America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 419 Enjoy Life

Chapter 419 Enjoy Life
"Mr. Qi, this is completely different from the information we obtained earlier." Sid in a suit and leather shoes protested. At this juncture, a moth appeared on Qiping's side, which is not good. "We are very sincere, we want to To have more cooperation with you. But Mr. Qi, we need more respect for each other."

"Sid, I have enough respect for you. We all know something. In business, we all know the attractiveness of this project and its prospects. I welcome your optimism about my forest farm, and I welcome Your investment. It’s just that I can’t wait for your investment to stop the development of my protected area. Maybe some people are optimistic about his prospects, and maybe some of you will doubt it. It’s okay, because we all know that investment is risky."

After taking a sip of the coffee, I felt that the taste was really not very good; the freshly ground coffee at home is better, and no matter how bad it is, it is better instant coffee like Dewidgwood or Didley.

It's just that in a conference room, especially someone else's conference room, it's better not to make so many requests.In fact, it is also because my own taste is very tricky. In the past, the instant coffee that cost about one yuan a bag was not bad, but now I really feel unaccustomed to ordinary coffee. Who told him to drink coffee during this time? Every top coffee yet.

Sid was indeed very angry, it was all audited and investigated, but Qi Ping suddenly brought out a lot of demon moths.This is great, everything is almost ready, and a lot of new projects suddenly popped up on Qi Ping's side, which is not authentic.

Indeed, West Germany is very optimistic about Qiping, and he also knows that some of Qiping's investments will definitely be successful. This may only be the length of time or the size of the rate of return.It just happened at the juncture when the investment was about to be made. Isn't this just to pay more money? Isn't it just to increase the amount of investment here.

"Today, those investors are very angry. George and Royce are still saying that they are lucky, and they have decisively invested in the money. But they also reminded them in a subtle way, even if we want to engage in some projects , and we can’t just give them a notice, we still need to discuss it with them.” After taking a sip of red wine, Luo Yi said triumphantly.

Unspoken, Qi Ping and Steve also laughed; this matter seems to be that they are a little careless and unreasonable, and others are already preparing to invest, but you suddenly popped up A project with great potential, isn't it just for the sake of 'increasing the price'.

The three unscrupulous profiteers were sitting in the restaurant, drinking red wine and eating steak, and they felt pretty good.Especially because they are 'calculating' others, which is full of sense of accomplishment.How much money does this make? This has already made some investors angry and loving. It's just that those investors may be a little unhappy and annoyed, but they are more helpless.

As for this kind of "starting from the ground", it seems that it is not particular, but Qi Ping and the others know better that the more frivolous you are, the less particular you are, and the more "urgent" those investors are actually.Everyone is an animal of interest, and what they are focusing on now is their own interests, and now they are also considering their own long-term interests.

Qi Ping and the others are indeed not particular, but business people sometimes just need to be careless, and the interests are the focus of their concern.Is there anything illegal about this? What should be done is still to be done. It is a matter of whether there are more steel coins in the pocket.

Anyway, Qi Ping and the others have made up their minds. Investors who are willing to pay more will accept this arrangement honestly; The original hesitation to pay more was due to personal matters.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Now the Wildlife Sanctuary is controlled by these three iron buddies, so now they may be able to say that they can come here however they want.But then there will be more and more shareholders. Perhaps Qi Ping and the others will hold the vast majority of the shares, but if they want to do something in the future, they still need to consider the emotions of these shareholders. It's unrealistic to do whatever you want.

This may be the last madness, but these last madness still have some benefits, at least it will bring a lot of money to everyone's pockets.Because those investors know something, as long as there are no demon moths in Qiping, and as long as the environmental quality of the wildlife reserve does not change, then this is a profitable business.

And these investors also know some things, for example, they all know that Qi Ping had some conflicts with some people before.For example, Qi Ping was very stubborn in the past. What he wanted was the original ecology such as "original flavor". He was very resistant to those rare animals, although such a project seemed more attractive.

But now, Qi Ping let go, and even took the initiative to do these projects.Then this is a good thing, although it will pay a relatively high price for those investors.It's just that what they value is the prospect of the wildlife sanctuary, and they know that if they don't pay some price, it must be difficult to get a reward.

Nonsense, who said it was nonsense, this is a completely profitable project, this is a promising investment project.So now it is better to make more money, investigate more, and invest more, so that it is in everyone's interest.

"Dad, I like this rocking car." When I got home, I saw Lele happily playing with the rocking car, "My sister is too young to ride on the rocking car, and my mother doesn't allow me to hug her of."

"My sister is really too young now, and there is no way to play the rocking car now. You can play the rocking car by yourself now, and you can take her to play games with her when she grows up."

Qi Ping was happy. He prepared a lot of amusement facilities for the children. Although there are still many game projects and game equipment that have not been debugged, some simple equipment have been completed.For example, this rocking car is directly transported back, plugged in and basically ready to play.

This is the time for some of the more common rocking cars, cartoon shapes, and a simple nursery rhyme, that is, when a dollar coin is inserted, it is shaken back and forth.In fact, this kind of rocking car is very fun for children. Xiaoyao and Yoyo are relatively large, so they don’t have to rely on the rocking car every day.

But Lele is different, this kid just stays in the rocking car all day now, and won't get off the car unless he plays for a few 10 minutes every day.It's just that Qi Ping knows that this kid is probably just trying to get something new, and after a few days he gets tired of playing with the rocking car, then he won't be stuck in the car all day like he is now.

"Sweetheart, my little baby!" He picked up the baby girl from the cradle, and drove away the talkative Romeo by the way, this is to chat with the little sweetheart, "Do you miss daddy, daddy misses you very much gone."

The little girl is very happy, she has already known to recognize people; grandparents, parents, and brothers and sisters, all of which must be known.Moreover, King Kong and Pooh are good friends of Little Sweetheart, so they must know each other.As for Romeo and Juliet, the little girl is going to see them when she opens her eyes, and they are going to talk and chat together, although basically everyone talks about their own things and everyone doesn't understand.

The baby girl showed a sweet smile. Seeing the little guy's chubby face, Qi Ping naturally kissed him several times.As for the little guy who doesn't know how to speak yet, it doesn't matter, Qi Ping can still hold the little girl and chat for a long time without feeling bored at all. He likes children.

"How is it? I heard that many investors are protesting, saying that our project is unreasonable and that there are not many prospects." Kate came out in home clothes, and it was fine with her face in the sky. , and a little disheveled, holding a mango and gnawing on it. “If they were to divest, I think you might be very happy. But you might also be heartbroken, because then you would make less money, and no one else would pay for your investments.”

"I wish they would withdraw their capital so that I can continue to eat alone. These people are smart. Although it is a protest or something, it is just a means, and they want to lower the price. I don't worry about these investments. Don't pay for me." The triumphant Qi Ping is not joking, he does have the capital for others to pay for him now.

The young couple were chatting, and they were planning to trick those investors; of course, they were very happy to spend other people's money to do what they liked.

However, this cannot be said to be unrestrained. After all, Qi Ping is still the biggest funder of the Wildlife Sanctuary, and a large part of the money he spends now is his own.Qi Ping doesn't want to waste money, and he doesn't like to do some loss-making businesses.

The mood is very good, the mood is happy, and the result is to make people feel happy and satisfied.The children are lively and lovely, and they are successful in their careers. Of course, the love of the husband and wife and the harmony of the family are indispensable.This kind of life really makes people feel very nourished and enjoyable, and even wears down people's will.

That's what Qi Ping thinks, although he knows that he is easy to be content and happy without too much aggressiveness.However, he still feels that he has made a lot of money now, and now he doesn't need to worry about the pressure of life, so it really makes people feel that he can not pursue too much.

Not too many pursuits, which is actually a good thing, enjoying my current life, which is actually quite exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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