America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 415 The Joint Trial Comes

Chapter 415 The Joint Trial Comes
Qi Ping was tricked again, into a bottomless pit by his child.

Except that Lele went to fly the plane to stimulate the family, and Youyou learned some glib words from Zhu Yingtai; as for Xiaoyao, this kid has learned a lot of hobbies but is not good at anything, following him. This is enough to make Qiping feel the pit.

"Tiantian, sweetheart, you are the cutest." Seeing the baby girl spitting bubbles, Qi Ping just thought the little girl was very cute, "Daddy likes you the most, you will not let Daddy at all now Embarrassed."

"Lies! There are many lies!" Little Sweetheart hadn't said anything before Liang Shanbo, who was standing on Qiping's shoulders, spoke.

"It's not a good boy to tell a lie!" Zhu Yingtai also spoke, making people laugh bitterly, "You've been exposed, you're finished!"

Qi Ping is dumbfounded now, he really doesn't know what to say now; the two bastards Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are really heartbreaking, they are all kinds of troubles and pitfalls.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are really being guarded against now. They chatter all day long, often with glib words coming out of their mouths.These two grandchildren really made Qi Ping miserable; they are now being guarded by the family, for fear that they will teach the children badly.

Qi Weihui and Yu Lan are like this, sometimes they are really worried; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are really cute, sometimes they also like to chat with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, although sometimes the chat is a bit ambiguous.But they are also worried, worried that the children Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai will teach will be glib or classic Chinese and English curses.

So now, once Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai swear in front of the children, they will definitely be criticized and educated by Qi Weihui and Yu Lan.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are getting smarter and smarter now, they tend to think a little bit when they speak in front of the children, and they still need to pay attention to the way they speak.

It's all fun, but Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have become smarter and smarter, and now they are flush with their mouths as if they have no handles. It's a trivial matter to talk glibly. Yes, maybe it's just endless cursing or something.

As for when facing the children, it is still allowed to chat when it is time to chat, and it is allowed to speak some glib words.It's just that you greet the other woman directly or some English that starts with F and classic Chinese cursing, which you can't say in front of children.Otherwise, they will also be scolded, which is not worthwhile.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who were standing on Qiping's shoulders, chatted endlessly, making the little sweetheart very happy; the little girl has grown up a lot now, and the little girl has begun to like gossip and the like.Every time I see Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, I am very happy. I even need to see Romeo and Juliet standing next to her little cradle when I sleep.

The little girl is indeed too young to speak now, but she might just make two simple sounds to try to chat with Liang Shanbo and the others.As for being ignored by Liang Shanbo and the others, Little Sweetheart didn't care at all.

When I wandered back home, the first thing I thought of was to hand over my precious little girl to her mother; this little girl is not easy to take care of, and she will quite torment her father, so that I can live a more comfortable life in the future, so I don't want to let this little girl It's better to trouble yourself and continue to torment yourself.

"Sweetheart is tired, I just took her away for a long time. I love taking her for a walk, just like when I was with you, I found the feeling of first love. You are my best Love, my everything."

Well, although it was a bit exaggerated and gross, Qi Ping didn't blush at all; when he got home, of course he needed Kate to hug this naughty little one.This is a little girl who can't stay at home, she just wants to go out to play every day.

"My love, my love." Kate smiled sweetly, but soon her face changed; Liang Shanbo began to shout at the top of her throat, the sharp voice was harsh, and the most important thing was that it didn't care about it at all. It feels ironic, "You're all my favorite, my everything!"

Conscience of heaven and earth, Qi Ping's face really changed instantly now, he can't wait to throw Liang Shanbo into the mountains now.Big Brother treats you so well, but in the end you are just getting into various pitfalls here, right?

"My love is still there." Zhu Yingtai wanted to sing again, Stefanie Sun's "My Love".It's just that Qi Ping had quick eyes and quick hands, and decisively grabbed the naughty bag off his shoulder and interrupted it.

"Lady, lady! Catch the rogue, catch the rogue!"

After thinking about it, it's better not to be obsessed with getting into this den of right and wrong; let Zhu Yingtai go decisively, and drive away the annoying Liang Shanbo.They have become hooligans, and this treatment is unbearable; the most important thing is that if you fight with them, there will be no good end, they are crazy, and if you fight with them, they will not get tired of playing these games.

It would be more in line with Qi Ping's appetite to go back to the study to clean his gun or make a cup of tea. If he continues to go crazy with these worry-free things, he will definitely be angry and have high blood pressure.

"My love is still there, only when I turned around did I realize it"

Running away resolutely, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's chorus began; Qi Ping is now starting to regret that the few good songs of his favorite female singer were completely ruined by these two hateful parrots.It's okay to be tone-deaf and harsh, but the most important thing is that they don't have any shame, and they especially like to sing in public!

It is called out of sight, out of mind, out of ear and heart in peace; after spending a long time with these little bastards, Qi Ping has already developed a very good resistance, and now he already knows how to get along with them .If everything was serious, then I might have suffered from various types of high blood pressure and heart disease. They definitely have the ability to drive people crazy.

Nesting in the study room, there are a lot of rifles, shotguns, and pistols. Qi Ping is also slowly cleaning and maintaining these precious guns; these guns are not actually maintained every day, but they can’t be ignored all the time. of.

"Dad, are you busy?" The door of the study was pushed open, and a beautiful girl with pink and tender ran in, "Dad, you are playing with guns again. This is not good at all. Grandma doesn't like you to buy guns." It's very unfriendly."

"A gun is just a tool. It doesn't matter whether you are friendly or not. It depends on whether the person holding the gun is friendly or not. Just like the tanks of my brother and younger brother, the tank is just a toy; if they drive the tank to bully a little bit, then You can’t blame Tank for being bad, but your older brother and younger brother are little villains. If they drive Tank to play games with Diandian, it’s not because Tank is a good boy, but because Xiaoyao and Lele are good kids, they I love playing games with my mates."

Holding the precious daughter on his lap, Qi Ping began to explain some things to the little girl seriously; the children are not very sensible now, so education is indispensable at ordinary times.Simple and rude preaching is not necessarily the best, and Qi Ping doesn't like such a blunt education method; he prefers entertaining and entertaining, and he prefers to find some educational methods with his children in life.

"Okay, I see. But Dad, we need you in the game now. We need you to be honest, brave, and you can't tell lies, so that you don't lose your good character and make us sad."

Seeing the baby girl closing the safe swiftly, and listening to the baby girl's words, Qi Ping subconsciously felt that he had some sense of 'imminent disaster'.This is not an illusion, but a talk of experience over the years; always being tricked and troubled, no matter how careless he is, he will have some experience, not to mention that Qi Ping has never been stupid.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that he wanted to escape, and he wanted to find a better way to escape from this whirlpool.Obviously, this matter is not so easy to solve. It is obvious that if Biao Huhu agrees now, he may be asking for trouble.

It's just that it seems a bit stressful now, and it's one thing not to have a good excuse; and the little girl has come running here, and it's not an easy thing to slip away halfway.

Qi Ping started a brain storm, although he still doesn't know what will happen next, but think back to what he did during this time, and then think about what makes the children feel psychologically unbalanced place.

After thinking about it carefully, it is absolutely no problem; now Qi Ping is confident, although it may be a bit tricky, but Qi Ping can guarantee that he can escape safely.Maybe it's because the children have some little troubles and doubts in the process of growing up, and now they need some advice and guidance from the most trusted father.

Kissed the baby girl and held the little hand of the baby girl; the confident Qiping was ready to be the children's mentor, he felt that he could bring more help to the children, and he could explain the children's doubts.

Not to mention, this matter must be done; as for the feeling of unreliability before, it was just because I was a little suspicious at times, and I was about to catch up with Cao Mengde.This bad habit cannot continue, it must be changed!

Qi Ping walked out of the study room full of confidence. He felt that he was still strong and safe; but at the moment he just walked out of the study room, he saw the scary lineup and posture in the living room.It is no exaggeration to say that his legs are weak; if it is not for the support of his precious daughter, Qi Ping might have to sit on the ground.

This is going to take several trials, the most important thing is whether you can slip now!
(End of this chapter)

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