Chapter 418

Don't think that Qi Ping has made some decisions just by moving his mouth or his forehead, just like he wants to create a rare animal protection and breeding base in a wildlife sanctuary, but in fact it can be regarded as after a long period of time. After some consideration, this is definitely not a purely impulsive choice.

Obviously, King Kong has grown up slowly, and now he needs to prepare for a blind date, and he also needs to consider marrying a wife and having children.It's just that this matter also includes some situations such as Qiping creating more profit points for this wildlife sanctuary.

Luo Yi and Steve are not stupid, they both know how to create a rare animal sanctuary as a gimmick, which will indeed be more attractive.As for investors and the like, I believe they will also be happy to see more gimmicks here, because this represents potential and gold-absorbing power.

"Dad, can I have a big whale? I like big whales, and I also like sharks." Xiaoyao came over again, pretending to be a little assistant, a little think tank, "I also want a big dinosaur, and Zhu Bajie .”

"Xiaoyao, we can't raise big whales here, big whales and sharks are too big. And big dinosaurs don't exist anymore, we can't find it at all." My brain hurts, I shouldn't have asked children questions in the first place, Asking them what kind of animals they like is asking for trouble.

"But we have Muse Lake, we can let big whales play games in Muse Lake. I have been to the aquarium, and the swimming pool of the big whales there is not as big as Muse Lake. They can jump out, and they like to take pictures. Water, I also like to play with water."

Dumbfounded, he sorted out the information left by the fat son; it was obvious that Xiaoyao was talking about the Ocean Park in San Diego, and the so-called big whale he called was actually a killer whale, and it could be considered a whale.

It's just that this kid is stupid and bold at first glance. Do you have killer whales in Muse Lake?The little salmon and perch in our family are not enough for it to fit between its teeth. When the time comes to swallow the big whites, you will be very sad.Raising orcas is by no means an easy task.Besides, even if we can buy it, we won’t keep it. Muse Lake is a freshwater lake!

The fat boy has a rich imagination and is very innocent and cute; it's just that Qi Ping has to stifle the imagination of the fat boy. Although he has always encouraged children to be more imaginative, he can't be so unrealistic.

It's better to be cruel and let the fat son know that some things cannot be realized according to his imagination.Sometimes you need to consider the actual situation and ability. Although you can have more innocent ideas when you are young, you can't just live in your own fairy tale world all the time. This is unrealistic.

Xiaoyao pouted and seemed a little unhappy, but he wasn't the type who couldn't listen to what he said. The little guy still listened to his father and knew that big whales couldn't be kept in Muse Lake.So this kid is honest now, and he is no longer talking about playing games with big whales.He was even a little worried, because he didn't want his friends Dabai and Xiaobai to be hurt.

"Dad, I like King Kong the most. But King Kong is going on a date. Will he not like me? I also agreed with him that we will go to the mountains to catch ants on weekends, and we will go to pick fruits together. If it keeps dating in the future, it just ignores me."

Lele seemed a little worried. The little guy was now worried that King Kong would ignore him in the future.This matter is really important. This kid has been playing games with King Kong since he was a child, and his friendship is solid.

This matter is not without precedent, and Lele may have some impressions of emphasizing sex over friends.For example, Pooh used to go out to play games with his wife, and appeared under the eyes of the children for a short period of time at the end of the day.

These things really hurt the children a little. When they were young, they messed around with Pooh and King Kong all day long, and they were almost inseparable.But when Pooh wanted to marry a wife, have children, and go on a date, it was difficult for the children to catch Pooh for a while, and they even called Pooh, but it would still run away, and it was only thinking about Jenny during that time.

"Donkey Kong has grown up, it needs to start dating. Everyone will date when they grow up, but that doesn't mean they have to leave their family and friends. You will still play games with King Kong in the future, it I would like to go to the mountains with you to catch insects and pick fruits."

He touched the little head of the youngest son, and hugged the chubby kid on his lap.Now I need to explain some things to this kid. The little guy is still too young, and their world is just playing games, playing games, and playing games constantly.For things like dating, children even feel more resistant, because it will make their good playmates leave them, and they will lose good friends.

"But I still don't like King Kong going on a date. After Pooh and Jenny dated, he stopped playing games with me. Now Pooh is going on a date with Jenny again, and he will ignore me for a long time. I'm angry, but Pooh doesn't Just ignore me. I'm going to find Pooh to go home with King Kong, but Jenny doesn't like to go home and play games."

The youngest son sighed, looking a little depressed and hurt; the little guy likes to make friends, he is the type of brother from all corners of the world, as long as he can play together, he is definitely a good buddy.Even if this kid is sent to kindergarten now, but according to this kid's personality, he is playing games and playing games constantly.

Although the little guy is very cute and lively, some little girls prefer to play games with Lele.It's just that Lele is different. He only likes to play games with his sister, because her sister is very good.As for the other little girls, Lele doesn't like them; those little girls can't ride a bear or a horse, and they are all timid, so they don't like Lele.

What Lele likes is to play baseball and play with toys with many children. It's not a girl's doll. That's not what he likes. He's a boy. According to the current development model, he is probably a straight male cancer.

Fortunately, this kid is still young. His current world is playing games, so he doesn't know much about other things. He still doesn't know that dating a little girl is very interesting.

Finally, I reached a consensus with my younger son on some things, that is, he will not stop other people from dating; in fact, the most effective and convincing thing in this matter is because of the little bear.This is what makes Lele start to be happy, because only after the date will there be babies; there will be baby bears, baby orangutans.

Even this kid is self-taught, he knows that his younger sister was born after his father and mother dated, and even his elder brother, sister and him are only born after his father and mother dated.

This is good news, anyway, it relieves Qi Ping a lot.It's all right now, the brat won't make trouble anymore, and the brat won't continue to worry about this matter now.Even the little guy began to look forward to it, looking forward to his father quickly finding more elephants to come back. He likes the cute long-nosed elephant the most, and now he also likes to make good friends with elephants.

The daughters are the most worry-free, now Yoyo is starting to learn from the little lady again, she has to learn to draw and watch cartoons, she doesn't have so much time to go crazy now.And Yoyo has great confidence in her father, she knows that his father can handle these things well.

Tiantian is actually quite worry-free, the little girl is babbling now and doesn't know what she is talking about; the little girl is the type who can't calm down at all, although she is still drinking milk, but the happy little sweetheart is still She will sneak a few words with her father in her busy schedule. One of her favorite things now is to find people to chat with.From Liang Shanbo, Romeo to Mom and Dad, of course King Kong or Red Nose are also indispensable, as long as she thinks she can talk.

There's really nothing that can be done about this little chatterbox.But this is also good, this caring little padded jacket will definitely like to chat with Dad more in the future, so Dad doesn't need to worry about being left out at home.

"I think it will be difficult to bring in some elephants, I know you have a lot of energy and connections now. And I need to remind you that there can be elephants, but I hope they are cute baby elephants, so There will be no aggressiveness. No hippos, no rhinos, they are cute but too dangerous."

Kate hugged her little daughter and chatted with Qiping by the way; she knew very well that her unreliable husband was very unreliable sometimes.Although she is very clear that the elephants and chimpanzees introduced this time cannot live at home like King Kong and Pooh, but it is not certain that Qiping will take the children to play games with these cute little animals all day .

"I guarantee that there will be no rhinos, hippos, lions or tigers. In fact, I think you may have worried a lot. You should be very clear that not every creature is suitable for living in forest farms. Although our wild animals The foundations of the sanctuary are pretty good, but hippos certainly don't fit in here, and things like crocodiles don't fit in here either."

After thinking about it, I still don't want to grab food with the baby girl in public, otherwise the little girl will definitely smack her mouth, so I'd better go back to the bedroom and talk about it.The most important thing is not to make Kate worry too much now. She seems to be worried that something will happen to her husband. Such things are actually not uncommon.

Of course, Qi Ping will not make too many unrealistic moths, because he knows very well that this time the wildlife sanctuary needs a little gimmick, but it also needs to be professional and formal.After all, this can be regarded as the industry under his own hands, and he can't just pay for it regardless of the risk and rate of return.

Qi Ping didn't think too much and was particularly complicated, but it was indeed relatively 'low-key'.Now not only he is doing this, but also Luo Yi and Steve are busy with it.

Since it is a gimmick and a future profit point, it means that more money needs to be guaranteed.Now that you all know that my wildlife sanctuary has great potential and has unique and attractive places, so if you want to come in and get a share, you need to pay a little more money, and pay a satisfactory value That's fine.

"What I mean is to do a small trial first. There is no problem if there are more types of animals. This way the stalls will be wider, so there will be a lot more projects, and then we will be able to collect a lot more money." Steve Husband, a profiteer, is quite cheap. He doesn’t need to specialize in a project now, what he needs is more gimmicks and more money, “We are constantly putting out shares, and we can’t do too much in a short time. Effects, no results, it’s better to make some gimmicks.”

"I mean the same thing. Elephants and chimpanzees are all attractive. We don't expect to raise some antelopes and cheetahs here, but it is still very attractive to have giraffes and bison." What Luo Yi means is to spread the booth a little bit more now. This is to set up the framework first, so that there will be no loss. "We just need more gimmicks and more projects now. As for investors and the like There is no need to worry at all, you are the golden signboard."

Qi Ping felt that the pressure was a bit heavy, quite heavy. He felt that he was looking for trouble on his own now. Originally, he was more concerned with finding a wife for King Kong and some playmates for the children.Of course, it would be great if I could make some money, but now it seems that the development of things is getting more and more beyond my expectations, especially after meeting some 'businessmen', and they are still very ambitious businessman.

You just need to nod your head. It’s true that you don’t plan to create an African savannah; but this wildlife sanctuary still needs some special features. It’s true that some animals that are not particularly ferocious but also make ordinary people feel good. Very attractive.

Now we need to think more, what kind of animal species and quantity to introduce, these actually need more consideration.This is not just about money or not. There are really too many ways or connections in it. This requires a lot of professional knowledge and consideration. Anyway, you can't make a decision right away.

Although some projects have been confirmed and there is a lot of ambition, now it is time to enrich and implement; this matter is not that difficult to do, anyway, Qi Ping can be lazy now, he just needs Just read the planning book and the report.

It is better to leave the specific execution to professionals; Qiping has no pressure on this matter, and Qiping has done a lot of things like throwing away the shopkeeper, and he has long been used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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