America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 413 The Necessity of the Honor Room

Chapter 413 The Necessity of the Honor Room

The Xiaoyao competition is actually not very formal, after all, it is only for children under ten years old to start the competition; fun is of course important, but the most important thing is actually safety.

It is very satisfying to watch Xiaoyao put on the little racing uniform, and see the little guy is equipped with helmets, knee pads, elbow pads and other protective equipment.In particular, Xiaoyao, who had changed into a racing uniform, seemed very satisfied with his look. Now this kid started to show off in front of his family, and he even knew to ask his grandma to take more beautiful photos for him.

As for the envy of the younger siblings, the little guy is still very proud; the brat put his shoulders on the shoulders of his younger siblings, which is an image of a superstar who is close to the people, and he is taking pictures of his little fans.

Gu Bo was not surprised in the competition, and Xiaoyao did perform better; who knows that the conditions at home are good, usually driving and the like are normal for Xiaoyao, he doesn't need to worry about being unable to "practice his hands" at all.And it needs to be affirmed, that is, Xiaoyao has eaten good food and drink since he was a child, and the air in the forest farm is very good, so Xiaoyao has better physical fitness than his peers since he was a child, he is a real tiger.

"I haven't seen Emily recently, Xiaoyao, is this a broken relationship?" Seeing that the fat son seemed to be talking to a little girl again, Qi Ping suddenly felt something was wrong, "He used to always say what about Emily How is it, how long has it been since Xiaoyao mentioned Emily?"

"I don't know either. He seems to have changed his mind." Holding her little daughter, Kate said with a smile, "I think you should know our child. You must know his personality very well. He has a wide range of interests and hobbies, even It is no exaggeration to say that he may be spoiled by Joshua, and he may be a playful boy in the future."

Qi Ping nodded straightly, he felt that Xiaoyao was probably just a playboy; this kid's interests and hobbies were too wide, and the most important thing was that this kid really had the possibility to meet someone and love someone.
So at this time, I still need to find Yoyo, this little gossip is actually a little spy; Qi Ping thinks that he can have a good chat with Yoyo, so that he can know more news.Regarding the "first love" of the fat son, let's call it "first love" for the time being, it still needs to be asked to appear more concerned about the fat son.

"Emily doesn't like playing games with her brother anymore, Emily likes to play games with Hunter now." Well, the news from the baby girl makes people laugh, our rich, handsome and fat son has been 'dumped', " My brother doesn't like playing games with girls anymore, he always plays games with Brand and Ben now. They are bad boys, they like to play tricks, and many girls don't like them."

Sighing, he couldn't laugh or cry; it seemed that the fat son's first love ended without a problem; that's fine, the fat son was not hit by the broken love, at least Qi Ping didn't see Xiaoyao crying or feeling depressed or sad.Because now the fat boy has found his "favorite" that he has to face seriously, and it's only right to go crazy and play pranks with other little boys.

As for the little boys, it is better to be mischievous; as for the early ones, they are mixed with girls and learn to talk about love, which is indeed quite depressing.Xiaoyao is 'abandoning the evil and returning to the righteous'. He has done what a little boy should do now, and he has done something that fits the status of a little boy.

As for dating girls, wait a little longer; wait until Xiaoyao grows up a bit, then maybe he can go on a real date, not a play house between a little boy and a little girl.It's really too young now, they basically don't understand anything, these "dates" now are actually the most innocent and innocent affection for little boys and girls.

"It's over. We invited Emily's family to the forest farm a few days ago, but Xiaoyao and Emily declared it over so quickly. It seems that I have to be smarter in the future, and I can't always be so enthusiastic and active. It doesn't really do any good because our son really doesn't seem to be emotionally reliable at all."

Qi Ping hadn't finished speaking yet, and Kate's black hand was met; Kate was really powerful, she held her precious daughter with one hand, and found Qi Ping's waist concealedly and accurately with the other hand. Between soft meat.This is just a slight pinch and twist, enough to make Qi Ping grin his teeth, it really hurts!
It hurts, Qi Ping knows something now; although Xiaoyao is 'really unreliable emotionally', this matter must not be brought up by Qi Ping, otherwise it will be a slander to the fat son, Then it should be punished.Obviously, after being choked, Qi Ping knew that Xiaoyao did nothing wrong, so he deserved such punishment for being outspoken.

A loving mother is a loser, don't look at Kate who usually has some principles when educating her children.But when facing Qi Ping, she has no principles. She blindly thinks that her child is the best, the cutest, the most sensible and the most innocent.So if Qi Ping dared to speak ill of the children, he had to do something 'black hand', so that someone could realize the cuteness of the children.

There is nothing to say, there is no reason for this matter at all, Qi Ping actually recognized it a long time ago, and knew that he could not resist.

Both Qiping and Kate are very happy to see that children like outdoor activities; this is not only about exercising, but also cultivating some qualities in children.

Participating in more outdoor sports will enable children to learn unity and cooperation as well as strong and brave qualities, which will enable children to learn many beautiful qualities.And sports boys are still very attractive.

Xiaoyao got No.1, which is very happy; although in some children's competitions, it is basically guaranteed that every child can get a medal.It's just that sometimes there are still some things that make people understand, such as the encouragement award such as the "Excellence Award", that is, those who participate will get medals.

Xiaoyao has truly become a small champion. This is another victory he has won in the competition.It still makes people feel very happy. Although Xiaoyao has a wide range of interests and does not have much desire to win, he is indeed very good. He has participated in some large and small competitions and achieved some good results.

Qi Ping and Kate are discussing it, and it seems that it is time to create a room of honor; Qi Ping originally resisted this plan, because Kate has been advocating the creation of a room of honor, and the Some achievements are put on 'exhibition' in the honor room, so that every guest who arrives at the house can know the achievements of Qi.

This plan has actually been recognized by many people, such as Qi Ping's parents; the children's achievements are their greatest pride, don't look at Qi Ping's early 30s now, don't look at Qi Ping is indeed a billionaire now They are rich, but in their eyes, Qiping is still a child who has not grown up, and Qiping's current achievements will still make them feel proud.

Qi Ping is an honorary doctor of Princeton University, the best university in the world, and he is considered one of the best environmental experts.Perhaps Qi Ping doesn't seem to care about these at all now, he doesn't care about these honors and the like, he doesn't even seem to care about the honors and achievements of some "scientific research circles" at all.But the family members are very concerned, they think Qi Ping is an outstanding scholar and scientist, although Qi Ping does not admit these.

In the past, Qi Ping felt a little embarrassed, and he hung some of his achievements on the wall to publicize everywhere, which is really embarrassing.Although many people think that Qi Ping knows a lot, he made his fortune by using technology and science; Qi Ping does not deny this, but he knows better that it is because of his miraculous encounter, which is a summary of previous experience.

This has already made a fortune by relying on the experience summary of the predecessors and magical technology. If you take all the honors into your own name in a fair manner, then it will really make people feel a little embarrassed. It seems that the skin is too thick.

But now, it doesn't mean that Qi Ping has deliberately accepted all this with peace of mind; but thinking of the achievements his children have achieved now, Qi Ping feels that he should create a room of honor.This is an achievement achieved by the children themselves, and of course they need to be praised and affirmed.

Qiping didn't think he needed to feel embarrassed or wronged about this matter, he could enjoy the honor his children brought him with peace of mind.Even Qi Ping can guarantee and affirm that when he shows off the achievements of the children in front of the guests, he will get a lot of envy and affirmation, because the children are so powerful and outstanding.

We must be proud, we must set up a room of honor to show off the achievements of the children; now Xiaoyao has achieved very good results, and in fact Yoyo has also achieved some good honors.Qi Ping is more certain that the children will get more and more honors, so this honor room is really necessary.

Qi Ping is in a happy and proud mood, watching Xiaoyao happily holding a small medal, watching Yoyo and Lele happily walking around Xiaoyao, Qi Ping can't tell how happy he is.It's really a happy and proud moment because it's what his kids have achieved.

The honor room must be established earlier, and the certificates and medals obtained by the children are placed in the honor room.Qi Ping can believe that his children will make the honor room very crowded, because the children will get more and more honors!

(End of this chapter)

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