America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 416 Who Do You Love?

Chapter 416 Who Do You Love?

It's hard not to be weak-legged, but it's really because the "luxury" lineup in the living room is scary; it's really such an aura that it's a bit like Kaifeng Mansion, and now it's waiting for the "criminals" to be in place to start the trial.

Qi Ping knew that his sharp intuition was correct before, but he was a little deceiving himself and didn't pay enough attention to it.The current result has become a big problem. Because of insufficient attention and insufficient preparation, it may be in a relatively dangerous situation.

On the carpet, Xiaoyao and Lele leaned on the belly of Pooh and Baby Bear lying on the ground; this is the habit of the children at home, they prefer to sit on the carpet rather than the sofa.What they prefer is to lean on Pooh's bellies, the chubby is very comfortable and they can play games together.

As for King Kong, who was originally sitting on the ground saw Yoyo coming, so he patted the carpet beside him, inviting Yoyo to sit together.At that time, you can hang Yoyo's shoulders, and you can chat and play with your fingers together.

Qi Ping is under a lot of pressure, not just because the children are there; he is not treated like Shaoyue, and he often sits with the children, chatting and playing games.The key is to see Kate. Kate, who is holding a little sweetheart, looks like she is gloating. She looks like she is watching a big show.

"Who do you love! Who do you love! Who do you love!"

"My love is still there, who are you in love with!"

Perhaps seeing Qi Ping coming, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who were standing quietly on the sofa, began to shout at the top of their voices. Maybe they thought they were singing, but it was really possible Lyrics are strung together and not in tune at all.Using the scene of a car accident to describe them is a compliment, and they shouldn't be thinking about singing.

Qi Ping was trembling, because now it seemed that everything was developing in a direction that was not good for him.And I have to admit that, following Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's wailing and howling, and then seeing my mother come out with a juice drink, it looked like she was moving a bench to start selling melon seeds in the front row to watch a show.

"I'm the cutest, I'm the cutest!"

"Daddy loves me, I love Daddy!"

Romeo and Juliet also started to shout, these two good children are still very good, compared to their unsatisfactory parents, these two little guys are civilized and polite children.They like to chat and play games with Xiaoyao and the others. Although they can't talk as much as Liangshanpo and the others, don't worry about them teaching the children badly.

Although he was a little nervous now, Qi Ping pretended to be calm and sat down.Maybe it's because I'm too suspicious, maybe it just looks scary, but in fact there is no problem at all.

"Dad, do you love me the most?"

Qi Ping had just sat down, and Lele, who was lying on the baby bear, sat up quickly, squeezed directly into Qi Ping's arms, and asked with a small face full of expectation.

"Of course, of course I love our Lele the most. Lele is so cute and so sensible." Qi Ping kissed his youngest son's fleshy face, facing his family, Qi Ping would not hide his love.

"But Dad also said that he loves Yoyo the most, Yoyo is your sweetheart." Yoyo was dissatisfied, the little girl just sat in King Kong's arms, and immediately got up and ran into Dad's arms.

"No, I'm dad's favorite. Dad always says he loves me the most." Although Xiaoyao doesn't like to express his feelings for his dad sometimes, it's obvious that he's a little excited now.

Qi Ping's head became dizzy in an instant, and now he finally knows what makes people feel uneasy, and now he finally understands something.The slightest uneasiness before has become a reality, and Qi Ping can know that this is a huge trouble, and even if he can't handle it well, it may be difficult to climb out of these pits.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Qi Ping feels that the palms and backs of the children are fleshy, and there is no such thing as partiality.As for the treatment of children, there may be some differences. This is because there are differences in boys and girls, as well as in age; this is relatively normal, and there is no such thing as partiality, or which one you prefer, or which one you only like.

Qi Ping can guarantee that he is not partial, but it doesn't mean that the children will think so.Although Qi Ping thinks that he is fair to the children and so on, it seems that the little ones may sometimes feel that their father is a little partial, and they may be a little psychologically unbalanced.

"Sweetheart is my favorite, first love!"

Unwilling to be lonely, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai shouted, they went home with Qiping, and they heard Qiping's words.So now I definitely have to express my opinion. Although Tiantian is still young, but at this time, we must not forget the cute little sweetheart. We must let the children know the existence of the little sweetheart. They heard Qi Ping say that the favorite is the little sweetheart. , since it is my favorite, I have to say it.

Kate couldn't help but burst out laughing, and even the parents who were watching the play laughed out too; let's cooperate with Tiantian who said "oh oh oh" what others don't understand, so In addition to Qi Ping's tangled face, there is only hilarious laughter left.

"Father, there can only be one favorite, you can't lie!" Yoyo seemed aggrieved and angry about her father's 'Fashion', "You can only love one, you can't say it's your favorite , this is not fair at all!"

Xiaoyao and Lele are also excited. These two brats don't want to help Dad solve it now, but they still make trouble there.Even Liangshanbo and the others are not worrying at all. They are still shouting slogans such as 'favorite' there.
He opened his mouth, but now he didn't know what to say; although the three little guys were kissing and kissing Qi Ping's face one by one, it was just that Qi Ping couldn't laugh at all at this time.The closer the children are, the more pressure Qi Ping will feel. This matter is not easy. If it is not handled well, not only the children are unhappy, but it is very likely that they will never be able to climb out of this pit. The children fell in front of the 'excuse'.

"Yuyou, you are Dad's favorite. You and your sister are Dad's favorite daughters, and your elder brother and younger brother are Dad's favorite sons. You are all Dad's children, so Dad loves you the most." Qi Ping Holding the precious daughter, the little girl is the type who prefers to be coquettish, and it is not easy to agree with her.

"But there can only be one favorite, you can't love me and love your brother and brother, you have to love your sister the most. This is not fair at all, you are having fun!" Yoyo continued to worry about these things, she Now we must figure out something, that is, who is Dad's favorite.

Although Xiaoyao pretended not to be particularly concerned, he still lay on Pooh's thick back, scratching Pooh's itch while paying attention to what his father said.As for Lele, it's even simpler. The little guy is now squeezed into his father's arms, pouting his mouth and asking his father to kiss him again and again.

This answer is really not easy or simple at all; this answer, now it seems that no matter what the answer is, it is the wrong type.Because kids now just want to know is 'the favorite one', not tied favorites.I don't know where the children came up with these little ideas, but they even know the saying that there can only be one favorite.

"Lele, have you asked mom, who is mom's favorite?" Seeing Kate sniggering and gloating, Qi Ping instantly became unbalanced; It's a deep pit, and it's fine if Kate doesn't help him, but she's still gloating, that's not okay.

The husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes; this kind of thing cannot happen in Lao Qi's house, and now facing these questions from the children, it is a disaster for Qi Ping.So at this time, there is really a problem that needs to be considered. He wants to bring Kate in, so that the husband and wife will face and solve this difficulty together.

"Mom said she loves me and my elder brother, my elder sister and my younger sister the most. I agreed, we all agreed, and my mother loves us the most!" Lele rushed to answer. Hearing Lele's words, Qi Ping was really almost pissed off. vomiting blood.

Kate raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and at the same time gave Qi Ping a hard look; she managed to get out of this huge vortex, if she was pulled into it again, it would be really too much. It's hard to answer.This matter must be separated from Qiping, otherwise there will be great trouble.

Qi Ping really didn't understand why this matter was so unusual, it was treated differently from the very beginning.Why Kate can love four children at the same time, but not with him; the most important thing is that the performance of the children is not right, they seem to have promised their mother that they can love four children the most.

"Our home used to be in my mother's belly. We are the same as my mother. We are the fleshy meat of my mother. But my father is different. My father didn't have a baby. My mother's belly is very big, so she loves us. , Dad's stomach is very small, so he can't love us."

Xiaoyao is talking nonsense, this is obviously the heresy taught by Kate; this is good, they used to live in mother's belly, so mother can love the four of them at the same time.But when it comes to father, the children can't understand that mother can't have children by herself, and he can't talk about some messy things so early.

(End of this chapter)

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