birth, it also includes issues such as the various stages of children's development.

Qi Ping knows his wife very well, don't look at Kate who seems to be pouring bitter water now, talking about the hardships of having four children and the headaches these little naughty boys will cause.But she is more proud, because her children are lively and lovely, because the children bring more joy and laughter to life.

This kind of family gathering is actually not that lively. Although everyone is just getting to know each other now, they can simply chat about life and work.More topics still revolve around the children, so that you won’t feel awkward, unfamiliar, etc.; although you haven’t known each other for a long time, but you have children who are about the same age, you will have a lot in common. topic.

For Qi Ping, this kind of family gathering is also a good feeling. It doesn't necessarily mean that the kind of special acquaintance gathering together is the most fun.Sometimes it's not bad to chat with relatively unfamiliar friends. Although everyone doesn't know the basics, such unfamiliarity will lead to many topics.

Qi Ping felt that he and Ryan had some good topics to talk about now. The two of them talked about basketball, and the two fans really didn't want to meet each other.Because most of their friends are baseball fans, because they don't have a fixed support team, they just like to watch those teams that play smoothly and look good.

By the way, two people also want to attack Donald Sterling, the most failed owner in the history of sports. Not only is he a stinger, but also a miser, a sex maniac, a racist and a rogue clown are all his calling cards.

While the guy did get kicked out of the NBA, he was also forced to sell the Los Angeles Clippers.But in fact, this team was originally in San Diego, and this team should have been called the San Diego Clippers.It's a pity that the most failed owner moved the team to Los Angeles, which also made San Diego's basketball fans lose their hometown team.

Qi Ping and Ryan chatted very speculatively, not only because they were basketball fans, but also because both of them had received a good education, and their own qualities were good.Obviously, although Qi Ping can be regarded as 'approachable', he is definitely not the kind that everyone likes, and he may not be speculative who can chat with everyone, at least he doesn't like some people with low quality.

Kate also had a great chat with Ryan's wives, both housewives who love their families and play games with their children.Of course, they also like shopping and researching food. They do have a lot of topics, including their cute little princesses. These are their topics.

In fact, the children are the happiest now, and playing games is their favorite thing.Now there is a new partner to play games with, so of course it is the most happy thing.Even Yoyo, who usually has some conflicts with Emily, is very happy. Now she can teach Emily how to play games, which makes her very happy.

As for Xiaoyao, this kid is definitely the type who is going crazy with joy; his little girlfriend will be a guest at the forest farm, this will be the little guy trying his best to show off his strength, he will bring Pooh and King Kong to play games and perform together.Showing his strength in front of Emily, he did get more cheers and admiration from Emily.

The same thing happened to Lele. This kid always wanted to be the best. Although he was not as good as his brother and sister, he could show it in front of others.Running on a bear and boxing with King Kong, all of which can get the applause of Emily's sister, which also makes him very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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