America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 414 Huge Pit

Chapter 414 Huge Pit
Qi Ping has a lot of things to do now, and he now knows that there are a lot of things at home; in fact, Kate is the busiest at this time, because she knows that Qi Ping has no aesthetic sense at all, and does not understand the overall layout and planning. Category.

So at this time, it is better to be honest and low-key. The most practical way to say it is that apart from collecting bills and paying money, this matter is basically nothing.It's better for him to take care of the children or play games with his little brothers honestly, and don't go to do things that he is not good at.

"What are you doing again?" Lele is really worrying. He saw him rolling on the ground as soon as he went out. "Why don't you go to find ant nests with King Kong?"

"I'm looking for bugs. King Kong doesn't like looking for ant nests with me now. I can't catch many ants." Lele seems to have realized the reality, that is, he can't find more ants, so Stop messing around, "Dad, you and I will go to the mountains to catch bugs, I want to go fishing."

Qi Ping can't laugh or cry, fishing baits are actually very easy to make; but sometimes they are very fun, such as homemade methods.It is better to hang earthworms for fishing, but the bait you bought is not fun.Lele is very courageous. He often digs earthworms with his grandfather. He is not afraid at all.

Let Lele find the earthworms by himself, this silly and bold person really doesn't know what it means to be afraid.When I was young, I often followed King Kong, using a small stick to pry ant nests everywhere.When I grow up a bit, I see grasshoppers and stuff them into my pockets when I catch them, thinking about feeding them to King Kong or Pooh when I get home.

This is also a good thing, the little guy can enjoy a lot of innocence and fun, and he is not so delicate.Qi Ping was even suspicious of some things. For example, if Lele saw snakes in the mountains, the first thing that would come to his mind was whether King Kong and the others would eat snakes, not fear.But one of the better things is that the little guy still knows some things, and he won't directly pounce on bugs or snakes he doesn't know.

Let the feisty brat go on catching bugs, that's about all the fun he has.If you have time to accompany your fat son to catch bugs, you might as well go to the forest farm.

"Dad, can you teach me to fly a plane?" Just as the plane was dragged out of the hangar, Lele got out again, "I want to fly a plane, I will fly a helicopter now, and then I can fly a big plane .”

"Aren't you going to catch earthworms? Didn't you just say you were going to go fishing? Why are you going to fly a plane now?" Although he said so, but the fat son came over, Qi Ping would definitely take the little guy to the forest farm Turn around.

"I didn't catch the bugs. Grandpa went to work. I'm too young to catch bugs by myself. I'd better learn to fly a plane, and both King Kong and Pooh went to the mountains, and they took the baby bear with them." Let's go. I want to go to the mountains to play games with them, but they ignore me at all." Lele happily occupied the co-pilot, fastened her seat belt and put on her headphones, and knew how to try sound.

Checked the instrument panel, tested the performance of the aircraft, no problem at all.

Xiao Lele is quite familiar with the helicopter at home. He is his father's little assistant and the co-pilot; it's fine for the little guy to stare at the dashboard, but he still looks a little dissatisfied now.I don't know how many times the co-pilot has been in the co-pilot, but the little guy has never been in the driver's seat, which makes him very dissatisfied.

"Dad, can I have a try? I won't move, you just let me hold the rudder, I won't move." Lele began to put forward his own ideas again, and didn't expect to be able to drive by himself Aircraft, but you can still try to fly a helicopter by yourself.

Repeatedly asked the fat son, that is, not to touch or move randomly, and the little guy agreed very seriously.So Qi Ping hugged his fat son, and the father and son cooperated to fly the plane together.

It's just that the fat son can only play a little bit, he is still a little young, and he can't fly the plane himself; speaking of the acceleration of the operation of the helicopter, it is definitely not as fast as that of the civil aviation plane, jet plane, etc., but for It is indeed complicated enough for a child, and the little guy has no way to drive himself for the time being.

Lele returned to his co-pilot position again. This kid's task now is to become an observer; instead of asking him to find King Kong and the others, in fact, he is more likely to go to see the situation around the forest farm, for example There should be no damage to the fence, and it is necessary to check whether the surrounding vegetation is necrotic or not.

Qi Ping was very satisfied. Although the fat boy was prone to having trouble concentrating sometimes, this kid could indeed do a good job. He was able to complete the tasks assigned to him very well, and he was also willing to protect the forest farm.

For his little reward, just do a few simple aerobatics; diving and flying sideways, these can make Lele very happy.This kid is typically thrill-loving and nervous, and he likes these interesting performances, which is what he likes to fly in a helicopter.

I had a lot of fun, and the work inspection also had satisfactory results, which made people feel very happy and satisfied.

The plane had just landed, and here I saw Lele quickly unfastening his seat belt; this kid couldn't wait, he was going home to show off that he drove a helicopter, it was no longer a child's toy remote control plane, but Really big plane.

There is nothing to talk about with this kid. Anyway, he can handle these things by himself. The most important thing is that since the children like to show off, let him show off. It is said that Qi Ping took the children to complete this matter together.This really has a good meaning, and it deserves to be praised and envied by Lele going home.

"Really, Lele is still so young now, it's fine if you take him to take a helicopter, but let him fly a helicopter. It's so simple and easy to fly a plane. Why don't you Don't learn to be more steady!"

After dragging the plane back to the hangar, I didn't get the expected affirmation and praise after returning home, and even my mother was a little out of breath.Although she has seen her unreliable son always do some unreliable things many times, she does feel quite annoyed.

Obviously flying a helicopter is not an easy job, and it's not something a child should do.Although Qi Ping is indeed a very good pilot, and he knows that he will not let Lele fly the plane himself, but in this matter, Qi Ping does seem to be a bit aggressive, he is too confident and proud.

"Lele likes to fly planes, just like Xiaoyao, I liked them when I was a child. I'm sure I wouldn't say anything when you take them to make planes, but you're lucky now, let them take the co-pilot by themselves, and help you navigate .It’s even better now, it’s estimated that they will start the plane by themselves after a while, you’re going to teach them all this!”

He kept his head down and didn't say a word, now he could only hear his mother scolding; although he felt a little wronged, Qi Ping still planned to be obedient.Because when he thought about it carefully, he might really be a little bit wrong.

The children are indeed relatively young now, and in addition to their usual adventurous and exciting personalities, if we continue to cultivate their adventurous spirit, it may be to make them really fearless.Taking risks actually requires a certain degree of tolerance, and the most important thing is to learn to do what you can.

So continue to remain silent, because Qi Ping knows how wrong it is to say too much now, and it is better to just listen honestly.Lele is definitely not at fault for this matter, because Lele is still young and ignorant.But as a father in his early 30s, he is still so ignorant, so Qi Ping should be criticized and blamed.

Qi Ping felt a little stuffy, and he felt that he had some grievances; this was the truth, because he was always being cheated and kept being cheated.He has jumped into a bottomless pit now, and this bottomless pit was specially prepared for him by his children.

On the avenue of cheating, the children have already begun to run wildly; these little things were cheating in various ways when they were young, but overall they are good, because they are still too young, so the attainments of cheating are relatively average.But now that he has grown up slowly, his ability is getting stronger and stronger, and his ability to cheat is also good.

This is really dumbfounding, it makes people feel very real and helpless.These little guys are very capable, and what they seem to like most now is playing games, and the rest of the time is probably spent on all kinds of cheating.

There are so many naughty children, so just accept it calmly; obviously Qi Ping knows that although his children are a little cheating, they are more naughty and cute.Besides, these cheating is actually because the children are not sensible enough, they don't really want to cheat.

Keep listening, anyway, Qiping has been nagged by his mother and scolded since he was a child.In fact, this incident will not have any impact on Qi Ping, just listen to it, and by the way, nod from time to time to show that he knows his mistake, that's about the same.Just be thick-skinned, even if you sometimes feel your face is burning hot, but outsiders don't seem to think that Qi Ping will blush, because he is too thick-skinned.

Now these are just the beginning, and the matter of being tricked by the cute children is even just the beginning, because he knows that there will be too many things to be tricked in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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