Chapter 412
"Dad, I'm going to participate in the competition today. I'm not a child anymore, I will be ashamed in front of the children if you do this!" Xiaoyao sighed, feeling very dissatisfied with his father's care, "I should be better, I am Big brother, I can't let others take care of me, I need to take good care of my younger siblings."

"You take care of me, I like my brother to take care of me." Yoyo is very simple and straightforward, this little girl doesn't mind being spoiled at all, even though her brother has been older than her for a few minutes, "You have never taken care of me, and neither do I." younger sister!"

Xiaoyao was even more speechless, he must be in all kinds of troubles now.

For the pampering of his grandparents, Xiaoyao felt at ease, because since he was a child, he knew that his grandpa and grandma loved him very much.For the intimacy of the mother, the little guy actually likes and enjoys it very much, because it is the mother.

As for the closeness of father, the little guy sometimes resists.He is not an idiot brother, Xiaoyao is a man, he should ride around on black charcoal like his father, he should be good friends with the most powerful Pooh and King Kong, and he should take good care of his family.

In Xiaoyao's consciousness, he likes to take care of others more and become a great hero; as for being taken care of by others, it depends on who it is.Anyway, it can't be to let my father take more care of me, so I won't be a hero, and I won't be a man.

Looking at this little virtue of the fat son, the deceit is also quite helpless and helpless, and actually feels very proud.

In fact, Qi Ping didn't deliberately cultivate Xiaoyao at all, and he didn't ask Xiaoyao to learn any responsibility or responsibility at all.Of course, he hopes that Xiaoyao can become a good brother, learn to take care of his younger siblings, and learn to take care of his family.But Xiaoyao is still young, so he can't let Xiaoyao take these responsibilities early.

Of course, this also requires Xiaoyao to realize these slowly in the process of growing up, which may also be part of Xiaoyao's growth.This should not be a simple and rough education, but to let Xiaoyao gradually realize these.

I am very glad that Xiaoyao seems to be more and more aware of this, he is indeed a very good brother.He certainly takes good care of his younger siblings.Even though he himself is a naughty ghost, he often makes mistakes and is punished to stand up; but when facing his younger siblings, the little guy is a good brother, even if he sometimes bullies his younger siblings, but more often Protect younger siblings and take them to play games.

"Dad, I also want to go to the competition, but why can't I participate in the competition. I can drive a car now, I can drive a golf cart and a beach car, and I will learn to drive a big car and an airplane now." Hug Dad Lele is envious now, "Can you sign up for me? I'm going to drive a car too. I'm going to knock everyone into the air! I'm going to drive a big tank and I'm going to drive a helicopter."

Compared with the sensible elder son, the younger son is a complete little bastard and little devil; the pair of twins Xiaoyao and Yoyo are not as naughty as Lele, and the most troublesome one now seems to be this Xiaole is happy.

Qi Ping has a headache now, and Xiaoyao is happy to participate in the competition. His interests and hobbies are actually quite extensive.Xiaoyao likes riding horses, driving cars, and rowing boats.Although he has a wide range of interests, these are just hobbies. He just enjoys the process of participating in these competitions and the joy brought by these hobbies.

But Lele is different. His hobbies may not be as extensive as his brother's.Although Lele also likes to play games with him, but sometimes it's just to watch and participate a little bit.Compared with Xiaoyao, Lele is actually more competitive; in fact, he only likes one or two favorite projects, and his enthusiasm is probably in the things he likes.

Lele likes baseball, and he just hopes that he can become the best baseball player; so when watching baseball games and playing baseball, Lele will show enough competitive spirit.

This matter really makes people feel helpless, and some competitiveness is actually necessary, which can be regarded as some motivation.If there is no ambition at all, it is too 'easy-going', and it can even be considered as unmotivated.

Qi Ping really has a little headache, because the children's competitive spirit actually needs to be paid attention to.It is not a good thing to be too competitive, because it may become paranoid; it is not a good thing to not be competitive, because it will appear that you have no fighting spirit.

Therefore, taking care of and educating children is really not a simple matter now. If you want children to grow up happily, this is definitely not to say that you just need to let them have no worries about food and clothing.For the children's morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and beauty, these aspects really need to be paid attention to, especially in terms of morality and quality, which is what Qi Ping and Kate care about.

Seeing Xiaoyao start the beach car as if showing off, watching the little guy yelling and driving the beach car roaring away; Qi Ping is not worried at all, the co-pilot in the car is still sitting King Kong, This is a very solid super bodyguard. Although it looks a bit crowded on a small beach car, Gao Gao's body is enough to protect Xiaoyao in case of danger.In fact, ATVs are really safe. Driving a ATV is the same as playing in Xiaoyao.

"Dad, my brother is not cute at all." Yoyo sighed, looking very shocked, "My brother doesn't like to play games with us now, he only likes to play games with boys now, he doesn't like to play games with girls Let's play games together."

Qi Ping shuddered instantly, proud of his fat son's choice; Yoyo, this little girl really seems to be naive, of course boys can't look too motherly, they have been playing games with girls all the time, so the little boy It will not appear to be MAN enough.Little boys, sometimes they still need to be tough and mischievous, this is the 'typical' boy.

It's normal for Yoyo to be psychologically unbalanced now; because the little girl has been with her elder brother since she was a child, and her elder brother is actually his best friend.If you have good friends, of course you want to play together; Yoyo has a lot of good friends now, and she also hopes to draw her brother into her circle of friends so that they can play games together.

As for playing games with my brother, and those naughty friends who know my brother, Yoyo definitely doesn't agree.Don't look at Yoyo being very naughty sometimes, but the little girl still likes to be a little lady sometimes, she likes beautiful clothes and drawing; but brother, he likes to run around and fight with a group of little boys, those games are too rude No, Yoyo doesn't like it.

Qi Ping chose to remain silent about the baby girl's small complaints; of course Qi Ping knew about the little girl's small thoughts, what she hoped was that her brother could play games with her more, the little girl is not used to being inseparable since she was a child The elder brother gradually began to have some distance from her.

Such a thing is really normal; although they are twins, there is still a distinction between men and women.Boys have a boy's world, and girls have a girl's personality. Such small "differences" are really normal.

And one thing needs to be admitted, that is, children are growing up, even if they are boys or girls, it is impossible for them to be together all the time.The twins may deliberately play together and grow together, but as they grow up slowly and have their own ideas and interests, then some small distances will begin to appear slowly.

It's better to pretend to be stupid about this matter, Qi Ping really doesn't want to interfere too much with the children's growth, he doesn't want to plan the children's growth.Let the children decide for themselves, they have the right to choose what they want to try, and they have the right to do what they like.

The most important thing is that children have the need to learn to be responsible for their own choices. Qi Ping doesn't like to see his children indecisive or afraid to try or choose.He hopes that the children will be more brave, and he hopes that the children will be more active and independent.

Looking at Xiaoyao's "training" happily, watching the fat boy ambitiously preparing to improve his driving skills and prepare to compete with some children.Qi Ping is still very satisfied, Fat Son is still very good, this kid will definitely become more and more powerful; Qi Ping only needs to give him some advice and guidance, Fat Son can actually absorb these experiences very well.

As for the baby girl, she lost interest after looking around. The little girl still likes to go home and play crazy outside.The little girl went home with Diandian, Romeo, and Zhu Yingtai, and went back to watch cartoons and draw pictures, which are things that the little girl likes now.It's just a pity that she didn't take her younger brother back. He seems to like outdoor games very much now. This is another playful little boy.

Well, this is the difference between boys and girls; not only Qiping and Kate sometimes 'treat' children differently, but children also gradually realize these things consciously or unconsciously in the process of growing up, they Now the hobbies and hobbies are slowly changing, and they are now starting to have some differences.

This is the world of men, Qi Ping is leading his fat sons to practice driving, and he is leading the boys to riding training.Although it seems more tense and exciting, but this will make the little boys feel very happy, they just like this kind of tension and excitement, because they are boys!

As for holding dolls or painting and dressing up all day long, little boys are not interested in these at all now!
(End of this chapter)

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